World population now stands at SEVEN BILLION!
World population would not be a problem if there were unlimited land, unlimited water, unlimited resources. Unfortunately, with overpopulation, there is the problem of sharing the same sized pie with smaller and smaller portions. People in developed countries who have been accustomed to a better quality of life are reluctant to give it up. In many cases, more efficient use of resources has come along hand-in-hand with improved quality of life.
But there are still problems of over consumption, exploitation, the short-sighted search for an ever-higher quality of life, and the greed of corporations and individuals in cutting corners resulting in pollution and reckless use of raw materials. Less-developed countries that, in the past, had smaller populations such that slash-and-burn agriculture had less impact, cities had fewer vehicles to send pollution into the air, and industries were not as attracted by cheap labor and thus polluted rivers and the air less.
This is a difficult subject. Should people have fewer children or should people use fewer resources, pollute less? Or both? Should one problem have priority over the other? The world population has doubled in the last forty years. Who has contributed the most to over consumption and pollution? The more developed nations with a relatively stable population growth, but who use 5-50 times the resources of the poor, or the less developed nations whose populations will double again in 30 years, who will run out of food and water first, and whose pollution due to agricultural mismanagement, coal burning, lack of emission controls, misuse of pesticides, and toxic waste from under regulated industries, will only worsen with the increase of population? And then there is the question of ownership and distribution of resources, do the rich exploit the poor, and to what extent? As I said, this is a difficult subject.
There is a delicate balance here: we want the poor countries to improve their economic situation and to improve the family's quality of life. This has been know to lower the birth rate. But we want the rich countries to consume less, perhaps lower the quality of life. We need to balance the quality of life between the rich and the poor, at the same time, hoping to balance the family size between the rich and the poor.
Moreover, in the Folkish Movement we hear complaints about the declining White birthrate, and encouragement for White people to have larger families. So, right from the start, there are serious contradictions. One way to resolve these contradictions is to ask a few questions:
Do we need any "useless-eaters" among the Folk?
No, of course not. In order to survive we must improvise, adapt and overcome. We must throw all the useless "baggage" overboard. We must become "leaner and meaner". We need to purify our gene-pool. Eliminate defective genes. Get rid of "useless-eaters": mental defectives, criminals, cripples, etc. Eugenics is the only thing that is going to save us. Otherwise, the world is going to limit the number of children to one per couple and license parenting.
For starters we can say, "The world doesn't need any more people with an IQ of 45 or less." If the retards can't take the IQ test... Sayonara. We don't need anymore sick people--people who fall below certain standards of physical fitness... Sayonara. Career criminals... Sayonara. Fat bitches who live on welfare... Sayonara. (Are we having fun yet?)
OMG! You think this sounds harsh - the world of the future is going to be harsh! We must favor limiting the population to healthy, intelligent, physically fit human beings. Everybody else... Sayonara. We must give birth to a higher evolution, and then give way before that next evolution (the New Man).
If things continue along the present lines our civilization is going to go right down the toilet. And, you know it. It is so obvious that only a fool, or a liar, would argue otherwise.
Who opposes population control?
The same evil axis that is destroying civilization: Corporate Capitalism and the Abrahamic religion. Wake up and realize that this axis is our enemy!
Yes, this is a "difficult" subject. But if we face all of these difficult subjects (i.e., World population, hunger, the environment, etc.) we will begin to see that it is the same enemy who stands against the Voice of Reason every time: Corporate Capitalism and the Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Atheism).
Is it a coincidence?
Each person must be the judge of that. But don't blame me for the problems of the world. Especially, when you can read anything I've written on this blog and know in your heart that it is honest and true. Someone has been lying to you and it isn't me. Maybe you should try to figure out on your own who it is... Otherwise, you are going to continue getting played for a sucker right up until the bitter end...
And, that's the Truth!
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