
Here Comes Trouble

It is increasingly more difficult to be good American citizens when we are living in a society that is governed by the Mad Hatter's Tea Party... The big question is: What is a good citizen to do when our politicians are bought and paid for by alien interests? When we are brutalized by our own police forces? When our government betrays us at every turn? When our media is owned, lock stock and barrel, by the evil forces of corporate cruelty?

America is a wonderful experiment in freedom and democracy. But it only works if and when its citizens participate fully in its government.

How can that happen when we are blocked at every turn by corporate greed?

How can we, as American citizens, extricate ourselves from the march toward totalitarianism? What are our options? How far should we go?

Do we resist? Rebel? Engage in civil war? Protest? Or, shall we merely go along - like lambs being led to the slaughter?

Make no mistake, we are headed for a disaster of the greatest magnitude. We are headed for the loss of our liberty and enslavement by the 1% that has taken over our nation - while we slept!

Millions of voices are saying, "Hey, this is not right. We must do something." But real solutions are lacking. 

The 'secret police' are watching us. Reading our Emails, listening to our phone calls. Reading our blogs. Creating files with our names on them...

Outside the police are dressed like a futuristic army... menacing, threatening, trying to intimidate us... Our government is erecting camps where we can be placed in 'protective custody' without due process of law... 'Patriot' Acts... Homeland Security... We all have become potential terrorists. When we peacefully assemble the agents of corporate greed attack us, beat us to the ground, throw hand grenades into our midst and gas us... 

Who does this government serve? Surely, not the people...

Meanwhile, while we struggle to be heard, the critical issues have been ignored. Tick tock, the clock is ticking... Overpopulation, Global Warming, depletion of resources (such as oil, coal, natural gas, etc.), a crumbling economy, homelessness, unemployment, the health care crisis... We are running short on water for Christ's sake! And, everybody knows that starvation is widespread in the world... But, we turn our eyes away from the horrors of the greed crisis - while our politicians smugly say, "Why don't they get a job?"

Things are so bad in the world that people are blowing themselves up in sheer frustration!

So, what do we do about it? 

Can we bring this monster down by using Constitutional means, or do we have to get uglier than the forces of repression, brutality, and corporate cruelty?

We are being pushed in a direction that we don't want to go... But, if there is no civil recourse we will be forced to fight, rather than become slaves. And fight we will! For the Enemy is weak and has many soft spots... the police, the government, the 1%... are all vulnerable. 

They over-react because they are trying to project the image of strength. But it is only a facade. In reality, they are weak because they have a lot to lose... Fear of loss... Fear of being discovered... Irrational actions... Emotion... Looking at the details rather than the Big Picture...

The crisis of greed exists because the nation's leadership worships weakness... It has no real vision for the Future....

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