
If We Give Some Thought to Evolution...

If We Give Some Thought to Evolution...

It will become obvious that humanity is evolving. (If you do not believe in evolution you can't play here. Since there is no point in trying to have a logical discussion without first coming to terms.)

Which direction is human evolution taking? Are we evolving or de-evolving?

The question is "Quo Vadis?" (Where are you going?)

Are you stronger or weaker than your ancestors? Are you more intelligent? Sure you can live on Ramen and Gatoraid, you can live in a tiny studio apartment and work a job fit for a slave, but have you built anything lately or had any profound thoughts? Does your hatred keep you warm when it gets cold or do you have to turn on the heater? Do you live in the past, present, or the future? Do you live there alone or with others?

Do you think an evolved form of humanity would be more independent or more dependent on others? What is the place of the community in human evolution? Do we sacrifice ourselves for the common good or should we "go for what we know"? What is the payoff? What do we get for following the rules and trying to live ethically?

Who are our enemies and who are our friends? Which is the wisest course, to make friends or enemies?

When people say "Only the strong survive," what do they mean? The one percent of the population who control the wealth, or those who have put on the armour of God?

In the future, will there be a God? Who's side will he be on?

Should we tamper with evolution, or let it run its natural course?

Should we lead, follow or get out of the way?

If we decide to lead what can we promise those who follow us?

If we decide to follow what is it that we expect?

If we decide to get out of the way what is our purpose?

If we give some thought to evolution it will become obvious that there are forces at work that are beyond our control.

When the New Man comes we will all be obsolete.

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