
Let's Read the Tao Te Ching

The Thulska Nik’ki are The Holy Books of Thulien Zo’ra. (Sort of like our Bible). Someday, the Si’fan will meet to decide the final content of Thulska Nik’ki. It is the way of religion. It happened with Buddhism and Christianity, and probably every religion that creates a manual or handbook for its adherents to follow. Some writings will be lost, some embellished, and others created. This is natural.

For now, Thulien Zo’ra is using the following three books (which we call: The Three Books) as the basis for its spirituality:

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu

The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

These can be found online as pdf files or at your local library.

As with any classic, there are many different translations of these works. Thulien Zo’ra encourages its Enheten to read as many of the translations as possible, and thereby better grasp the essence of the teachings.

How exciting to read the Thulska Nik'ki before it is finally edited to become the official "Word" of God. God cannot be fooled. He knows the works of men are all BOLLIX. And we should too, but we forget. Then some pin-head comes along and tells us that this was written by God himself. We don't say anything because in a way it is true. God works in mysterious ways.

So, here's the deal: Gather together as many translations as you can and read them as meditations. I shit you not, it will change your life. But in a way you do not expect. Here are a couple of places where you can get started:

Taoism Virtual Library: Tao Te Ching - http://www.vl-site.org/taoism/ttc-list.html

The Tao Te Ching: A Modern Interpretation - http://www.vl-site.org/taoism/ttc-list.html

Have fun - be safe.

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