
Stop Wasting Money on the Military

In case you haven't noticed the whole country is turning to shit. The American people are faced with some very ugly, and very real, choices. Basically, they boil down to a choice between "guns and butter". We can either spend our money on the bare necessities of life or on going around the world bullying weaker nations by threatening to use military force. 

The Defense Budget for 2012 is $1.415 trillion! The United States is spending 49 percent of the total world expenditures for making war. In other words, we are spending almost as much as the rest of the world - combined - on the military. That's pretty crazy. Especially when we are supposedly advocating "peace and plenty" around the globe. 

What exactly are we expecting to get in return for this enormous expenditure?

Security from the rest of the world? 

Hardly. There is no security in the world when the countries advocating "peace and freedom" are going around blowing people up. This sends a message that war and terrorism are the only way to settle disputes. Moreover, since no one else can afford to spend that kind of money on the weapons of war, it is only a matter of time before the enemies of the United States realize that nuclear terrorism is the cheapest and most efficient option.

Detonate a small nuclear device at that MacDonald's on Pennsylvania Avenue and the whole US Government is history... Boom goes New York... Boom goes Chicago... Boom goes Dallas... etc., etc. Then what? How will all this money we spend on war toys help us? Are we going to pulverize the rest of the world?

Robot armies, drones, night vision, high-tech bullshit... we are turning into a bunch of pussies playing computer games. All real soldiers need is a rifle and bayonet, two grenades and a hundred rounds of ammunition! The rest is superfluous. 

What good does it do to kill innocent women and children? You kill some one's family and he is never going to be your friend. And, so, the war goes on forever. The only real winners are the Corporate Capitalists who sell all the high-tech bullshit to the suckers.

Now they tell us that we have to cut Social Security, and Social Welfare... cut back on money spent on education, forget about health care, etc., etc. 

What did we elect these assholes for?

Here's a wake up call: The System isn't working anymore. Since no one knows how to fix it the only other alternative is to get rid of it and start over from scratch.



Pentagon Rips Off $30 Billion

The Pentagon has wasted more than $30 BILLION on contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan due to shoddy management and a lack of competition, an independent inquiry said.

In its final report to Congress due to be released Wednesday, the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting warns that waste and fraud have undermined American diplomacy, fomented corruption in host countries and tarnished the US image abroad.

"Tens of billions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted through poor planning, vague and shifting requirements, inadequate competition, substandard contract management and oversight, lax accountability, weak inter-agency coordination, and subpar performance or outright misconduct by some contractors and federal employees," the co-chairs of the panel, Christopher Shays and Michael Thibault, wrote in the Washington Post.

"Both government and contractors need to do better," said the commentary published Monday.

The report comes amid mounting pressure in Washington to scale back defense spending and waning public support for the Afghan mission after nearly a decade of war.

The US military increasingly has turned to private companies since the September 11, 2001 attacks, with the contractor workforce at times surpassing 260,000 people -- a roughly one-to-one ratio with troops deployed.

But the commission found that the United States went to war in Afghanistan in 2001 and in Iraq in 2003 without sufficiently preparing to handle the "enormous scale and numbers of contracts."

As a result, "America is over-relying on contractors," they said.

The commission chiefs also warned that another $30 billion or more could be wasted if the Iraqi or Afghan "governments are unable or unwilling to sustain US-funded projects after our involvement ends."

The Pentagon said previous inquiries had pointed out problems with contracting and the department had enacted a number of reforms as a result.

"We are well aware of some of the deficiencies over the years in how we've worked contracts," spokesman Colonel Dave Lapan told reporters.

"We have worked hard over those years to try to correct those deficiencies when we've come across them," said Lapan.

The department will review the report to look for any additional measures to prevent waste, he added.

Among the examples cited by the commission was a $40 million prison built in Iraq that the Baghdad government "did not want and that was never finished," Shays and Thibault wrote.

In Afghanistan, the United States spent $300 million on a power plant in Kabul that the Afghan government cannot afford to sustain and lacks the technical experts to run, the panel found.

Another report out Monday found the Pentagon has almost tripled funding for no-bid contracts since the attacks of September 11, 2001, from $50 billion in 2001 to $140 billion in 2010.

The lack of competition in contracting has resulted in waste, lower quality services and fraud, according to the investigative report by the non-profit Center for Public Integrity.

In one case, a Tucson-based company, Applied Energetics, won over $50 million in funding for a futuristic "lightning weapon" that is supposed to detonate roadside bombs, even though it had failed some tests.

In August, the Marine Corps canceled the latest $3 million proposed contract after a commander in Afghanistan decided the weapon would not provide what his unit needed.

The Defense Department often justifies no-bid contracts by saying there is only one legitimate supplier of certain goods, that there is "an unusual and compelling urgency" or that holding a competition would undermine national security, the report said.

During his 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama vowed to rein in contracting and after his election, he issued a memorandum calling for more competition. But the report found that Pentagon no-bid contracts have continued to increase.

The Pentagon said no-bid contracts were sometimes necessary to rush sophisticated equipment to troops in combat.

"There have been many instances because of wartime needs where a long, lengthy competitive bid contract process does not serve the needs of the warfighters," Lapan said.

Another U.S. Poll: Public prefers cutting defense spending

(Reuters) – A majority of Americans prefer cutting defense spending to reduce the federal deficit rather than taking money from public retirement and health programs, a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday showed.

The poll found 51 percent of Americans support reducing defense spending, and only 28 percent want to cut Medicare and Medicaid health programs for the elderly and poor. A mere 18 percent back cuts in the Social Security retirement program.

The Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs, known as entitlements, and defense spending together account for about two-thirds of the $3.7 trillion federal budget, but they are not a major part of the debate in Congress over spending cuts.

Read the whole article at Reuters.

Shall We Kill the Homeless?

A study done by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty states that approximately 3.5 million people (1.35 million of them children) are homeless in the United States.

Over the past eleven years (1999-2009), advocates and shelter workers around the country have received news reports of men, women and even children being harassed, kicked, set on fire, beaten to death, and decapitated. From 1999 through 2009, in forty-seven states, Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, there have been one thousand seventy-four acts of violence committed by housed individuals, resulting in two hundred ninety-one deaths of homeless people and seven hundred eighty-three victims of non-lethal violence. 

Most hate crimes/violent acts are committed not by organized hate groups, but by individual citizens who harbor a strong resentment against a certain group of people. Some are “mission offenders,” who believe they are on a mission to cleanse the world of a particular evil. Others are “scapegoat offenders,” who violently act out their resentment toward the perceived growing economic power of a particular racial or ethnic group. Still others are “thrill seekers,” those who take advantage of a vulnerable and disadvantaged group in order to satisfy their own pleasures. Thrill seekers, primarily in their teens, are the most common perpetrators of violence against people who are homeless.   Eighty per cent of hate crimes/violence against homeless persons in 2009 were committed by perpetrators under the age of thirty.

Breakdown of Non-Lethal Attacks:
Beatings: 67%
Rapes/Sexual Assaults: 13%
Setting Victim on Fire: 8%
Shootings: 6%
Police Harassment/Brutality: 6%

Thomas Kelly, 37, died on July 10, five days after being beaten with electric 'shock sticks', flashlights, shot-filled leather gloves, as well as kicking by six police officers who were part of a police patrol in the town of Fullerton, California.

Thomas was part of a growing army of people in the U.S. which many identify indiscriminately as the homeless, homeless or displaced in a system that degrades human beings every day.

According to the Coalition for the Homeless, in the United States there is abundant material documenting homeless episodes due to persecution by civil servants, as well as incidents linked to abuses by the police on the basis of confidential data in the United States.

There was a period of time in the history of Europe, when the killing of homeless people was legally allowed. As many as 72,000 people were hanged in England during the time of Henry VIII. The number went even higher during the rule of the king's granddaughter, Elizabeth I. Gallows with dead bodies of homeless people could be seen all across the country.

In America, there are millions of homeless people. Each and every one of them has their own story. Some of them spent a half of their life in jail, others fell victim to real estate swindlers, some others sold their homes because of debts. 

If a homeless person dies, and police fail to find their relatives, the body will be buried in an unmarked grave. Many are buried in mass graves to save costs. Morgue employees may also decide to deliver dead bodies of homeless people to medical institutions for practical work and experiments. If the body can not be used at all, they simply burn it in a crematorium.

The picture is depressing and it reflects another example of how Corporate Capitalism decorates the 'shop window' to hide its failure from the world.


What is the most important thing in life?

Everybody wants what they don't have.

Probably the most significant question we can ask ourselves is what is the most important thing in life. The question has far reaching implications in that the answers (or lack of them) that we arrive at can determine the course of the rest of our lives.

Many would consider money or financial success as the most important factor in life.The high rate of suicide amongst lottery winners would contradict this. Others would search for fame, yet the list of famous people who have committed suicide or died from an overdose of drugs continues to grow.

Good health would be high on anyone's priorities, and the presence of love in ones life is also of major importance.

I would propose that wisdom is the most important thing in life. The best definition of wisdom that I have read is “the best means to achieve the best ends”. Wisdom is needed to achieve the best results in the myriad decisions we all need to make daily in our personal, financial, family, work, and community lives.

Each one of us has a unique mindset or set of beliefs which is continuously changing and which we use to make decisions, each of which has significant roll on effect on how the rest of our lives turn out. These mindsets are determined by the unique environments we have grown up in, our age, our education and the cumulative impact that each life experience has had on us.

Our unique mindset is either working in our favour or working against us in each and every situation that we face. One way that we can test how correct our thinking is in a particular situation is to look at the results we achieve as a result of the actions we took. Good results means our governing beliefs were correct, bad results means that we need to re-evaluate our beliefs to determine what caused the negative outcome.

I would propose that life is very much like a game and that a comparison between the two is very enlightening. In any game, you need to be fit, possess certain skills and have a good knowledge of the rules in order to participate. In life, we need to have a good knowledge of the rules that apply and to use this knowledge continuously in order to assess and make decisions in every situation that we face. The more intensely we play the game of life, the better our knowledge and application of the rules, the better the results we will achieve, much like a football player who is skilled, trains hard and knows the rules.

During the course of our lives we progress from being dependent on our parents for food and shelter and emotional support, to being independent as we become young adults. We learn to make decisions for ourselves, and as we see the results of our decisions we get feedback and the resultant experience adds wisdom to subsequent decisions.

The next stage is to develop relationships with others, or interdependence, and it is through these relationships that significant personal growth can occur. Many of us however have a low sense of self esteem which holds us back in relating to others.

How then do we make significant progress in our lives, as evidenced by personal growth or an increase in wisdom? We look at the results we have and are achieving in our lives. If our results are unsatisfactory, we reassess our beliefs and make adjustments to our actions. Additional important feedback is our emotions (fear, anger,unhappiness,disappointment etc.) which act as warning signs and which leads us to evaluate either our rules or beliefs, or our actions. Our target is to lead a joy-filled, intense yet balanced life, leading to good life results and continually increasing wisdom.


How Can We Save the U.S. Economy?

Any attempt at fixing the problem is only going to perpetuate the suffering of the people. The problem is the Corporate Capitalist System. It is obsolete as a political/economic system. It does not serve the interests of the American people (or any people aside from the rich). If we want to create a better world the Corporate Capitalist System has to go. 

We could keep patching an already leaking lifeboat. A five dollar a gallon tax on gasoline, a luxury tax on items that are superfluous, a ten percent flat income tax with no exemptions and no exceptions. These combined with a reduction in military spending (at least by fifty percent), as well as an end to all Foreign Aid; and, also, politicians salaries should be reduced to the average wage of their constituency. This would be a start. However, it is only a patch on a boat that is doomed to sink anyway.

The failure of the economy is that it can no longer support the people. It's an economic version of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. We have critical issues that need to be addressed: Homelessness, unemployment, social unrest, no future for our young people... and it is only going to get worse.

The Corporate Capitalists use war as a tool to solve economic problems. Therefore, there is another dimension that must be considered. Namely, when will they start World War III to save their asses? You can also look forward to the very real possibility that some horrible shit is on the horizon. The Bilderbergs say that the world only needs one billion people... Does that mean that six billion people have to die?

That's a lot of body bags to fill.

Do you really want to keep this system going? Do you want to see our way of life come to an end? - Watch as we get poorer and poorer, as laws get more repressive, our privacy invaded by Corporate Secret Police, our rights taken away one-by-one... Until it becomes necessary to rise up against Corporate Feudalism and tear it apart brick-by-brick!?

You didn't think a broken system was going to fix itself, did you?

We can either fix it the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours....


NATO is in Big Trouble

Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) of the UN Security Council were very clear in their terms: No foreign military personnel, no mercenaries, no weapons to the parties in conflict and inspection of vessels ferrying arms and soldiers. NATO has breached all four counts and now is liable for prosecution under international law.

Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011) of the UN Security Council stated very clearly and categorically that there were to be no foreign troops on the ground in Libya, there were to be no mercenaries, neither were foreign powers to arm the parties to the conflict, as well as imposing the obligation on parties surrounding this to investigate vessels shipping in personnel or arms. NATO has not only failed on all four counts, it has categorically breached them all. NATO is guilty of breaching international law, and there will be consequences.

Quite apart from its obvious breaches of international law, NATO is liable for war crimes - strafing civilian structures such as the water supply system, to "break the population", strafing civilian structures with military hardware, murdering civilians in their homes by precision-bombing, murdering children, strafing civilians using Apache helicopters from the USA (isn't there a law in the US about that?).

The more this conflict goes on, the more sinister NATO becomes and the more those of us who knew Colonel Gaddafi's projects and thanked him for his wonderful humanitarian policies (which irritated practically all the players in the western lobbies) are convinced that we have been right from day one, whatever the outcome. This is backed up by today's message from Muammar al-Qathafi, Leader of the Green Committees Movement, in his address to the World Green Committees, in which he called on his supporters to stand firm, encouraged those who said they were depressed, exhorted people not to use violence if possible.

For those who accuse Colonel Gaddafi of terrorism, then let each and every one suffer the crimes that the Black and Tans did to innocent civilians in Ireland, and then come here look me in the face and speak of terrorism. For those who accuse Colonel Gaddafi of terrorism, show me one shred of tangible evidence.

Colonel Gaddafi spread knowledge, not fear. He spread e-learning programmes, he spread telemedicine programmes across Africa while others, from the countries NATO represents left what legacy? 500 years of slavery, of colonialism and pillaging and raping Africa of its resources.

Colonel Gaddafi, as I write, is not finished. He can and would, if given a chance, spread these social and developmental programmes further, if NATO was not so intent on killing him and destroying his country.

The world is at a crossroads. Today, August 2011, we are facing a monumental battle between the forces of evil against an innocent man and an innocent and heroic population. The world is watching Goliath trying to devour David, who fights back heroically against NATO and its Satanic forces of evil who are racists, who have decapitated people in the streets, murdered children (like NATO) raped women and looted.

There is fresh evidence that foreign mercenaries are being deployed by NATO - British, French, Qatari and UAE military personnel have been captured; the Libyan Armed Forces allowed the British to come and collect their dead and wounded as they fled screaming, while the Royal Air Force would have strafed them.

And a clear sign that NATO represents evil is the sinister new practice of deleting facebook accounts of independent journalists, the alleged threats by CNN staff against numerous independent journalists in Tripoli (under investigation) and the media blackout from Libya. However it is not sufficient. We have other ways and means besides Facebook.

There are other social networks. We have other means besides channels like SKY, CNN, BBC and Al-Jazeera. There is an international movement to boycott them. There are also commercial consequences: a pan-African movement is being implemented to lock NATO countries out of Africa. You murdered Libyan kids? No place in Africa, no contract. Go steal your own resources, not ours.

And a new international community is being formed by the people of the world, who are flocking towards the Jamahiriya system of government (Read The Green Book *).

It is difficult to know what NATO wanted out of this. It was not peace, for they refused to negotiate. It was not democracy, for they refused to heed the call for elections. Could it then have been simply and only to steal a sovereign country's resources by murdering its people?

Now what, ladies and gentleman, will posterity say to that? Messrs. Cameron, Obama and Sarkozy, and that sickening clique of cowards in NATO, you are in deep, deep trouble. And by God, are you going to pay for what you have done...

~ Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


Is Capitalism Doomed?

The massive volatility and sharp equity-price correction now hitting global financial markets signal that most advanced economies are on the brink of a double-dip recession. A financial and economic crisis caused by too much private-sector debt and leverage led to a massive re-leveraging of the public sector in order to prevent Great Depression 2.0. But the subsequent recovery has been anaemic and sub-par in most advanced economies given painful de-leveraging.

Now a combination of high oil and commodity prices, turmoil in the Middle East, Japan's earthquake and tsunami, eurozone debt crises, and America's fiscal problems (and now its rating downgrade) have led to a massive increase in risk aversion. Economically, the United States, the eurozone, the United Kingdom, and Japan are all idling. Even fast-growing emerging markets (China, emerging Asia, and Latin America), and export-oriented economies that rely on these markets (Germany and resource-rich Australia), are experiencing sharp slowdowns.

Until last year, policymakers could always produce a new rabbit from their hat to reflate asset prices and trigger economic recovery. Fiscal stimulus, near-zero interest rates, two rounds of "quantitative easing", ring-fencing of bad debt, and trillions of dollars in bailouts and liquidity provision for banks and financial institutions: officials tried them all. Now they have run out of rabbits.

Fiscal policy currently is a drag on economic growth in both the eurozone and the UK. Even in the US, state and local governments, and now the federal government, are cutting expenditure and reducing transfer payments. Soon enough, they will be raising taxes.

Another round of bank bailouts is politically unacceptable and economically unfeasible: most governments, especially in Europe, are so distressed that bailouts are unaffordable; indeed, their sovereign risk is actually fuelling concern about the health of Europe's banks, which hold most of the increasingly shaky government paper.

Nor could monetary policy help very much. Quantitative easing is constrained by above-target inflation in the eurozone and UK. The US Federal Reserve will likely start a third round of quantitative easing (QE3), but it will be too little too late. Last year's $600bn QE2 and $1tn in tax cuts and transfers delivered growth of barely three per cent for one quarter. Then growth slumped to below one per cent in the first half of 2011. QE3 will be much smaller, and will do much less to reflate asset prices and restore growth.

Currency depreciation is not a feasible option for all advanced economies: they all need a weaker currency and better trade balance to restore growth, but they all cannot have it at the same time. So relying on exchange rates to influence trade balances is a zero-sum game. Currency wars are thus on the horizon, with Japan and Switzerland engaging in early battles to weaken their exchange rates. Others will soon follow.

Meanwhile, in the eurozone, Italy and Spain are now at risk of losing market access, with financial pressures now mounting on France, too. But Italy and Spain are both too big to fail and too big to be bailed out. For now, the European Central Bank will purchase some of their bonds as a bridge to the eurozone's new European Financial Stabilisation Facility. But, if Italy and Spain lose market access, the EFSF's €440 bn ($627bn) war chest could be depleted by the end of this year or early 2012.

Then, unless the EFSF pot were tripled - a move that Germany would resist - the only option left would become an orderly but coercive restructuring of Italian and Spanish debt, as has happened in Greece. Coercive restructuring of insolvent banks' unsecured debt would be next. So, although the process of de-leveraging has barely started, debt reductions will become necessary if countries cannot grow or save or inflate themselves out of their debt problems.

So Karl Marx, it seems, was partly right in arguing that globalisation, financial inter-mediation run amok, and redistribution of income and wealth from labour to capital could lead capitalism to self-destruct (though his view that communism would be better has proven wrong). Firms are cutting jobs because there is not enough final demand. But cutting jobs reduces labour income, increases inequality and reduces final demand.

Recent popular demonstrations, from the Middle East to Israel to the UK, and rising popular anger in China - and soon enough in other advanced economies and emerging markets - are all driven by the same issues and tensions: growing inequality, poverty, unemployment, and hopelessness. Even the world's middle classes are feeling the squeeze of falling incomes and opportunities.

To enable market-oriented economies to operate as they should and can, we need to return to the right balance between markets and provision of public goods. That means moving away from both the Anglo-Saxon model of laissez-faire and voodoo economics and the continental European model of deficit-driven welfare states. Both are broken.

The right balance today requires creating jobs partly through additional fiscal stimulus aimed at productive infrastructure investment. It also requires more progressive taxation; more short-term fiscal stimulus with medium- and long-term fiscal discipline; lender-of-last-resort support by monetary authorities to prevent ruinous runs on banks; reduction of the debt burden for insolvent households and other distressed economic agents; and stricter supervision and regulation of a financial system run amok; breaking up too-big-to-fail banks and oligopolistic trusts.

Over time, advanced economies will need to invest in human capital, skills and social safety nets to increase productivity and enable workers to compete, be flexible and thrive in a globalized economy. The alternative is - like in the 1930s - unending stagnation, depression, currency and trade wars, capital controls, financial crisis, sovereign insolvencies, and massive social and political instability. 


Wrong Ideas

"I come to writing about the future from a deep and abiding interest in the history of wrong ideas. I am interested in the question of just what makes an idea a wrong idea. Once it was probably a 'right' idea which contributed to the way people understood their world, the world of `what is'. Then it becomes an idea which no longer describes `what is' but instead describes `what can't be'. In similar vein, the knowledge base of futures studies might be taken as constituted by ideas, yet to be labelled right or wrong, about ‘what might be’." ~ Sohail Inayatullah

The only way anybody can get into Thulien Zo'ra is through the front gate.

What does that mean?

Simply, Thulien Zo'ra is the Truth, the Light and the Way. When you're finally all finished playing with yourselves we will show you how to gain victory. Until that time we can only be amused that there are people out there who devote so much time trying to re-invent the wheel.

It has been said, "A fool is a person who keeps doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Methinks, that you are not concerned with positive results. Otherwise, you would be making headway. But then, how can you arrive at a destination when you don't have any idea where you are going? Do you really think that hate has enough force to carry your ideals to victory? Who or what is it that you hate the most? Who are your enemies and who are your friends?

Is this supposed to be a "mutual admiration society"? Set up your blog, or organization, or party, or whatever... then show your orthodoxy by republishing articles from bygone times... or spouting cliches about "leaderless resistance"... advocating acts of terrorism and then saying to the police, "Hey, I was only using 'poetic license' - I am innocent of any wrong-doing."

On the six o'clock news they busted some kid who had swastika flags, guns, and some of your "hate literature"... "Another misguided youth, it's not my fault he didn't understand that this was only theoretical."

Is that what you're going to tell his mom and dad? Or do you have a different story for them than you do the police?

Listen to me, without getting all emotional... You will never beat the System playing it's game. This is their game: Tactics of Intimidation. They will chew you up and spit you out... You have to grasp the fundamentals and then learn to think outside the box.

These young men whom you imagine are "cannon fodder" are the Future. You have no right to ask them to make sacrifices unless you are certain of success. If you think you are "making propaganda" by squandering these valuable resources then please think again. Your propaganda is atrocious. It has made our movement a laughing-stock in the eyes of the world. Is that part of your plan?

And then there are the appeasers... "Hey, we're not racists, everybody is welcome - let's all get touchy-feely... Oh the swastika, it's just a fun symbol - it doesn't really mean anything."

You are going to have a rude awakening one day. People who play with fire usually get burned... You want to be a "revolutionary"? Read this: Rules for Revolution. It's revolution for the hell of it. It's not going anywhere. It isn't supposed to. It can't. And, when people find out this is what you are all about there goes your credibility.

You might as well just come out and tell everybody you're a bunch of fags... You might get some sympathy with that excuse... "It's not my fault I have a chemical imbalance in my brain." At least there's treatment for being screwed up in the head - but not for being an idiot!

Don't get the idea that we want to "work with anyone" as equals. Back in the 1980s we discovered that we don't have any equals. They said we were just a bunch of kids. (Funny how time has a way of changing things...) We started with the principles of the SS and evolved and evolved... We learned that it's not about political power - it's about spiritual power! Each person has to win the struggle in their own mind, in their own life. It's not about quantity - it's about quality! It's not about money or power - it's about perfection and harmony!

The whole essence of our belief is GIVING BIRTH TO A HIGHER EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY... it is not now, nor has it ever been, about preserving the status quo.

It's all about perfection of the individual and harmony with nature!


The Real Face Of Jesus

From the first time Christian children settle into Sunday school classrooms, an image of Jesus Christ is etched into their minds. In North America he is most often depicted as being taller than his disciples, lean, with long, flowing, light brown hair, fair skin and light-colored eyes. Familiar though this image may be, it is inherently flawed. A person with these features and physical bearing would have looked very different from everyone else in the region where Jesus lived and ministered. Surely the authors of the Bible would have mentioned so stark a contrast. On the contrary, according to the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane before the Crucifixion, Judas Iscariot had to indicate to the soldiers whom Jesus was because they could not tell him apart from his disciples. Further clouding the question of what Jesus looked like is the simple fact that nowhere in the New Testament is Jesus described, nor have any drawings of him ever been uncovered. There is the additional problem of having neither a skeleton nor other bodily remains to probe for DNA. In the absence of evidence, our images of Jesus have been left to the imagination of artists. The influences of the artists' cultures and traditions can be profound, observes Carlos F. Cardoza-Orlandi, associate professor of world Christianity at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta. "While Western imagery is dominant, in other parts of the world he is often shown as black, Arab or Hispanic." And so the fundamental question remains: What did Jesus look like? 

An answer has emerged from an exciting new field of science: forensic anthropology. Using methods similar to those police have developed to solve crimes, British scientists, assisted by Israeli archeologists, have re-created what they believe is the most accurate image of the most famous face in human history.

Who's your Daddy?


World Population

World population now stands at SEVEN BILLION!

World population would not be a problem if there were unlimited land, unlimited water, unlimited resources. Unfortunately, with overpopulation, there is the problem of sharing the same sized pie with smaller and smaller portions. People in developed countries who have been accustomed to a better quality of life are reluctant to give it up. In many cases, more efficient use of resources has come along hand-in-hand with improved quality of life.

But there are still problems of over consumption, exploitation, the short-sighted search for an ever-higher quality of life, and the greed of corporations and individuals in cutting corners resulting in pollution and reckless use of raw materials. Less-developed countries that, in the past, had smaller populations such that slash-and-burn agriculture had less impact, cities had fewer vehicles to send pollution into the air, and industries were not as attracted by cheap labor and thus polluted rivers and the air less.

This is a difficult subject. Should people have fewer children or should people use fewer resources, pollute less? Or both? Should one problem have priority over the other? The world population has doubled in the last forty years. Who has contributed the most to over consumption and pollution? The more developed nations with a relatively stable population growth, but who use 5-50 times the resources of the poor, or the less developed nations whose populations will double again in 30 years, who will run out of food and water first, and whose pollution due to agricultural mismanagement, coal burning, lack of emission controls, misuse of pesticides, and toxic waste from under regulated industries, will only worsen with the increase of population? And then there is the question of ownership and distribution of resources, do the rich exploit the poor, and to what extent? As I said, this is a difficult subject.

There is a delicate balance here: we want the poor countries to improve their economic situation and to improve the family's quality of life. This has been know to lower the birth rate. But we want the rich countries to consume less, perhaps lower the quality of life. We need to balance the quality of life between the rich and the poor, at the same time, hoping to balance the family size between the rich and the poor.

Moreover, in the Folkish Movement we hear complaints about the declining White birthrate, and encouragement for White people to have larger families. So, right from the start, there are serious contradictions. One way to resolve these contradictions is to ask a few questions: 

Do we need any "useless-eaters" among the Folk?

No, of course not. In order to survive we must improvise, adapt and overcome. We must throw all the useless "baggage" overboard. We must become "leaner and meaner". We need to purify our gene-pool. Eliminate defective genes. Get rid of "useless-eaters": mental defectives, criminals, cripples, etc. Eugenics is the only thing that is going to save us. Otherwise, the world is going to limit the number of children to one per couple and license parenting. 

For starters we can say, "The world doesn't need any more people with an IQ of 45 or less." If the retards can't take the IQ test... Sayonara. We don't need anymore sick people--people who fall below certain standards of physical fitness... Sayonara. Career criminals... Sayonara. Fat bitches who live on welfare... Sayonara. (Are we having fun yet?)

OMG! You think this sounds harsh - the world of the future is going to be harsh! We must favor limiting the population to healthy, intelligent, physically fit human beings. Everybody else... Sayonara. We must give birth to a higher evolution, and then give way before that next evolution (the New Man).

If things continue along the present lines our civilization is going to go right down the toilet. And, you know it. It is so obvious that only a fool, or a liar, would argue otherwise.

Who opposes population control?

The same evil axis that is destroying civilization: Corporate Capitalism and the Abrahamic religion. Wake up and realize that this axis is our enemy!

Yes, this is a "difficult" subject. But if we face all of these difficult subjects (i.e., World population, hunger, the environment, etc.) we will begin to see that it is the same enemy who stands against the Voice of Reason every time: Corporate Capitalism and the Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Atheism).

Is it a coincidence? 

Each person must be the judge of that. But don't blame me for the problems of the world. Especially, when you can read anything I've written on this blog and know in your heart that it is honest and true. Someone has been lying to you and it isn't me. Maybe you should try to figure out on your own who it is... Otherwise, you are going to continue getting played for a sucker right up until the bitter end...

And, that's the Truth!


US-Israel Blood Pact

Just when you think your contempt for Congress could not get any higher, our elected representatives manage to do something to ratchet it up another notch. After congressional shenanigans helped spark a major market sell-off and sparked fears of a double-dip recession, you'd think every single one of them would be heading back to their districts to figure out what their constituents wanted and to try to explain how they were going to help make things better. Or maybe a few of them would even spend the recess taking a crash course in macroeconomics and public finance, so that they could start exercising their public duties more responsibly.

But what did 81 of them decide to do instead? You guessed it: they are off on junkets to Israel, paid for by the American Israel Education Foundation, an AIPAC spinoff that has been funding such trips for years. That's right: during the August recess nearly a fifth of the U.S. Congress will visit a single country whose entire population is less than that of New York City.   

Such behavior is especially disturbing in light of our current woes; even Greta Van Susteren of Fox News found it appalling (Click here and here). But it's not really a new pattern: in recent decades about 10 percent of all Congressional trips overseas have been to Israel, even though it is only one of the nearly 200 countries in the world.

Why do Congresspersons do this, especially at a moment when it is obvious that they ought to be worrying about conditions here at home? Mostly because such junkets burnish a legislator's ‘pro-Israel' credentials and facilitate campaign fundraising. Such trips also expose these visitors to the policy preferences and basic worldview of Israel's leaders, which is of course why AIEF pays for them. 

I suppose we ought to be grateful that AIPAC and its sister organizations continue to work overtime to prove us right. But there are bigger issues at stake here, which is why I hope that every one of those eighty-plus Congressmen faces a lot of nasty questions from their constituents upon their return.

And in a related story, the Israeli government has just announced a new round of settlement building in occupied East Jerusalem. (For apt commentary, see Matt Duss of the Center for American Progress here.) If you've been wondering why most people have lost faith in U.S. stewardship of the peace process and are turning to other strategies--such as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement or the push for a Palestinian state at the UN --well, I think you have your answer. And if "two states for two peoples" is never achieved and Israel ceases to be either a Jewish majority state or a true democracy, you'll know exactly which misguided or feckless Americans helped bring that about.

UPDATE:  American taxpayers will be pleased to know that Representative Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland) has reassured Israelis that financial challenges "will not have any adverse effect on America's determination to meet its promise to Israel."  Translation: we may be cutting Medicare and Social Security for U.S. citizens, but Israelis--whose country has the 27th highest per capita income in the world--will continue to get generous subsidies from Uncle Sucker.


The Rise of the Pentagon's Secret Army

Born of a failed 1980 raid to rescue American hostages in Iran, in which eight US service members died, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) was established in 1987. Having spent the post-Vietnam years distrusted and starved for money by the regular military, special operations forces suddenly had a single home, a stable budget, and a four-star commander as their advocate.

Since then, SOCOM has grown into a combined force of startling proportions. Made up of units from all the service branches, including the Army's "Green Berets" and Rangers, Navy SEALs, Air Force Air Commandos, and Marine Corps Special Operations teams, in addition to specialised helicopter crews, boat teams, civil affairs personnel, para-rescuemen, and even battlefield air-traffic controllers and special operations weathermen, SOCOM carries out the United States' most specialised and secret missions. These include assassinations, counter terrorist raids, long-range reconnaissance, intelligence analysis, foreign troop training, and weapons of mass destruction counter-proliferation operations.

One of its key components is the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, a clandestine sub-command whose primary mission is tracking and killing suspected terrorists. Reporting to the president and acting under his authority, JSOC maintains a global hit list that includes US citizens. It has been operating an extra-legal "kill/capture" campaign that John Nagl, a past counterinsurgency adviser to four-star general and soon-to-be CIA Director David Petraeus, calls "an almost industrial-scale counter terrorism killing machine".

This assassination programme has been carried out by commando units like the Navy SEALs and the Army's Delta Force as well as via drone strikes as part of covert wars in which the CIA is also involved in countries like Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen. In addition, the command operates a network of secret prisons, perhaps as many as 20 black sites in Afghanistan alone, used for interrogating high-value targets.


Ethnic DNA Testing

Ethnic DNA Testing Reveals Your Genetic Heritage

We hear much talk about the "white race", yet we notice that many of the talkers have non-Aryan features and characteristics.

If one believes in "racial theories" such a one subscribes to the idea that men's characters (and even their souls) are determined by their genes.

In other words, according to "racial theories": A non-Aryan cannot have Aryan thoughts and aspirations, nor can such a one even understand Aryan thoughts and aspirations.

Therefore, as of 01 September 2011 Thulien Zo'ra will require DNA testing of all applicants for membership in the al Hyu d'Ar'e, and all officers in the community.

Tracing Your Ancestry Through DNA

Popularized in recent years by its use in high-profile criminal investigations and paternity cases, DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is most commonly used to prove a relationship to an individual. New tests created in recent years, however, have also turned DNA into a popular tool for determining ancestry. As DNA is passed down from one generation to the next, some parts remain almost unchanged, while other parts change greatly. This creates an unbreakable link between generations and it can be of great help in reconstructing our family histories. 

DNA tests have been around for many years, but it is only recently that the cost of genetic testing has finally come down into the realm of possibility for the average individual interested in tracing their roots. Home DNA test kits can be ordered through the mail or over the Internet at a cost averaging $100-$400 per test. They usually consist of a cheek swab or mouthwash to easily collect a sample of cells from the inside of your mouth. You send back the sample through the mail and within a month or two you receive the results - a series of numbers that represent key chemical "markers" within your DNA. These numbers can then be compared to results from other individuals to help you determine your ancestry.

We encourage all other so-called "racialist" organizations to follow our example.



London in Flames

LONDON: Hundreds of mostly young black men armed with makeshift missiles hurled bricks and aimed Molotov cocktails at riot police against a backdrop of burning vehicles and buildings in north London, as what began as a protest against police brutality became a riot.

Even though the totalitarian British Government has thrown a blanket over the events, it is emerging that the Metropolitan Police pulled over two Afro-Caribbean youths, made them lie on the ground, and shot one of them point-blank in the back of the head.

The violence erupted on Saturday night and Sunday morning following a protest over the fatal shooting.

Big Brother has warned against "ill-informed speculation" about more riots in other parts of London on Sunday evening. And, not to believe rumours.

"Throughout the day we have been monitoring social networking sites and I'd like to say right from the outset, we're conscious of some really ill-informed speculation on those sites relating to potential further problems."

Twenty-six officers and three others were wounded in the violence which broke out after a protest over the fatal shooting by police of 29-year-old Mark Duggan on Thursday.

During the riot people threw Molotov Cocktails, reducing many buildings and vehicles to charred wrecks.

A Molotov cocktail is a breakable bottle containing a flammable substance such as gasoline or a napalm-like mixture and usually a source of ignition such as a burning cloth wick held in place by the bottle's stopper. The wick is usually soaked in alcohol or kerosene, rather than gasoline.

In action, the wick is lit and the bottle hurled at a target such as a vehicle or fortification. When the bottle smashes on impact, the ensuing cloud of petrol droplets and vapour are ignited, causing an immediate fireball followed by a raging fire as the remainder of the fuel is consumed. Another method is to place a reactive substance in with the gasoline, and treat the label or wrapper paper with another chemical; when the bottle ruptures, the two chemicals mix and ignite; this is safer to handle if done properly, and does not betray the thrower with a visible flame prior to the throw.

Other flammable liquids such as methanol, turpentine and E85 have been used in place of gasoline. Thickening agents such as Styrofoam, tar, strips of tyre tubing, sugar, blood, XPS foam, egg whites, motor oil, rubber cement, and dish soap have been added to help the burning liquid adhere to the target and create clouds of thick, choking smoke.

Google it.


The True Revolutionary

What is the hallmark of a true revolutionary?

The brainless masses, as well as that great herd of pseudo-intellectuals, conceive of a revolutionary as someone who causes a great amount of death and destruction in bringing about political change. And they would be wrong. No, a man can be responsible for the deaths of millions of people and violently disrupt dozens of societies — as did Genghis Khan — without being revolutionary at all.

True revolutionary change occurs only when preceded or accompanied by a change in spiritual values. The creator of new values is thus the truest revolutionary.

Or, as Nietzsche commented: “The world does not revolve around the inventors of a new noise, but around the inventors of new values.”

A subsequent political revolution might require physical warfare and physical destruction in order to clear the way for a new existence and a new order of things. But if any real change is to be effected, the successful physical revolution must follow the successful spiritual revolution.

Nietzsche says in Ecce Homo:
"Fundamentally, I intended something quite different with those books than pursuing psychology: an unequalled problem in education, a new concept of self-discipline, self defense to the utmost hardness, a path to greatness and to world-historical tasks sought to express itself for the first time."

"O my brothers, I direct and consecrate you to a new nobility: ye shall become begetters and cultivators and sowers of the future.

"Not from whence ye come shall henceforth be your honor, but whither ye go! Your will and your foot, that want to pass to something beyond yourselves — that will be your new honor!

"Verily, not that ye have served a prince — what do princes matter any more! — or have become a bulwark to that which standeth so that it may stand more firmly!

"Not that your kin have grown courtly at courts and ye have learned to stand for long hours in shallow pools, like unto the flamingo, brightly appareled.

"And not that a ghost, called holy, led your forefathers into lands of promise that I do not praise: for there, where the worst of all trees — the Cross — grew, in that land there is nothing to praise!

"And verily, wherever the Holy Ghost hath led its knights, goats and geese and Cross-eyed and wrong-headed creatures always ran at the head of the procession!

"O my brothers, not backwards shalt your nobility look, but forwards! You shall be fugitives from all fatherlands and forefatherlands!

"Ye shall love your children’s land: be this love your new nobility, the undiscovered land beyond the farthest sea! I bid your sails to seek it again and again!

"Ye shall make amends unto your children for being the children of your fathers: thus shall ye redeem all that has gone before! This new tablet of law do I set over you!"

The strong individuals are those who oppose and resist society’s general trends and rules, the rules of the majority, and successfully struggle against them. Out of those individuals, the new aristocracy will be moulded — but many will perish in the process. For this process will not be easy and comfortable.

A true revolutionary understands that ours is a war of ideas - a war between contending ideas! 

True revolutionary change occurs only when preceded or accompanied by a change in spiritual values. The creator of new values is thus the truest revolutionary....


Quo vadis? (Where are you going?)

Are you looking for death and destruction, Rebirth, A New Order, or just something to pass the time while you amuse yourself? You are what you seek. There is no escaping yourself. Wherever you go there you are. Whatever you touch becomes contaminated with your disease. You are the creator of your own world.

"I live in my mind," saith the assassin.

Yes, and in your deeds... Now is the hour of decision... What will you choose?

We hear talk of violent revolution. Organizing small cells to commit acts of terrorism on the "Enemy". Supposedly, this will hasten the decline of the "Evil Empire" (Order), and society will collapse from the weight of its own folly - thus creating chaos!

In Chaos is Freedom!

It is unfortunate that no one has yet defined who and what the "Enemy" is. Because without accurate knowledge of the foe there can be no real victory. Yet, we can glibly pay lip-service to the idea that the problems of the world are the result of an "International Jewish Conspiracy". However, in our minds (where our true selves reside) the Jew has no power. If he did resistance would be futile indeed. Moreover, if your mind is "clean" and your thoughts are pure no one can penetrate into your inner sanctum... There is your "Fortress of Solitude".

All of the swirling chaos has no meaning to a mind that is calm; to thoughts that are pure; to a mind uncontaminated by the "filth" of the world.

Yet, you remain afraid. What is it exactly that you fear? Do you fear death, or is it life that makes you afraid?

Yes, this age is coming to an end. The finger of fate has written on the wall. It is only a matter of time before this edict is carried out by unseen angels, and the most fearsome forces of evil are unleashed... 

Are you ready to meet your fate?

Have you prepared yourself for the ultimate scenario of doom?

This is a path that you can choose: Chaos, destruction and death. Of course, there is a very high probability that these things will be unleashed by you - on yourself - as a result of choosing this path.

There are also other paths... But, for now, you stand at the crossroads of Peace and War. The choice is yours. If you want I can take you to war. I have been there before... you will not like it. Moreover, you probably won't survive it. No matter, we all die. The main thing is how we live! Again, the choice is yours... You are the ultimate master of your own destiny. Your decisions guide you into one of many possible futures. You must ask yourself: "Which is the best possible future for me, my family and my friends." 

No one can decide for you....


The 614th Commandment

God is the spirit of the Jewish people...

"Jewish philosopher Emil Fackenheim wrote many books but he is best known for a single phrase, a new commandment.  Fackenheim taught that,  in addition to the 613 commandments of tradition, Jews should observe a  614th -- not to grant Hitler a posthumous victory:  “We are commanded, first, to survive as Jews, lest the Jewish people perish.  We are commanded, second, to remember in our very guts and bones the martyrs of the holocaust, lest their memory perish.  We are forbidden, thirdly, to deny or despair of God, however much we may have to contend with him or with belief in him, lest Judaism perish. We are forbidden, finally, to despair of the world as the place which is to become the kingdom of God, lest we help make it a meaningless place in which God is dead or irrelevant and everything is permitted.” Although some have criticized Fackenheim for offering a negative reason to be Jewish, Fackenheim did not intend it to be negative.  Rather, he saw the education of each Jewish child as a victory over forgetting, and over darkness. Service to the ideal of one God, realizing the promise of a triumph over despair, hatred, and indifference -- this is the 614th commandment the Jewish people at its best, seeks to teach the world."   ~ Learning with the Rabbis

All my life I have heard about the 614 Commandments that Jews are subject to. But, I never bothered to ask, "What is the 614th Commandment?"

Yesterday I Googled "614th Commandment" for an article I was writing. Lo and behold, there is was... the answer to the question, "Why our children have to learn about the Holocaust?" (They may not know anything at all about the Second World War but 80 percent know about the Holocaust.)

Also, answered was the question, "Who is this 'God' that the Christians worship?" (Why God is the collective consciousness of the Jewish people you silly rabbit.) The answer explains a lot of things...

Google it.


Canada's War Criminal

Evil Canadian war criminal, Lt.- Gen. Charles Bouchard, NATO commander of the international military operation in Libya. Is the man ultimately responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians in North Africa. This cannot be denied. Nor can it be denied that the Canadian Parliament voted by a near unanimous margin of 294-1 to extend Canada’s military contribution to the NATO mission to the end of September. That means that Canada is implicated in the crimes against humanity as well. Waging aggressive warfare, crimes against humanity, and God knows what else... This was enough to convict the Nazis at Nuremberg. But humanity will never get a conviction against these murderous scum because they have the "sanction" of the United Nations, which is little more than a rubber stamp for the victorious allies of World War II.

In the modern world, double standards like this abound. If one fights for the interests of the United States and its lackeys he is a "freedom fighter"; But, if one actually fights for freedom he is branded as a "terrorist".

NATO's cowardice is apparent and disturbing; attacking a defenseless nation with high flying airplanes, missiles launched from sea, and helicopter gunships spraying missiles and bullets. Acting as a protectorate to prevent slaughter, NATO has augmented the killing, behaving as a killing machine with no other objective than to destroy. As of June 11, the US Government had spent $665 million in the conflict.

Then the Government tells us they can't pay their bills...

Is it any wonder?