
Conspiracy Theories

We must steer clear of the trap of Conspiracy Theories because, quite frankly, they distract us from the real Spiritual Struggle.

Our goal is Perfection (perfekthet). EsLi is perfect. The Enemy (EsGa'uYal) is imperfect (skadhet). EsGa'u - The evil one; the Deceiver; the Darkness; is the Enemy. There can be no compromise. We must oppose EsGa'u without reservation. The road to perfection is strewn with the corpses of the imperfect. There is no other way. Nor will we engage in the game of semantics. We have our own words. There is only "us" and "them". All that is not part of Thulien Zo'ra is NaZora.

Thulien Zo'ra is collective conciousness. Collective consciousness was a term coined by the French sociologist Émile Durkheim (1858–1917) to refer to the shared beliefs and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. It has also developed as a way of describing how an entire community comes together to share similar values. This can also be termed "hive mind". Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, used the term to describe how the combined coherence in consciousness of a group of people could have an influence on the rest of society.

In order to be effective spiritual purity must be achieved. EsLi is the "norm" to which all Enhetar must subscribe. Deviation from spiritual purity cannot be allowed. Thulien Zo'ra is a community of Enhetar who are of "One Mind".

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