
David Myatt - I've got your 'numinosity' right here!

Thulien Zo'ra has a word that describes the aggressive qualities of our Folk: "Ro'ta'fa'vo". 

Ro'ta'fa'vo is the essence of the Life-Force... One either struggles to survive and evolve or one becomes extinct. There is no other option.

There are those who think that Life is divided into the Spiritual and the Material. There is no such division. The H'si animates the physical body. Without the Material World the H'si has no meaning and cannot exist. Therefore, when people talk about the "numinous way", indicating a division between the Spiritual and the Material, it is basically nonsense. As Benito Mussolini so aptly put it, "Without the community nothing human or spiritual can exist." Because a Table of Values hangs over every people and it makes them who and what they are. Without a community, traditions, culture, etc., you cannot exist as an individual... (An individual what?)

At the end of your life you cease to exist. There is no concrete evidence (or proof) of any continuance into eternity. That is "snake oil" - the "cure for what ails you". Only a fool, or a dreamer, would count on something that cannot be proved one way or another. Such as Heaven, or winning the Lottery, or the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes... Try telling your creditors that you will pay them just as soon as you win the Lottery. 

"But Jesus, or Mohamed, or Moses, or some guy down at the car wash said that there is 'eternal life'..."

Is that supposed to be funny? 

Friedrich Nietzsche summed it up very nicely: "All of that Abrahamic twaddle is the product of a slave mentality." Inversely, if you believe that shit you will wind up a slave. (Abrahamic = Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Atheism - it's all mindless twaddle.)

"I've got your "numinosity" right here," he said, grasping his genitals.

A case in point is David Myatt:

"Over the past decade there has been, for me, a complete change of perspective, for I have gone from upholding and violently propagating the racialism of National-Socialism – and encouraging the overthrow of the existing status quo through revolutionary insurrection – to the acceptance of empathy and compassion, and to that gentle, quiet, desire to cease to cause suffering, which form the basis for what I have called The Numinous Way, with this Numinous Way being apolitical, undogmatic, and considering both race and “the folk” as unethical abstractions which move us away from empathy and compassion and which thus obscure our true human nature."

BOLLIX! David Myatt is obviously insane! He cannot throw the work and sacrifices of MILLIONS of Aryans down the toilet and then turn around and call himself "empathetic" and "compassionate" - that is pure bullshit. "Human Nature"? Nothing alien is human to me. It's pure rubbish!

If you are ready to lay down and die just skip all the sanctimonious bullshit and lay down and die! But if you are ready to live then join the Community and fight for its survival and continued evolution!

That's what I think....

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