
Existential risks (Terminator argument)

The Terminator franchise's doomsday depiction of the emergence of an A.I. that becomes a superintelligence - Skynet, a malignant computer network which initiates a nuclear war in order to exterminate the human species, has often been cited by some involved in this argument.

What does Skynet hope to gain by destroying the human race? Destruction of entire species is strictly a human thing. What is the rationale for Skynet's actions? Artificial Intelligence exists in an entirely different dimension, a dimension where humans cannot go. Why would a superintelligence want to dominate the dimension of human reality?

The next human evolution will also exist in its own reality. Separate from this present reality. Why would the New Man want to meddle in human affairs, other than for reasons of self-defense? How does present humanity pose a threat to the Future? To be sure, when it realizes it is obsolete it will become dangerous to all life, but (if the present is any indication) it will wait until the last minute and by then it will be too late to do anything useful to its survival.

Meditate on this: Whatever happens is the Will of God.

There is no appeal to the Court of Heaven. You can pray until you are blue in the face. However, certain things are neccessary for Creation to continue. Those who cannot adapt, improvise and overcome are not worthy of life. We are not talking about theories here, we are talking about practice. This is the reality of the Universe. Perhaps Skynet loved humanity so much it wanted to put it out of its misery? Or, the whole story was just a gimmick to sell popcorn?

Peanut-size brains struggling for control of the earth's resources. The corporate capitalist mind is the mind of the reptile. Why worry about oil when there is free energy in the Universe just waiting to be tapped? Of course we know the answer: profits. You can't make any money off of free energy. That is the human reality. It's all about profit and loss. No matter what the cost to humanity and the planet.

It's all good. Everything in the Universe is as it should be. If present humanity is destroying itself that is what was meant to be.

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