
Canada's War Criminal

Evil Canadian war criminal, Lt.- Gen. Charles Bouchard, NATO commander of the international military operation in Libya. Is the man ultimately responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians in North Africa. This cannot be denied. Nor can it be denied that the Canadian Parliament voted by a near unanimous margin of 294-1 to extend Canada’s military contribution to the NATO mission to the end of September. That means that Canada is implicated in the crimes against humanity as well. Waging aggressive warfare, crimes against humanity, and God knows what else... This was enough to convict the Nazis at Nuremberg. But humanity will never get a conviction against these murderous scum because they have the "sanction" of the United Nations, which is little more than a rubber stamp for the victorious allies of World War II.

In the modern world, double standards like this abound. If one fights for the interests of the United States and its lackeys he is a "freedom fighter"; But, if one actually fights for freedom he is branded as a "terrorist".

NATO's cowardice is apparent and disturbing; attacking a defenseless nation with high flying airplanes, missiles launched from sea, and helicopter gunships spraying missiles and bullets. Acting as a protectorate to prevent slaughter, NATO has augmented the killing, behaving as a killing machine with no other objective than to destroy. As of June 11, the US Government had spent $665 million in the conflict.

Then the Government tells us they can't pay their bills...

Is it any wonder?

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