
The Road to Nowhere

Peaceful protests are nice. The people exercising their lawful rights... However, because of the nature of the beast, the police (who are the 'security guards' of Corporate greed and cruelty) are going to get violent and ugly. Because they are violent and ugly by nature. And, when they do, they are going to violate the people's Constitutional Rights. Because these rights are a sham... they only exist if you have money, position, and power.

In the United States,and in the world, the only recourse the people really have is violent revolution. Or, at least, the threat of violent revolution. Not so much in the streets - because the forces of evil control the streets - but in the back-alleyways, the kitchens, the bathrooms... wherever the people are in control... And, the people can be in control wherever they want... The deliveryman, the cook, the plumber, the gardener, the local mechanic... anybody could be an 'agent of justice'...

The weapons of choice of the people's militia are the ice-pick, the pen, pencil, a sharpened stick, a piece of pipe, a hammer, a wrench, rat poison, or any of a variety of everyday things... the people take their weapons from their enemies... a rifle and you become a sniper... a home-made bomb and you blow up the local country club... poison in a cup of coffee, or a doughnut... they use pepper spray and the people use battery acid and bleach... home made napalm, booby traps, sticks smeared with human excrement... there is no end to ingeniousness... everything can become a weapon.

Snitches cannot be tolerated... the people must make examples of those who cooperate with the Enemy... thousands of Charles Mansons... cutting off the extremities of their children, wives, mothers, cousins... violent revolutionaries must be as brutal to their enemies as they are kind to their friends.

After all, we do not want war or violence - it is the Enemy that uses brutality as their tool. They are out there beating up kids and spraying old women with pepper spray... they are dropping bombs and flying their 'drones'... shooting up people's weddings and assassinating their leaders... If they want war we can give it to them. From all directions. The pool man could be an assassin... Julio down at the car wash... the fry cook at Mickey D's...

There is no place the Enemy can hide... the people are everywhere. The Enemy is EXTREMELY vulnerable.

Why then, do they seek their own destruction? Why do they push the people to violent confrontation?

Because they think they can! That is the fundamental error of repression. But deep inside the reptile mind of the right wing conservative... where he (or she) really lives... is a smouldering fear... of the reality of the ultimate outcome of violence and brutality... the cost is just too high to justify the expenditure of energy, time and money... Because, in the end, lies certain defeat and the destruction of everything of value... The 'reaction' has never won against the people, and reactionaries know it. That is the source of their fear. 

And, the people shall use that fear to bring the Enemy to his knees.... 

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