
How Can We Save the U.S. Economy?

Any attempt at fixing the problem is only going to perpetuate the suffering of the people. The problem is the Corporate Capitalist System. It is obsolete as a political/economic system. It does not serve the interests of the American people (or any people aside from the rich). If we want to create a better world the Corporate Capitalist System has to go. 

We could keep patching an already leaking lifeboat. A five dollar a gallon tax on gasoline, a luxury tax on items that are superfluous, a ten percent flat income tax with no exemptions and no exceptions. These combined with a reduction in military spending (at least by fifty percent), as well as an end to all Foreign Aid; and, also, politicians salaries should be reduced to the average wage of their constituency. This would be a start. However, it is only a patch on a boat that is doomed to sink anyway.

The failure of the economy is that it can no longer support the people. It's an economic version of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. We have critical issues that need to be addressed: Homelessness, unemployment, social unrest, no future for our young people... and it is only going to get worse.

The Corporate Capitalists use war as a tool to solve economic problems. Therefore, there is another dimension that must be considered. Namely, when will they start World War III to save their asses? You can also look forward to the very real possibility that some horrible shit is on the horizon. The Bilderbergs say that the world only needs one billion people... Does that mean that six billion people have to die?

That's a lot of body bags to fill.

Do you really want to keep this system going? Do you want to see our way of life come to an end? - Watch as we get poorer and poorer, as laws get more repressive, our privacy invaded by Corporate Secret Police, our rights taken away one-by-one... Until it becomes necessary to rise up against Corporate Feudalism and tear it apart brick-by-brick!?

You didn't think a broken system was going to fix itself, did you?

We can either fix it the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours....

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