
Can Newt Gingrich Beat President Obama?

ROFLMFAO! Fat, flabby, flaccid, flip flopper - who likes to get blow jobs in his car and cheat on his wife - takes bribes, and talks mucho shit. Like, "Poor people are poor because they are stupid and lazy," and "Palestinians are Arabs who should've moved somewhere else." And, who left Washington in disgrace.

This is the guy you think can beat President Obama? Ha, ha, ha! He can't even beat his limp dick.

With his lips planted on Israel's ass - if it stops moving suddenly he will completely disappear!

Yeah, elect Newt (which is an appropriate name for him: a stupid person; a dull and uninteresting person.) and he'll be the last American President.

My question is: How did the Obama campaign engineer this Republican nonsense? None of their so-called candidates are worth a good shit.

And, that's the Truth!

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