
Stop Wasting Money on the Military

In case you haven't noticed the whole country is turning to shit. The American people are faced with some very ugly, and very real, choices. Basically, they boil down to a choice between "guns and butter". We can either spend our money on the bare necessities of life or on going around the world bullying weaker nations by threatening to use military force. 

The Defense Budget for 2012 is $1.415 trillion! The United States is spending 49 percent of the total world expenditures for making war. In other words, we are spending almost as much as the rest of the world - combined - on the military. That's pretty crazy. Especially when we are supposedly advocating "peace and plenty" around the globe. 

What exactly are we expecting to get in return for this enormous expenditure?

Security from the rest of the world? 

Hardly. There is no security in the world when the countries advocating "peace and freedom" are going around blowing people up. This sends a message that war and terrorism are the only way to settle disputes. Moreover, since no one else can afford to spend that kind of money on the weapons of war, it is only a matter of time before the enemies of the United States realize that nuclear terrorism is the cheapest and most efficient option.

Detonate a small nuclear device at that MacDonald's on Pennsylvania Avenue and the whole US Government is history... Boom goes New York... Boom goes Chicago... Boom goes Dallas... etc., etc. Then what? How will all this money we spend on war toys help us? Are we going to pulverize the rest of the world?

Robot armies, drones, night vision, high-tech bullshit... we are turning into a bunch of pussies playing computer games. All real soldiers need is a rifle and bayonet, two grenades and a hundred rounds of ammunition! The rest is superfluous. 

What good does it do to kill innocent women and children? You kill some one's family and he is never going to be your friend. And, so, the war goes on forever. The only real winners are the Corporate Capitalists who sell all the high-tech bullshit to the suckers.

Now they tell us that we have to cut Social Security, and Social Welfare... cut back on money spent on education, forget about health care, etc., etc. 

What did we elect these assholes for?

Here's a wake up call: The System isn't working anymore. Since no one knows how to fix it the only other alternative is to get rid of it and start over from scratch.


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