"I come to writing about the future from a deep and abiding interest in the history of wrong ideas. I am interested in the question of just what makes an idea a wrong idea. Once it was probably a 'right' idea which contributed to the way people understood their world, the world of `what is'. Then it becomes an idea which no longer describes `what is' but instead describes `what can't be'. In similar vein, the knowledge base of futures studies might be taken as constituted by ideas, yet to be labelled right or wrong, about ‘what might be’." ~ Sohail Inayatullah
The only way anybody can get into Thulien Zo'ra is through the front gate.
What does that mean?
Simply, Thulien Zo'ra is the Truth, the Light and the Way. When you're finally all finished playing with yourselves we will show you how to gain victory. Until that time we can only be amused that there are people out there who devote so much time trying to re-invent the wheel.
It has been said, "A fool is a person who keeps doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Methinks, that you are not concerned with positive results. Otherwise, you would be making headway. But then, how can you arrive at a destination when you don't have any idea where you are going? Do you really think that hate has enough force to carry your ideals to victory? Who or what is it that you hate the most? Who are your enemies and who are your friends?
Is this supposed to be a "mutual admiration society"? Set up your blog, or organization, or party, or whatever... then show your orthodoxy by republishing articles from bygone times... or spouting cliches about "leaderless resistance"... advocating acts of terrorism and then saying to the police, "Hey, I was only using 'poetic license' - I am innocent of any wrong-doing."
On the six o'clock news they busted some kid who had swastika flags, guns, and some of your "hate literature"... "Another misguided youth, it's not my fault he didn't understand that this was only theoretical."
Is that what you're going to tell his mom and dad? Or do you have a different story for them than you do the police?
Listen to me, without getting all emotional... You will never beat the System playing it's game. This is their game: Tactics of Intimidation. They will chew you up and spit you out... You have to grasp the fundamentals and then learn to think outside the box.
These young men whom you imagine are "cannon fodder" are the Future. You have no right to ask them to make sacrifices unless you are certain of success. If you think you are "making propaganda" by squandering these valuable resources then please think again. Your propaganda is atrocious. It has made our movement a laughing-stock in the eyes of the world. Is that part of your plan?
And then there are the appeasers... "Hey, we're not racists, everybody is welcome - let's all get touchy-feely... Oh the swastika, it's just a fun symbol - it doesn't really mean anything."
You are going to have a rude awakening one day. People who play with fire usually get burned... You want to be a "revolutionary"? Read this: Rules for Revolution. It's revolution for the hell of it. It's not going anywhere. It isn't supposed to. It can't. And, when people find out this is what you are all about there goes your credibility.
You might as well just come out and tell everybody you're a bunch of fags... You might get some sympathy with that excuse... "It's not my fault I have a chemical imbalance in my brain." At least there's treatment for being screwed up in the head - but not for being an idiot!
Don't get the idea that we want to "work with anyone" as equals. Back in the 1980s we discovered that we don't have any equals. They said we were just a bunch of kids. (Funny how time has a way of changing things...) We started with the principles of the SS and evolved and evolved... We learned that it's not about political power - it's about spiritual power! Each person has to win the struggle in their own mind, in their own life. It's not about quantity - it's about quality! It's not about money or power - it's about perfection and harmony!
The whole essence of our belief is GIVING BIRTH TO A HIGHER EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY... it is not now, nor has it ever been, about preserving the status quo.
It's all about perfection of the individual and harmony with nature!
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