

There are pieces of the puzzle that are unseen...
But it is probably just as well.
So we build the shell, or, like Lenin calls it, the "Frame-work",
The white framed sunglasses replace the swastika armband,
We shall have our own image to uphold;

Black polo shirt, cargo pants, and German sneakers,
Our tourches are sparklers...
Banners abound at the car lot,
"EsLi" is the chant,
Get some customized Sunday school pins...
We're getting closer;

Reach out and take the hand of the Shadow Realm,
"Its a damn sex cult, Martha."
More like an anti-sex cult,
"How do we evolve into the next stage of human evolution?"
Hmmm, there are no simple answers.
The way to do is to be;

Let us not get lost in semantics...
or give way to sentimentality and romanticism,
(EsLi forbid.)
The Founders...Shamaan all...were casting their runes,
and we are the possibilities,
A prediction of the future...so to speak;

Sew this patch on your uniform: BOLLIX (write this on your uniform).
(The new SS eagle)
or the back of your cap...
rules are made to be expanded,
it's how they live;

It's all about "Memes",
The idea that we are evolving is the first step,
Then there is the Universe... and the idea of Harmony,
How many memes can we launch at once?
The number is infinite...

Where have all the warriors gone?
Can they be content playing video games?
How wouldst thou struggle against the foe?
Each struggle is tailored to its own needs,
This one needs more feeling;

Our struggle is against mediocrity...

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