
The Sum of All Fears

These things are best left unspoken,
there are a million “Conspiracy Theories”,
you can choose the one that suits your purpose,
or the one that serves your fantasy,
it doesn't really matter – all is BOLLIX!

Speeding toward an untimely end,
it's a hard rain that's gonna fall,
nothing will ever be exactly what we want it to be,
the voices will guide you,
all you have to do is listen;

You want answers?
I give you magic,
“Pick a card, any card...”
Whatever you pick is your fate,
The Holy of Holy is that which is not allowed;

America is BOLLIX,
The United Nations is a sham,
It all boils down to might makes right,
a coalition of the unrighteous,
a confederation of idiots;

The wealthy and powerful call the shots,
behind the scenes they plan our next distraction,
then the politicians jump to attention,
and send out their commandos,
Shall we laugh or cry?

God hears the cry of the hungry child,
he rewards the pleas of the starving with starvation,
rich old ladies cry crocodile tears,
and talk about the Global Village,
and liberation for the oppressed;

The oppressed are liberated by death,
so they send their soldiers to redeem them,
and give them a bitter broth to drink,
“We are here to help you,” they say,
and then they laugh;

When the rich and powerful laugh,
it is a danger signal...
a chest pain for the heart-attack of the world,
laughter is a symptom that something is not quite right,
the evil child laughs when he tortures little animals;

Let the children pull the wings off flies,
and play at war,
the little girls dress up their dolls,
and the little boys chop their heads off,
and fondle their little pee-pees;

It's all right there...
the good, the bad, and the ugly,
all the same...
What is the difference between one thing and another?
Can it only be measured by money?

Who measures the differences?
“Give the children free lunches and bottled water,”
and plenty of junk-food,
Happy Meals for Sunday dinner,
and coupons for medical treatment;

Vaccinate the homeless,
Who knows what germs they carry?
The middle-class are to blame,
for they dare to be safe from harm,
We must teach them their place in the scheme of things;

Everyone should know their place,
in the natural order,
We will make whores of their daughters,
and kill off their sons,
they are powerless to stop us;

The place of the weak is under the heel of the mighty,
the yoke of freedom will fit nicely around their necks,
We shall speak of democracy...
Let us praise equality and justice,
And sing songs of brotherhood;

Are we all not brothers and sisters in the eyes of God?
Listen to the babies cry,
It takes a village to raise a child,
Focus your eyes on the filthy skies,
and dream dreams of nuclear radiation;

Cats with five legs run down alleys strewn with trash,
This is a new age...
an age of peace and plenty,
universal education and SOMA,
“Remember to take your medication.”

“How do you feel?”
“Are you feeling any pain?”
“How would you rate your pain on a scale of one to ten?”
These are important questions for our times,
“Please fill out these forms and sign them.”

Where will it all end?

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