

A movement has no reason to exist if it doesn't fight!

The Corporate Capitalist System needs to be overthrown; Right thinking people must prepare for that necessity at all points along the way. Our movement must be contending for power, planning how to contend for power, or recovering from setbacks in contending for power. Certainly, every movement must learn to fight correctly, sometimes retreating, sometimes advancing. But, fighting the Enemy must be the reason for its being. We are building a fighting movement.

Militancy stirs the imagination and raises the vision of victory. Militancy in a street demonstration, in a courtroom, at a rally, in a prison takeover, is recognized and respected as an uncompromising statement. It is a confrontation with the opposing system. Involving people in militant action trains and teaches. It is both an example and a strategy. Militant action is related to the understanding that the struggle is not merely for separate issues but is ultimately for power - necessarily including violence to defeat the oppressive forces of Corporate Capitalism. To leave people unprepared to fight the Enemy is to seriously mislead about the true nature of what lies ahead.

Some people try to dissociate mass struggle from revolutionary violence and condemn any act of public militancy or violence as wrong. This is because they believe that violence is a question of abstract principle, and the illusion is fostered that the System will decay peacefully. "Violence turns people off," "It's too early," "Violence only brings down repression."

- The movement should argue for and explain self-defense, develop parallel strategies, openly support direct action, claim and spread the message of struggle, help create the conditions for the destruction of Corporate Capitalism and the transfer of power to the people. Don't talk to the authorities. Resist probes into the movement. Laying the basis for victory is also the responsibility of mass organizers.

- From the very beginning the potential for violent confrontation develops. Its spontaneity will be slowly transformed into the energy of a popular front.

- Many levels of clandestine propaganda action can be carried out which spread the consciousness of action and give people a way to learn.

- A successful movement needs to keep part of its organization away from the prying eyes of the System. This should be part of the practice of every activist. Survival depends on having networks and resources not exposed to computer patterns, electronic surveillance and infiltration by the repressive apparatus.

- Building a capacity to survive over time is no substitute for militancy now in our daily work. A fanatical and uncompromising, confrontational approach to political work is the best way to inspire the people, build the organization, and learn to fight.

And, that's the Truth!

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