
Who Made Who?

Toward a New Conspiracy Theory

I want to explore mental conditioning and mind control... I am tired of waiting for someone to "see the light". Eventually they are all sucked into some lame bullshit and miss the point completely. This ain't no disco or tea party. The guys with the guns are deadly serious. And, what's worse, they are afraid. Never frighten your enemy and back them into a corner or they will kill you. Always let them underestimate you. Let them think that you are harmless and they will take the course of least resistance...

Years ago, there were many political groups that were "onto something", and the government killed them. The more frightened the pillars of the community, and upholders of the status quo, the quicker these groups were destroyed... dispatched to oblivion... the Hand of God having written moves on. Today the situation is different. Everybody wants to watch. They want safety precautions and a kill switch to flip when things start to get out of control. They are perfect subjects for some pin-head dictator... In fact, the American worker no longer has any balls. College girls are the new revolutionaries.

If farmers, workers and college students have become so thoroughly emasculated then the chance for change, or even resistance, is zip. America is doomed. End of story. Ironically, lots of people from all across the spectrum are saying the same thing. "Goodbye America - it was good while it lasted."

Now we have to start planning for a different world.


Partisan Warfare

You Can’t Ride a Donkey Into Outer Space

The vehicle for the transformation of humanity is not the Abrahamic Faith in any of its guises. Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Atheism are not going to be the spiritual dynamo that will give birth to the next stage of human evolution. These doctrines are dedicated to the end of the world and mankind on its knees before the mystical.

Abraham pitched his tent at the Crossroads. Robert Johnson sold his soul to the Devil at the Crossroads. Mankind is at the crossroads. Who will step forward and enlist in the ranks of El Diablo?

“Feel the power of Jesus!”

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son as a sacrifice for the atonement of its sins. Yet there are few, if any, out there who believe in blood sacrifice. What kind of man would lead his son to a makeshift altar in the desert and kill him to appease a god? Moreover, what kind of a god would demand that such a thing be done?

“Can you feel it?”

A religion of intolerance advocated by men who worship money and power.

“You want a hot meal? A shower? A change of clothes? All you got to do is volunteer to win souls for Jesus.”

What does he do with all those souls? Why, he eats them, of course. And, he will eat yours too.

It’s kind of funny, don’t you think, that you persist in the idea that El Diablo buys souls from weak men - men who have no character or backbone. Well, my friend, nothing could be farther from the truth. Go ahead and let Jesus eat your pitiful, underdeveloped soul and see if anybody really cares. As if one “Happy Meal” could make a difference.

“Clap your hands and jump around!”

I’m not mad at you….


Follow the White Rabbit

Unclean Thoughts

What are we, anyway?
The last elements of the Wehrmacht?
I don't think so, not enough training and no discipline.
The Volkssturm or some other rag-tag paramilitary formation?
To what end?
Shall we fight in the rubble and die for a lost cause?
That sounds so romantic...
The problem is we are not romantics.

There is an underground world of idealists and romantics,
who think they can bring back the good old days,
but, that is not going to happen,
the good old days are lost and gone forever,
we are stuck with the world of NOW,
good, bad or indifferent.

Rational thinkers are dying out,
and the imagination runs wild...
until nobody really has a clue what we are supposed to be fighting for,
or what we stand for or what anything really means,
we are frozen in a state of confusion,
until we cannot act or even think,
we have no common goals - only slogans.

If we explore all of the misconceptions,
without emotion,
(For there is no room for emotion - only ice-cold reason,)
We begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel,
And, that is a good thing...
Because without light we cannot see at all.

The goal of Thulien Zo'ra is perfection and harmony with the Universe,
In order to reach our goal we must tread the Golden Path,
We enter this path through the narrow gate of the Aryadahr,
We do not live in the past,
We "Live the Dream" right here in the NOW,
Everything else is BOLLIX.

Maybe we do not have the capability to Live the Dream 100%,
So what?
Rome was not built in a day,
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,
The stream of a new consciousness is flowing,
Leading us to a new reality.

Jump in and see where it takes you...


All the Way Live

The Wandering Mind

Human beings, of all stripes and persuasions, have an obvious defect: the "Wandering Mind". Like a rocket without a guidance system they are easily blown off course and fail to reach their target. Therefore, it becomes necessary to ensure that they are constantly guided and prodded along. This is the purpose of many of the things that we do and say.

We begin by having requirements for our raw material. The prospective member has to have certain qualifications and meet strict standards. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Weakness must be weeded out. If we tolerate weakness in the individual pretty soon the whole community will become weak and decadent. It goes without saying that positions of leadership require even higher standards.

Our goal is Perfection. Assimilation of the desirable and rejection of the undesirable. Focusing on the goal enables us to survive and evolve. Maybe we aren't anywhere near perfect right now? But, we can still move forward toward the distant goal of Perfection. One step at a time - that's how it works.

The would-be Enhetar must be resolute. He must make up his mind to NEVER SURRENDER. He must be tough enough to advance toward the goal he has set for himself. It is an up-hill battle. And, it takes tough men to struggle their way to the top of the hill. Sissies and panty-waists need not apply.

Then, there is the thing that many would-be Enhetar fail to take into account: This is a struggle to the death and our enemies are very real. The Darkness is always waiting to swallow you up and extinguish your Light forever. This is not mere rhetoric it is 100% for real. Don't allow yourself to fall victim to the idea that there is another reality. There is only one reality: either we triumph or humanity faces extinction.

You may think that this corporate capitalist Abrahamic swindle can go on forever. But you would be wrong. It cannot and it will not. And, when the beast is threatened it will stop at nothing to survive a little longer - even if it has to resort to nuclear war or the complete destruction of the planet!

The way to stay on the Path is to Live the Dream 24/7. Focus your mind on the objective and go all out to accomplish your goals. Because, in the final analysis, there is no such thing as a second-place winner. Nor can there be any compromise. It's either death or victory.

And, that's the Truth.


How It Is Done


There are pieces of the puzzle that are unseen...
But it is probably just as well.
So we build the shell, or, like Lenin calls it, the "Frame-work",
The white framed sunglasses replace the swastika armband,
We shall have our own image to uphold;

Black polo shirt, cargo pants, and German sneakers,
Our tourches are sparklers...
Banners abound at the car lot,
"EsLi" is the chant,
Get some customized Sunday school pins...
We're getting closer;

Reach out and take the hand of the Shadow Realm,
"Its a damn sex cult, Martha."
More like an anti-sex cult,
"How do we evolve into the next stage of human evolution?"
Hmmm, there are no simple answers.
The way to do is to be;

Let us not get lost in semantics...
or give way to sentimentality and romanticism,
(EsLi forbid.)
The Founders...Shamaan all...were casting their runes,
and we are the possibilities,
A prediction of the future...so to speak;

Sew this patch on your uniform: BOLLIX (write this on your uniform).
(The new SS eagle)
or the back of your cap...
rules are made to be expanded,
it's how they live;

It's all about "Memes",
The idea that we are evolving is the first step,
Then there is the Universe... and the idea of Harmony,
How many memes can we launch at once?
The number is infinite...

Where have all the warriors gone?
Can they be content playing video games?
How wouldst thou struggle against the foe?
Each struggle is tailored to its own needs,
This one needs more feeling;

Our struggle is against mediocrity...


Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 5

Beyond Human

The Enemy Can't Get Beyond Human Nature

"That's a fact Jack!"

Naturally, he resorts to psychological warfare,
To confound the mind,
To produce fear,
To produce longing,
for what we, ordinarily, cannot attain;

We are evolving,
Working toward perfection,
Like a tendril reaching toward the sun,
But this tendril is part of a network,
Like "Indra's Net";

The collective/community cannot be stopped,
All are of One Mind,
One Faith,
One Spirit,
A Community based on Collective Consciousness...

EsLiHeYar! All Glory to EsLi!
A Perfect God
In a Perfect Universe
Every Enhet should rejoice
And, recite the alphabet in German;

The Memes are loose,
like mad dogs,
they cannot be recalled...
they infect each mind they enter
with a new kind of virus;

Like the Christmas Virus,
Everything is beautiful,
The freshly fallen snow is perfect,
(That word again.)
A festival of Decadence and Gluttony;

Amidst what?
What is the underlying thinking?
Christmas is coming...
Up on the rooftop, click, click, click
Down through the chimney slid Saint Nick;

Go around the Wheel of the Year like this,
Think and ask questions,
Try to discover the Truth,
Everything is more than it seems,
Look around for yourself;

Even the Enemy wants to possess the Truth,
The Darkness wants to encircle the Light,
The Demons will only come for you if you are afraid,
Give them an inch and they'll take a mile,
Or, give them nothing;

The Guild of the Chimney Sweep,
an insidious organization to be sure,
the name even sounds sinister,
What evil lurks in their dark club house...
Bavarian Illuminati, indeed;

Ask a question,
maybe you'll get an answer,
it might not be the answer you were looking for,
"You can't handle the truth!" a voice says.
Hmmm, then what about a lie?

The truth is the chimney is clogged up,
That's not a healthy atmosphere at all,
Quit choking on your own refuse...
"Coal Dust" so to speak,
Either go outside and embrace Nature or call a Chimney Sweep;

The Lie: You cannot afford a Chimney Sweep,
On the contrary...
"Chimney Sweeps are dangerous."
"They steal little children and take them away,"
There is no escaping the lie;

How much of a lie is based on Truth?
Your guess is as good as mine....

Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 4


If We Give Some Thought to Evolution...

If We Give Some Thought to Evolution...

It will become obvious that humanity is evolving. (If you do not believe in evolution you can't play here. Since there is no point in trying to have a logical discussion without first coming to terms.)

Which direction is human evolution taking? Are we evolving or de-evolving?

The question is "Quo Vadis?" (Where are you going?)

Are you stronger or weaker than your ancestors? Are you more intelligent? Sure you can live on Ramen and Gatoraid, you can live in a tiny studio apartment and work a job fit for a slave, but have you built anything lately or had any profound thoughts? Does your hatred keep you warm when it gets cold or do you have to turn on the heater? Do you live in the past, present, or the future? Do you live there alone or with others?

Do you think an evolved form of humanity would be more independent or more dependent on others? What is the place of the community in human evolution? Do we sacrifice ourselves for the common good or should we "go for what we know"? What is the payoff? What do we get for following the rules and trying to live ethically?

Who are our enemies and who are our friends? Which is the wisest course, to make friends or enemies?

When people say "Only the strong survive," what do they mean? The one percent of the population who control the wealth, or those who have put on the armour of God?

In the future, will there be a God? Who's side will he be on?

Should we tamper with evolution, or let it run its natural course?

Should we lead, follow or get out of the way?

If we decide to lead what can we promise those who follow us?

If we decide to follow what is it that we expect?

If we decide to get out of the way what is our purpose?

If we give some thought to evolution it will become obvious that there are forces at work that are beyond our control.

When the New Man comes we will all be obsolete.

Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 3

The Murder of Innocents

Nato is facing urgent questions about the legality of its air strike on a Gaddafi family compound this weekend, which the Libyan government said had killed the leader's second youngest son, 29-year old Saif al-Arab, and three grandchildren under 12. The grandchildren were not named.

The Libyan government spokesman, Moussa Ibrahim, said Muammar Gaddafi and his wife, Safiya, had been in the building at the time, but had escaped injury. He said the aim of the attack was clear: to assassinate the Libyan leader.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is condemning the killing of one of Moammar Gadhafi's sons and three of his grandchildren in a NATO air strike in Libya.

Chavez criticized the United States and NATO for the air strikes, calling the military intervention "madness." He said in a televised speech Saturday night that he believes "the order they've given is to kill Gadhafi."

He said: "I don't know how Europe can support this."

Nato forces are permitted, under UN resolution 1973, passed in March, to use "all necessary measures" to protect civilians from pro-Gaddafi forces, but Nato leaders have repeatedly insisted that directly targeting Gaddafi is not a goal.

What is NATO, anyway?

Basically, puppet forces of the United States. Originally created to defend Europe against aggression, NATO has become the aggressor.

"Hey, let's go bomb some Arabs and take their oil," says the United States.

"Yes Master," says NATO.

That's how Europe can support this.

Centuries of fighting against each other and decades of kissing American ass has emasculated Europe. The only cure is to bring in more foreigners to screw their women and maybe in a hundred years or so they'll be able to grow some balls. But, in a hundred years they won't have any more oil for their military machines and China will be running the world.

It's "poetic justice."


Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 2

Common Interests

Can we be united by common interests?

Do we want to be united on the basis of common interests?

I can't picture forming a united front with Aliens. It just doesn't feel right. Its the kind of maneuver used by Corporate Capitalism to achieve short-term goals. A shady practice indeed. It says, "We are all basically the same, and are after the same things: comfort, ease, and lower prices." But, it also begs the question: "Are we all the same?"

The answer, of course, is a resounding "NO!"

You NaZora are all the same, but, at the same time, you are different from the Enhetar of Thulien Zora.

How are we different from you?

First of all, we reject your values, beliefs and basic assumptions about life. You are greedy, selfish, egotistical, cowardly and stupid. Your thoughts are formed by using a completely alien and illogical process. When challenged you claim to be inspired by "God". Whereupon all your kinsmen nod and smugly say, "Amen." What nonsense!

The most intelligent among you is a fool. Your vaunted "Western Civilization" is on the brink of collapse. And, good riddance, for otherwise the environment would surely be destroyed. You chant the mantra of the "bottom line" like it has some esoteric meaning... But, what good is money without a planet to dwell on? Will you float around the universe clutching your wealth while praising the virtues of "individuality" and "freedom" to no one in particular? And, for how long?

Your wealth has no value. Yet, you have sold your soul to acquire it. That is the real "bottom line". You are a dangerous fool who attacks what he cannot comprehend and who destroys everything in his path out of stupidity. You are a mental cripple and a spiritual dwarf.

What interests do we have in common?


Dark Fellowships: The Nazi Cult, Part 1

Which is worse: Stupidity or Cowardice?

Osama bin Laden is dead: ding dong the wicked old witch is dead!
Who was he? Was he a real person or a Character played by Johnnie Depp?
The evil architect of 9/11...
But, everybody is saying that it was the CIA,
Or the Israelis (or both) - engaged in a plot to take our rights away.

There are no weapons of mass destruction.
The terrorists are all dead.
Can we come home from Afghanistan now?
No, we must stay there another ten years,
at least,
otherwise more terrorists will be born.

We have murdered Gaddafi's son and three of his grandchildren,
Do you think he will forgive us anytime soon?
The United States eliminates its enemies...
But, would the American people be surprised if Obama were assassinated,
Or if the Arabs detonated an atomic bomb in Washington DC?

Can we have our Constitutional Rights back?
No way, Jose, because anything can happen,
and it probably will happen,
and very soon...
What about the Royal Wedding?

I never knew Osama bin Laden,
So, I have no idea if he was real or not,
I don't believe the Press,
It can no longer be called a "free press",
because it is controlled by Corporate Capitalism;

Can you imagine how weird it would be if the media published the Truth?
Or, if politicians told the truth?
Ha, ha, ha - that would be funny.
What would even be more funny is if the rest of the world were as stupid as they are cowardly.
"Hey assholes, we'll give you a piece of the pie,
after we get done raping your sister and your mother."

The good news is: the Revolution has already started. (Tick tock.)