

Here's the problem with Internationalism: We can learn from what is going on in the rest of the world; We can advocate Solidarity; We can praise the efforts of those who are doing good, and say, "God Bless them." But, under current US laws we cannot make actual contact with anyone - or we become 'enemies of the state'. And, our own government can come down on us like a ton of bricks.

Besides, in this stage of the game, we have to put America first. To do otherwise is to commit political suicide.

When times are tough, and they are tough right now, people don't give a rat's ass about foreigners and their problems. Right now we have to take care of our own people first. Maybe later we can worry about helping other people, I don't know. What I do know is we don't have a snowball's chance in hell of changing anything in the United States if we shift the focus somewhere else.

That means, all you guys out there - from all those other countries - have got to do your best with what you've got. We can't help you and you can't help us. Good luck and God bless you. I appreciate you reading my blog. To say the least, it is very flattering that you would do so.

As to the question of immigration: No way can we support more 'free-loaders' sucking up our jobs and benefits. People are hungry, homeless, unemployed and without medical treatment - American workers! (Right here in the United States.) Until they are taken care of we need to shut down our borders. Otherwise, we are just fucking ourselves, and creating more cheap labor for corporate capitalism.

In theory, we should greet everyone with open arms. But, in practice, they would hang us from the nearest lamp post for being traitors to our own people.

The sad truth is, that there is a world of difference between theory and practice. This is something that the idealist can't get a grip on. But idealists don't win in politics. And, they usually wind up getting burned at the stake.

We need to win. Otherwise, all this is just mental masturbation. In my life, I have seen so many idealists sacrifice themselves for nothing. No gains have been made, nothing has changed, they just become martyrs without advancing their cause... I don't want that for any of you. I want us to win.

To win the political struggle in the United States, we must be as American as apple pie. Hot dogs. Baseball. And the Fourth of July. To try to promote any internationalist nonsense would be like landing in Washington DC in a flying saucer, and telling the world that we are all brothers. They would simply blow you away and claim it was an 'alien invasion'.

And, that's the Truth!

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