
Which is worse: Stupidity or Cowardice?

Osama bin Laden is dead: ding dong the wicked old witch is dead!
Who was he? Was he a real person or a Character played by Johnnie Depp?
The evil architect of 9/11...
But, everybody is saying that it was the CIA,
Or the Israelis (or both) - engaged in a plot to take our rights away.

There are no weapons of mass destruction.
The terrorists are all dead.
Can we come home from Afghanistan now?
No, we must stay there another ten years,
at least,
otherwise more terrorists will be born.

We have murdered Gaddafi's son and three of his grandchildren,
Do you think he will forgive us anytime soon?
The United States eliminates its enemies...
But, would the American people be surprised if Obama were assassinated,
Or if the Arabs detonated an atomic bomb in Washington DC?

Can we have our Constitutional Rights back?
No way, Jose, because anything can happen,
and it probably will happen,
and very soon...
What about the Royal Wedding?

I never knew Osama bin Laden,
So, I have no idea if he was real or not,
I don't believe the Press,
It can no longer be called a "free press",
because it is controlled by Corporate Capitalism;

Can you imagine how weird it would be if the media published the Truth?
Or, if politicians told the truth?
Ha, ha, ha - that would be funny.
What would even be more funny is if the rest of the world were as stupid as they are cowardly.
"Hey assholes, we'll give you a piece of the pie,
after we get done raping your sister and your mother."

The good news is: the Revolution has already started. (Tick tock.)

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