
What is Thulien Zo'ra?

Thulien Zo'ra = (auf Nordien) Thule Community; Volkish Gemeinschaft; Hyperborean Community.

HYPERBOREA was a fabulous realm of eternal spring located in the far north beyond the land of winter. Its people were a blessed, long-lived race free of war, hard toil, and the ravages of old age and disease.

Traditional  cosmology  sees  the  present  world  and  the  present  generation  as “descended”  from the heroes and  fathers of earlier ages who were  ontologically more exalted than we are. They were taller than we are, lived for hundreds of years, were free from disease, etc. And these heroes, ancient kings, fathers, patriarchs or demigods were in  turn  descended  from  the  gods,  the  celestial  paradises,  then  from  the  intelligible Principles, and ultimately from the Creator Himself. God-as-Creator, in other words, was almost  universally  viewed in traditional  cosmologies  as the  First  Ancestor  – literally “God the Father.” And this hierarchicalization of history is also clearly discernable in the cyclical lore of many nations and religions – the Hindus, the Greco-Romans, the Mayans, the Hopi, the Lakota, the Australian Aborigines, and many African tribes. The “earlier” a world-age is, according to these cosmologies, the more clearly it appears as eternal level of Being; the “later” an age is, the more closely it  resembles our idea of an historical period. So the “trajectory” of a given cycle-of-manifestation is not a straight line, or even a circle, but rather a helix. Turning three times, it descends through four levels; and when it  returns to its  compass-point  of  origin  for the third time  – in  other  words,  when it reaches its nadir  -- it undergoes a “pole shift”  from accelerating history to motionless simultaneity;  the  perspective  changes  from  that  of  the  last  grains  of  sand  speeding through the neck of the hourglass to the nearly motionless mass of sand below it, after which the glass is inverted: nadir becomes zenith.

The zenith symbolizes the eternal (not temporal) point of origin, the Throne of the Most  High  God.  And  when  zenith-as-eternal-origin  is  projected  upon  the  horizontal plane, its point is (becomes) the North. The axis mundi, the vertical path connecting Origin and manifestation, is vertical at any point on the earth’s surface, as revealed by the fact that one of its central symbolic manifestations is the human spinal column and the erect stature  of  the  human  form.  But  for  most  of  the  human  race,  the  pole  of  the  earth considered  as  a  psycho-physical  object  points  to  the  North;  therefore,  when  cyclical symbolism is expressed on the level of the four directions and the four seasons, its point of origin is North, and its moment of beginning the Winter Solstice. Among the mythic expressions of this fact is the legend of Hyperborea, the “Land Behind the North Wind,” the original homeland of the human race, a land of eternal Spring. (The idea of a land of Eternal Spring in the far north was undoubtedly suggested by early explorers’ tales’ of the arctic summer, during whose “white nights” the sun never sets; this “never-setting sun” was most probably the origin of  the Hyperborean Apollo, one of whose epithets is Sol Invictus, (“The Sun Unconquered.”) The North Wind symbolizes the flow of cosmic manifestation,  a  flow that  grows  ever  “colder”  – more  contracted, more materialized, more  literalized  –  as  it  departs  from  its  celestial  Source.  The  coldest  point  in  this southward-flowing current of cosmic manifestation is the point of physical or spiritual death, which corresponds to the material North Pole; the growing warmth of the lands south of this Pole is organic, not spiritual, though it does  reflect the higher warmth of Hyperborea  itself,  according  to  the  law  that  the  material  plane  furnishes  the  most complete and stable symbols of the Celestial one. And above the material Pole is the Pole  Star,  the  gateway  to Hyperborea  itself,  which  is  ontologically higher  than  the material North as well as quasi-physically so, and which may indeed be compared to a Golden Age, the Paradise of Saturn, a land of Eternal Youth. To travel deliberately in the direction  of  the  Arctic  and  its  numbing  cold  suggests  the  path  of  apophatic contemplation, the realization of God in his purely Transcendent aspect, which requires a death to the  world,  an  ascetical  metanoia by  which the  contemplator turns  his inner attention away from God’s richly multiple and perilously confusing outer manifestation in the cosmic South, and toward “the still point of the turning world” (in the words of T.S. Eliot from The Four Quartets).  The rigor of this Transcendence is symbolized (in Religioperennis.org 7 Ezekiel 8:3) by the “inner gate [of the Temple] that looketh toward the north, where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy”: the Transcendent God is a “jealous God” who “will have no strange gods before Him.” And this sacrificial turn is compensated  for  by  a  realization  of the  Terrestrial  Paradise  –  not  on  some  “paradise island” in the South Seas, but in the subtle Imaginal Realm, the alam al-mithal. (The fact that Dante’s Mount of Purgatory  first appears as an island in the southern ocean, then undergoes an enantiodromia whereby the constellations of the polar North appear above it, symbolizes the withdrawal of the “projection” of paradise from this world, which can never fully embody it, and the transplanting of that paradisical image to its true home on the Subtle Plane, in the realm that Muslims call “The Earth of Hurqalya” or “The Eighth Clime”.)

Well, hopefully you can grasp what I am trying to say... actually, it would take a book, instead of a blog, to explain all this. The bottom-line is, Today we have lots of people out there amusing themselves by playing all sorts of games. Take "historical reenactment" for instance. There are countless individuals using enormous amounts of time and resources to enact almost every period of history. And, there is nothing wrong with this as a diversion. But that's all it is. You gentlemen can reenact the past if you want to but THULIEN ZO'RA IS ENACTING THE FUTURE!

You have to ask yourself: Do you want to dream about what someone else did or live your own dreams?

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