

The human race has been relocated to a underground city located beneath the Earth's surface. In the underground city, the population are entertained by holographic TV which broadcasts sex and violence and robotic police force enforces the law. In the underground city, the Corporate Capitalist society controls all life, all citizens are drugged to control their emotions and their behavior and sex is a crime.

Sound familiar? Mind control at its best... "The people have to be 'managed' or they'll get out of control." In a world where everything is against the law anyone with a mind is an 'enemy of the state' and an 'outlaw'. It's starting to happen now... and, those who are still capable of intelligent thought must oppose the tyranny of the few over the many.

Welcome to the Revolution!

"How shall the new environment be programmed? It all happened so slowly that most men failed to realize that anything had happened at all."

"Everything will be all right. You are in my hands. I am here to protect you. You have nowhere to go. You have nowhere to go. "

"Let us be thankful we have an occupation to fill. Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents and be happy. "

"You have nowhere to go. I am here to protect you. "

"Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now. Buy. And be happy."

"We have to go back. This is your last chance to return with us. You have nowhere to go. You cannot survive outside the city shell. We only want to help you. This is your last chance. "

Bottom-line: "The T-H-X account is six percent over budget. The case is to be terminated."

Money is the 'sacred cow' of Corporate Capitalism. Therefore, money is Corporate Capitalism's weakness. How much is 'Occupy Wall Street' costing the minions of Satan? I would be willing to bet millions of dollars. And, what do they get in return? Bad public relations. 

For the revolution, this is a win-win situation. Violence is all well and good, but it only makes the rich richer... as a result, they will sell more shit to the Government and the police and the army... they will even sell shit to the guerrilla forces... a better way is to hit them where it counts - in their wallet!

Quit buying their shit... stop up their toilets... be creative. Get everything you can for free... Take advantage of every opportunity. Slip on their floors - and sue them! Hey, this is 'war'... a new kind of war... a kind where cutting into their profits will bring them to their knees.

Think about it....

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