
Pentagon OKs Gay Marriage

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon finally 'came out of the closet' on Friday, authorizing military Chaplains to perform Homosexual weddings in states where it is legal.

Defense Department guidelines said chaplains may participate in ceremonies on or off military bases in states that recognize homosexual unions.

Homosexual couples may get married in Washington, D.C. and six states: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. Maryland and several other states recognize same-sex marriages but do not grant licenses to same-sex couples. Forty-one states have either laws or constitutional amendments prohibiting same-sex marriage.

Joe Solomonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a pro-gay rights group, rubbed his hands together in glee and proclaimed that this was a great victory for 'human rights'.

The Pentagon officially ended its ban on gays in the military last week and Friday's guidelines are seen by many as a move toward an all homosexual military.

In May, the Navy started the ball rolling on same-sex marriages but changed its mind amid criticism that it was acting on its own instead of in tandem with other military services.

"It is outrageous that only 10 days after repeal of the law against homosexuality in the Armed Forces, the Defense Department is already pushing the military further down the slippery slope," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, in a written statement. "The repeal law passed by the lame-duck Congress last year said nothing about authorizing same-sex 'weddings' on military bases or by military chaplains."

Critics said the new policy violates the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage in federal law as being only between a man and a woman.

DOMA "remains the law in America, defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman for all purposes under federal law," said Perkins, who called on the White House "to end its multi-front attack upon marriage."

Opponents of DOMA applauded the decisions. And are eager to design new uniforms for the military. Maybe leather chaps with exposed buttocks? And how about replacing "The Army Goes Rolling Along" with "YMCA" by the Village People? The possibilities are endless... and we should greet this new turn of events with enthusiasm... Especially since the Pentagon has just made itself the laughingstock of the world. Thank God the Chinese are going to take over as the #1 superpower! At least there ain't no Kung Fu sissies...

Finally, the United States is coming apart at the seams... What a country! What a strange place the 21st Century is!

Happy Days....

Manifesto of Anti-Consumerism

For at least three generations, since at least the end of World War II, Americans and much of the rest of the world have been subjected to an unceasing assault on their economic freedom and their fundamental freedoms of thought and choice. Not only has this barrage gone unopposed and unpunished, but governments, institutions and the great majority of individuals actively support its existence and efforts. Indeed, whole industries and associations of institutions have arisen with the sole purpose of protecting and furthering this assault.

Strangest of all, this assault, this unceasing attack on the minds and wallets of nearly every person on Earth, has gone all but unnoticed, or noticed only enough to be dismissed.

It is no exaggeration to say that the effects of this barrage have had a larger impact on present-day life and the condition of our planet than any other factor in modern history.

This assault comes from the combined forces of the consumer manufacturing, advertising and marketing industries, and all those who promote, support and encourage consumerism - the idea that the purpose of life is to use one's economic resources to acquire goods and services, and that it is incumbent on all to maximize their economic resources to further this pursuit. This assault strikes everyone, from all sides, unrelentingly and without significant opposition or protections. It harms everyone, and harms our planet through the fostering of overconsumption and unnecessary depletion of natural resources.

We therefore declare that:
  • This assault on the freedom of choice and the economic freedom of all individuals must cease;
  • We strive to individually free ourselves from the effects and control of this assault;
  • We strive to educate others to free them from this assault;
  • We will work to actively expose this assault and oppose those who perpetrate it; and
  • We actively seek to end the reign of consumerism as an economic and lifestyle force.
  • The greatest goal is to return control of thought, fortune and future to the individuals and families from whom it has been subverted for the basest commercial greed.
To these ends, we furthermore declare that:
  • We believe that ownership of goods does not define a worthwhile life.
  • We believe it is acceptable to live at any level and in any style one's means permit.
  • It is not our belief that a minimalist, ascetic or otherwise restricted lifestyle is desirable for all individuals.
  • We do not advocate a possession-free life, only an attitude of healthy and informed skepticism about the value of acquiring possessions.
We believe in people living within their means.
The greatest crime of the forces driving consumerism is their victimizing of individuals not to the limit of their ability to buy, but beyond it. Learning to avoid overspending and misuse of credit, especially for consumerist nonessentials, is a foundation for a truly happy life.

We accept that advertising is a necessary component of a healthy economy.
Advertising has its place. It's just not in controlling the hearts and minds of individuals.

We believe in the strongest possible protections against fraud and misrepresentation.
It is bad enough, and difficult enough to defend against, when advertising misrepresents an idea, a concept or another intangible. It is worse when an ad lies outright about a factual aspect of the product or service presented. It is the goal of the entire Renegade Consumer campaign to eliminate and defuse misrepresentation of concepts. It is our secondary goal to encourage legal prevention and prosecution of factual misrepresentation to the fullest possible extent.

We demand ethical action and behavior from manufacturers, marketers and sellers.
It's time for the ethics of consumer sales to evolve past the management of all business decisions to maximize revenue at any cost.

We believe in independent thought.
We encourage critical thinking. Letting others do your thinking for you, and uncritically accepting what you are told, is a road to failure as an individual and destruction as a nation, if not a race. Think - strongly - for yourself.

We encourage individuals to consider their financial future while managing their financial present.
A long life is nearly always ended with a period of reduced earnings. No one wants a limited life in these latter years. It takes planning and careful management of every dollar that goes through your hands to ensure a healthy, secure and comfortable final stretch. Buying into the consumerist lifestyle affects this goal in the same way as strapping an engine block to each foot and then trying to swim.

We encourage Renegades to ply their opposition legally.
Renegadery is a war of ideas. We strongly encourage every form of intellectual and cultural warfare... but we strongly discourage all illegal defacement, hacking, damage or destruction. Fight fairly, Renegades... because we're better than they are.

And it is thus that we pledge unceasing war on the promulgators, the believers and the very concept of consumerism.

We don't buy it any more!


The Buddha

You have to wonder about the Buddha...a guy that bore a swastika on his chest and was the founder of the Aryan Path... He was an Aryan, of European descent, a nobleman in a societal caste system that did not ‘officially’ intermarry with native populations. The rigidity of the system can be seen even in further generations. Nearly a thousand years later, Bodhidharma, another Aryan descendant, was called The Blue Eyed Demon by the Chinese.

Also, in recent years we’ve witnessed the startling discoveries of three thousand year-old blond and red haired Caucasian mummies in the Takla Makan area of western China... Hmm, this begs the question, "Is the 'Buddha Nature' one and the same as the nature of the true Aryan?"

"Nature teaches beasts to know their friends ..." ~ William Shakespeare

The genes that code for proteins in our human species are remarkably similar, often nearly identical, to those of many other species across the animal kingdom. It makes sense, considering that throughout our natural history human beings and other animals have shared the same environments and competed for the same resources in a quest for survival. Having so much in common with the other animals in our kingdom, we can consider that many strategies that they have developed to aid survival can help us too, and can even help awaken our own practice.

To poise on a cliff face

The Golden Eagle swoops at Wild Mountain Goats on cliff ledges so they it will fall and perilously arrive as prey on the canyon floor. In reality the Eagle is poised and orbits the prey with a focus that is imploding with precision. The eye of the intensely gazing Eagle remains in focus during its entire descent on the target. But the Goat is often alert and aware of the Eagle’s intentions and will stand firm on the edge of a vertical cliff face, despite the possibility of any perilous outcome.

This exchange of energies can awaken us to our own practice of alertness. We too can remain poised, holding firm while remaining seated ‘as tall as a mountain’. In this strong position we can avoid the phenomena of sleepiness or the onslaught of circling thoughts. With cultivation and precision, we remain balanced and not so easily thwarted. We can use this time to focus intently on our practice.

Launching into the abyss

To imagine the flight of a condor is to imagine the soaring and circling of a creature with an enormous wingspan. Despite its ability for sublime orbiting in space, this aerobat must be already on high ground before safely and effectively launching into its aerial reconnaissance. Where the condor will perform swoops at food targets on the plains, it must then find space on higher ground, in order to perform a re-launch and a return into its aerobatic manoeuvres.

This preparation for launching reminds us to be in a comfortable position before ascending into contemplation. It asks us to be willing to deal with low level thoughts, mental formations and defilement, before the mind can find its ‘space’ in the lofty ‘unborn’.

The feline dilemma

The ‘eye of the tiger’ has been used as inspiration to remain poised and ready to strike at the first opportunity. This of course is a great reminder to maintain mindfulness throughout our daily activities. Yet the tiger also has a life of many distractions. The Chinese for example, will recognise that the tiger is passionate and powerful, but also quite unpredictable. Stray male tigers for example, are seen as the enemy by tigresses due to their random attacks on non-sired cubs. In the mainstream, alpha males are constantly assessing their territory readily available to strike at contenders, while females stake out hunting areas to rival other tigresses. To maintain this unpredictable and fear-based existence, evolution has provided tigers with two sensory features.

The first is tactile whiskers. This enables felines to find their way or judge the shape of obstacles if their vision is impaired. The second is a unique organ concealed within their mouth. By adjusting the shape of their face this organ is exposed and used as a detection tool for other marauding tigers.

This obsession of sensory survival may remind us of our personal discoveries, where our perception of separateness, created by our senses, should be seen as illusionary.  When we practice contemplation earnestly, we discover that there are no forms or conditions that have an independent or separate existence.  Since everything is inter-dependently co-arising, nothing can truly be separated, divided or put into categories. These types of hindrances to mindfulness can then be dissolved instantly. So here our cousin the tiger can be a provident reminder to go beyond all feelings and perceptions, if we wish to relieve the suffering of our own incessant monitoring.

The Serpent’s obsession with sensing and grasping

The anaconda also has device for sensory purposes. This is called the Jacobson’s organ which detects a range of environmental changes, like temperature or prey in its proximity. Like its relatives, this giant serpent extends and retracts its tongue to analyse information using this organ. Herein lies the snake’s incessant example of ‘monitoring’ and is also a strong reminder for us to drop all perceptions and consciousness, if we have the wish to make any real progress in our practice.

The anaconda also swallows its prey whole, which teaches to take in knowledge and power. This is a reminder that we too are powerful and will need to incubate that power in readiness for the appropriate time, when random thoughts and feelings plague our mindfulness.

In our own practice of the Aryan Way,  we not only consider that our animal cousins are evolving toward their own true ‘Buddha Nature’ but we also realise that they are drawn to wild and remote areas for reasons not unlike our own. We realise that they seek this solace to rest from their own tensions of incessant monitoring.

The difficulty for us humans, who dwell in the phenomenal world, is that the concept of animals gravitating towards enlightenment is more of an extreme notion at best. Yet when viewed with inter-connectedness, animals are works of art, more wondrous than anything arising from an individual creation or personal identity. They show us poise, intensity, resilience and patience, as well as persistence, dignity and humility. How is it then possible to overlook the important teachings of our precious animal kingdom, no matter how wild and unpredictable? Perhaps as we begin to notice their pervading ‘Buddha Nature’ we can catch a glimpse of ours, as it pervades our own healthy animal instincts....


Enemies & Friends: The Oxen

After World War II, the victorious allies condemned the National Socialist German Worker's Party and the SS as 'criminal' organizations. They executed German Nazis and sent others to prison... Even today, in Germany and many other countries, National Socialism and the Swastika are banned by strict laws...

I suppose it is only natural that after a horrible and drawn out war that the victors want to extract the last measure of 'justice' from the vanquished. There is nothing wrong with this. Every one who engages in a life-and-death struggle knows what happens to those who fail to achieve victory. The charges against the German Nazis were: waging aggressive war, and violations of the Geneva Convention (war crimes). Churchill, Roosevelt (then Truman), and Stalin didn't care about crimes against the Jewish people. (That was merely an after-thought.) Since 1945 we have seen instances of 'waging aggressive war', and, of course the allies committed their share of 'war crimes'... so, with the exception of Julius Streicher (who was executed for publishing an anti-Semitic newspaper), the verdict of the Nuremberg Trials was all about 'getting even.' Naturally, it was all dressed up as a serious 'legal proceeding'. Even though the German Nazis didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being acquitted... Again, it is only natural, especially in a world dominated by Abrahamic beliefs, that enemies must be completely destroyed. This keeps the mystique going... of an ever-present, all seeing, all powerful God that strikes down 'sinners' with lightning bolts, and then makes them burn in hell for all eternity.

People have been so conditioned (brain-washed) that they refuse to consider any but a knee jerk reaction to Nazism and the Swastika... their minds have been effectively switched off... they accept all of the 'facts' about history that have been conveniently provided for their consumption... And, this too is only natural. A healthy human instinct is to turn away from the defeated, shrug one's shoulders and say, "Fuck them - they lost!" Especially, after members of one's family have been killed or wounded by these same enemies.

In this respect we are no better than the German Nazis... because if you examine their 'crimes' one fault stands out above all others: indifference. They were indifferent to the suffering of others. And, this was the 'crime' of Germany: they were indifferent to the forces of history - they stood idly by and watched as events unfolded... and by being indifferent they became accomplices to the 'crimes' of others.

Isn't the same indifference still at work in the world?

Millions still die of starvation, millions die of disease, billions live in poverty, war still rages, conventions are not honored, millions of soldiers are still 'goose-stepping' throughout the world, warplanes are bombing and strafing civilians, etc., etc. and nobody gives a fuck... they just watch it happen, powerless to act against the forces of history... indifferent to the suffering of other human beings.

Researching this article on the evils of the Abrahamic Troika, has made me feel sick to my stomach... what a filthy bunch of sub-human scum are these Jews and Christians and Muslims, who practice their sexual perversions on helpless women and children... and who are so arrogant and self-righteous about their adherence to these twisted beliefs... I know I am probably just 'pissing against the wind', but I hope that someone reads what I write and becomes enlightened by it. No matter what any of us does, things will remain the same until we eliminate the underlying cause of 'evil' in the world. Namely, the Abrahamic religion and Corporate Capitalism... these are the chief enemies of the Future, and of humanity - they must be destroyed!

This is part three of a series exploring the Abrahamic religion (So named because Abraham is the father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam).

The verdict is in, Islam (is that really a word?) runs true to form... just like the rest of the Abrahamic Troika. To me, this proves my theory that the Abrahamic religion is completely evil... beyond a doubt. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not worthy of being allowed access to the Future. They can argue until they are blue in the face - in their arrogant and self-righteous manner - but I shall be unmoved.

Historically, the Abrahamic religion has been a blight on the face of the earth. War, murder, rape, torture, violence against women and children, you name it. Anything vile and evil is its specialty... Each faction points to the other and exclaims, "Look at that scum," and yet they are all the same... men driven to insanity by primitive and ignorant religious beliefs... hatred, hypocrisy, and intolerance... it is all there for the eye to see.

If you cannot see it the reason is that you refuse to look.

From here we make policy... What is to be done? Obviously (since I am busy making enemies of so many), I don't give a flying fuck about whether they vote for me or not... That is the cool thing about being a National Socialist. I am not afraid to speak the Truth. For years (fifty-six years to be exact) I have been a Nazi, and as a result I have received my fair share of abuse. It is too late to turn back now...

I have learned many lessons the hard way... An important one is that Adolf Hitler fucked up: he wanted to wait until the end of the war to deal with Christianity. Which left a BIG enemy to stab him in the back... and stab and stab and stab it did. The correct move would've been to postpone the war until the threat was eliminated. Even if it took a hundred years. Or even a thousand!

They say that Christianity made Western Civilization what it is... BOLLIX! Western Civilization arose IN SPITE of Christianity! Where it sucks there is the result of Abrahamic influence... Again, hatred, intolerance and hypocrisy. And, please don't blame me for your problems. I have not killed one Jew, or lynched any black men, I'll leave that up to you good religious people...

In parting, here is a response from the 'peanut gallery': "I hate atheist. you atheist don’t believe in nothing then that means you are nothing you are not humans if you don’t believe in god then you are nothing to me or anyone and your comments means nothing. you are nothing just a loser looking for attention."

Yes asshole, but what kind of attention? The right kind of attention is the kind that plants the seeds of ideas and launches memes... Torpedoes los! See if God will save you from your destiny. That should be a great source of comfort for you - to know that you will be in Heaven, for eternity, with your reptile god, and all your pervert asshole buddies....


Enemies & Friends: The Saints

My thesis is: As a man thinketh so shall he be. In other words, if you spend your time thinking about sin and corruption the next thing you know you are going to become one... 
(A sinful and corrupted individual.)

In my previous blog, I explored the twisted sexuality of the 'Righteous'. In this blog I would like to explore the so-called 'morality' of the 'Saints'.

Christianity is divided into two basic configurations: Catholic and Protestant. The Catholics believe that the 'Body of Christ' is the Church. Protestants believe that no one has authority over them but God... Other than that, and a few minor details, they are both pretty much the same. Christians believe that they are 'Saints' doing God's work in the world.

Here's how the Catholics do God's work: Click here. 

Here's how the Protestants do God's work: Click here. 

By their fruits shall ye know them...

"But these are just a few isolated individuals," you might argue.

Nope. This is an accelerating trend. It is a virus induced by exposure to the 'Holy Bible' and the Abrahamic faith. And, a serious threat to the future of humanity. My God, what did you think was going to happen in a cult that preaches that everyone who does not believe is going to burn in Hell?

The 'God of Love'? Ha! Rather the God of intolerance and hatred for anyone who does not fit the mold... The God of the hypocrites.

"Jesus loves you," only don't let him get behind you - especially if you are a little boy!

Here's a statistic for you: eighty percent of Christian youth leave the Church, as soon as they are emancipated. Not to worry, just scour the third-world for more 'believers'... keep the collection plate fat... then you'll have more victims for your sexual perversion.

"Take and eat for this is my body. Take and drink for this is my blood." (That sounds kind of homosexual don't it?)

Never fear. In order to prove my theory there is one more branch of the Abrahamic Troika to consider.

That will be the subject of tomorrow's blog.

In the meantime, keep your children away from the Christians....


Enemies & Friends: The Righteous

There are those who would argue that certain people have a genetic predisposition to sexual violence and perversion (among other things). Since modern American society has passed the verdict that this is nonsensical 'psuedo-science', and since it is the public consensus that groups of 'harmless' religionists pose no threat to society at large, I racked my tiny little brain for an answer to the question: "What causes people to become, child molesters, sex perverts and degenerates?" (Among other things.)

There is a book that is (supposedly) widely read in the United States that may offer an answer. It is a book filled with lurid descriptions of "sinful' acts, sexual depravity, and violence. It is divided, generally, into two parts. The first part is about how it all started, and the second part is about how it all ends. Since this is a blog and not a thesis I will be brief...

The guys who have been 'chosen' to lead the world to the 'Light' are called the 'Righteous.' They busy themselves studying the 'Law', walking in the 'Light', and trying (as hard as they can) to be 'Righteous'... To get into this little club you have to mutilate your genitals (usually another man does it for you). This 'seals the bargain' between you and the 'Light'. (Which is referred to as 'G-d'.) On your 12th birthday you become one of the 'chosen' ones... Provided, of course, that you keep the 'commandments'...

Hate to jump from point A to point B so abruptly but... Here is a list of various 'Righteous' men and their crimes. They can all be verified. (Google it.)

List of Righteous Men (Take a few minutes to check it out.) 

OK, having looked at the 'List of Righteous Men" we all must come to some kind of conclusion. First of all, I don't want these people around me or my family. Second, if it's not genetic than it must be a product of what they believe. That would mean that the so-called 'Holy Bible' is evil. (By their fruits shall ye know them...) Third, a poison tree produces poison fruit... 

If the same book is the basis for a myriad of religious conglomerations then they are all poison. The whole 'Abrahamic' religion is inherently evil. Moreover, it is insane and produces insanity among its adherents...

Now, if my 'theory' is correct there will be a similar pattern of perversion among each of the Abrahamic sub-divisions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

That will be the subject of a future blog....


Enemies & Friends: Making Enemies

Rebellion Against the Idols of the Tribe and the Market-place! That's what we stand for... 

Any rational person would try to make as many friends as he possibly could. That's the way of politics - Give and take... However, any rational position would not be tenable at this stage of the game. The formation of a 'new' and 'real' political movement - at this point in time - is an act of insanity; and, the insane are seldom rational... dangerous perhaps, but not rational.

What we propose is perfectly legal. Distasteful maybe but not illegal. Where we go from here depends on the challenges we are faced with and the decisions that we must make to rise to them. If attacked we shall respond in an absolutely insane fashion... At the same time, we will attack no one who does not pose a threat to us. Live and let live is our watch-word. 

What we have learned is that friends are fickle and enemies are relentless. There is no use trying to make 'deals' with people who have no intention of honoring them. We shall raise our banner and live and die as our destiny dictates. 

Another thing: the past has absolutely nothing to do with us. We are a product of the 'Now' intent on capturing the future. History has no meaning, there are no lessons to be learned, there are none worthy of emulation... We shall create our own ideals. We shall burn all the 'Holy' books and replace them with our own literature. We shall refuse to be connected to anything... the name that can be named is not the real name...

We are the Black Hole... the darkness of the Abyss... anti-matter... that is our form. We are prepared to stop at nothing. The arguments about the 'means' and 'ends' are moot. Nothing succeeds like success. The rolling wheel crushes all obstacles in its path.

The world has been longing for us and we will not disappoint... we shall endeavor to fulfill its wildest dreams... all those who oppose us will be completely destroyed. This is our idea of 'fairness'. All is fair in love and war!

We are at war... our enemies are all those who stand in the way of human progress. You know who you are.

We are coming for you... you cannot escape... resistance is futile....



A reader writes: "I get the feeling that kids and adults here aren’t educated on the Holocaust and what Hitler exactly did. Or maybe they are and they don’t give a rat’s ass, who knows?"

Sure we do... there's the Cannibal Holocaust and the Zombie Holocaust; the Dresden Holocaust; the Armenian Holocaust; the Balkan Holocaust, the Palestinian Holocaust; the American Indian Holocaust and lots of Holocausts in Africa... too many Holocausts to count... So, we just figure that Holocausts are part of Human Nature.

Sure, we'd like to save the Palestinians from the Zionists, but we are trying to pay our bills, keep our jobs and live our lives - No time left for Holocausts.

I went to the Holocaust Museum once and saw a pile of shoes... but I didn't have any spare change to give. People who own that many shoes don't need donations. I only have one pair of shoes and a pair of slippers. I live in a one room apartment. The Holocaust museum was as big as a church. They got way more money than me.

If they really wanted people to be more sympathetic about the Holocaust they'd get some old buses and make them into rolling 'Holocaust museums'. They could show up at the mall or the local grocery store on Saturday and let people visit the exhibits of shrunken heads, lamp-shades, bars of soap, and wax dummies of skinny people in stripped pajamas - for a box-top from Cocoa Puffs or Fruit Loops. They could hand out free buttons and stickers that said, "I saw the Holocaust." That way, they'd have more 'witnesses'...

I heard about Hitler and what he did: He tried to take over the world before Stalin did... but Stalin pulled it off because the rest of the 'allies' were stupid. So we spent Trillions of dollars fighting the 'Cold War' and that's why we have a depression today.

We give a 'rat's ass' but ordinary people can only do so much. We usually let our politicians take care of everything for us. They went to college. Only lately lots of people have been saying that they have betrayed us for money... That they don't care about ordinary people... That they are destroying America... I guess when people get fed up enough they'll make a few changes in business and the Government...

Maybe, we'll call it the Corporate Capitalist Holocaust?


The Nazis - the Ultimate Greens

"We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the whole of life, leads to humankind’s own destruction and to the death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger. That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our age. Humankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but rather life as a whole . . . This striving toward connectedness with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National Socialist thought." ~ Ernst Lehmann (Biologischer Wille. Wege und Ziele biologischer Arbeit im neuen Reich, München, 1934)

Many Greens do not know the real origin of their Party. It may come as a bit of surprise to them that the founder of the present-day Green Party is non-other than August Haussleiter. A National Socialist of the old school, a veteran who stood by Hitler's side during the 'beer-hall putsch' in Munich, at the start of Hitler's political career.

Haussleiter formed the Green Party in 1974, organized it, was the first chairman, imbued it with the principles it now embraces - and was then booted out for his troubles due to his Nazi past! He was replaced by left-wing extremists and ex-communists of the Joschka Fischer type.

The Nazis were indeed the ultimate Greens. Their animal legislation, protecting animal rights, was the most advanced in the world. Hitler was a vegetarian since he could not bear the thought of slaughtered hens and cows. All those who knew him intimately or worked closely with him testify to this truth. He was a non-smoker and a non-drinker - A fanatic for the preservation of Nature...

We would do well to examine more closely its most notorious historical incarnation, the so-called "green wing" of German National Socialism. Despite an extensive documentary record, the subject remains an elusive one, under appreciated by professional historians and environmental activists alike. In English-speaking countries as well as in Germany itself, the very existence of a "green wing" in the Nazi movement, much less its inspiration, goals, and consequences, has yet to be adequately researched and analyzed. Most of the handful of available interpretations succumb to either an alarming intellectual affinity with their subject, or a naive refusal to examine the full extent of the ideological overlap between nature conservation and National Socialism. 

Nonetheless, of all of the countries of the world - in the 1930s and 1940s - it was Nazi Germany who led the way in the protection of Nature, animal rights, and a deep concern for the environment. The communist and capitalist 'allies' only saw Nature as something to be exploited in their mad quest for material gain....


Idolatry in Modern Society

"God is spirit and we must worship him in spirit and in truth." - a old-time call to worship

Attention must be paid to the area of general human failings that exist in all political, religious, social and business entities.  We must become aware that these are learned behaviors and we must unlearn them. Idolatry is a most noxious learned behavior.  One of the root causes of idolatry is belief without reason or examination and it is ubiquitous.  One must realize that idolatry is a two-way street.  For example, a cult leader cannot be a cult leader without followers, a god cannot be a god without worshipers, a capitalist cannot be a capitalist without wage slaves and all are caught in the web of idolatry.  Some other forms of idolatry include the pecking order, one-upsmanship and keeping up with the Jones.

No one is exempt from the phenomenon of idolatry.

No one person can be right all the time.  We are all human and therefore, we are sometimes wrong.  To idolize someone, to the point that everything they say is gospel, is an example of not being able to think for yourself.   You must gain the ability to glean out that which is true and correct, ignoring that which is not.  Those who become idols (or claim to represent them) want to teach you what to think, not how to think, because if they taught you how to think, you may find some disagreement with their precepts and that would erode their power base.  There can be a fine line between learning how to think and what to think, often when we feel that were are learning how to think, we are just being fed regurgitated rhetoric on what to think.

An idol should strive to be a teacher not an idol, because one has the responsibility to try to bring others up to their level, and not to glare down at them from above.  I would like to make the following point about teaching. It is the most noble of professions, but it has been compromised by economic expediency.  Teachers are reduced to churning out cogs to maintain the status quo.  We are trained to go out and spend money in order to keep the socio-economic machine running.

 If we cannot overcome such failings, humankind will not evolve.  Those who claim to have the answer for betterment of humankind use these human failing in their rhetoric, dogma and practice.  Proclaiming they will make the world a better place for everyone, but because they are caught in the web of these human failings as well, they are no better than potential Oprichniki* who would be destined to become more oppressive and cruel than those they strive to supplant.

Human needs must be put ahead of economic expediency.   The expectations that people learn to have about relationships are linked into economic need, not human need.  The epitome of relationships in modern culture is marriage, but look at the history of marriage.  Just within the last few hundred years, marriage was used by patriarchal societies to amass wealth and power; women and children were mere chattel.  The reality is that marriage is not about love; it is about what's best for the socio-economic system.  Marriage is an archaic institution that should be abolished.  Marriage attempts to force you into a mutually exclusive relationship with underlying dynamics of ownership of one's partner.  To expect one person to meet all (or even a majority ) of the physical and emotional needs of another is an exacting demand and there are few people capable of this.  One may find that having a small number of stable, on-going non-primary relationships of a platonic and/or sexual nature would replace or eliminate the need for a primary relationship.

 The essence of politics is working together for the common good and tactics in politics is politics. Theoretically, politics is the will of the people. If your tactics do not serve the will of the people they are suspect; if your tactics are suspect than your politics are suspect, as well, and everything you do is tainted. 

The idea is firmly entrenched in the whole political spectrum that changing the political system will change the social structure of society for the better.  Have they forgotten their dialectics?  It is more likely that it will happen in the reverse manner: an awakened and mobilized people will change the political system - the way people get things done... and whatever change that comes from this historic force will be better (more advanced) than what we have in the present....
* The Oprichniki were responsible for the torture and murder of internal enemies of the Tsar. Notorious for their violent means of enforcement, they could be compared to modern "death squads" or even secret police. Guided by Ivan, they laid waste to civilian populations. They dressed in black garb, similar to a monastic habit, and bore the strange insignia of a severed dog's head (to sniff out treason and the enemies of the Tsar) and a broom (to sweep them away). The dog's head was also symbolic of "nipping at the heels of the Tsar's enemies." They were sometimes called the "Tsar's Dogs" on account of their loyalty to him. They also rode black horses in order to inspire greater terror. The Oprichniki were given orders to execute anyone who was disloyal to Ivan IV.


Fuck the Right Wing

The National Socialist movement, in the United States, has wasted a great deal of time and energy playing to the right wing... pretending to be patriotic and law abiding... I guess the reason for that is some people think the right wing has secretly stashed away the lost Nazi gold and if they 'play ball' they will get some of it... Fellas, it ain't going to happen. All we've ever got from the right wing is bullshit. What have we got to be 'patriotic' about? That these assholes in the Government have sold the people out to the big corporations and banks? Yeah, "America is wonderful" - now what?

We have waited since the end of World War II for the tumblers to line up and the big steel door to swing open. Well people, this is it! But you aren't any more ready than you were in 1967, or 1973. (If you can even remember way back when...) Remember Commander Rockwell getting the shit kicked out of him at the Pentagon - playing to the right wing - his tiny band all bloody and beaten? Remember the picture of him laying face down in front of the Laundromat? (Shot by one of his own guys...) Remember when the NSWPP was a party? (Before Mr. Cabbage decided to be St. Paul...) 

All the bullshit always comes from the right wing. Yeah, somebody said: "When Fascism comes to the USA it will be draped in the flag and carrying a Bible." What horseshit! You think you can do business with the Christians? They hate your guts. All they are waiting for is the end of the world. They don't want a better world - they want to be with Jesus! (And Jesus has been dead for two thousand years...) When Fascism comes to America it will be carried to victory by the people! Fascism is a socialist mass movement (and it has always been one)...

The right wing is a Mongolian fire drill... they have been retreating ever since the year one... giving ground to the Enemy... talking the same stale bullshit. Nothing ever gets done, nothing ever changes. There is no counter-attack. They say, "God, guns and guts made America great." Ha, there is no evidence that any of these even exist in America, let alone are a factor worth considering. So you have a gun? If you are afraid to shoot it off it isn't worth a damn. Once you do shoot it off the Government is going to blow you away... End of story. Because action is futile unless it is coordinated. And, you can't coordinate action if you don't trust each other - If you refuse to cooperate with others who have the same interests as you do...

One guy shoots it out with the Federales... everybody else watches it on the news... the guy becomes a 'martyr'. So what, he's dead or in prison now. 

"Oh, what a hero that guy was," they say. 

Who gives a fuck? He was a loner. A man of 'principle' in a world where principle and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. Loners don't count for much because they can't win. The most constructive thing they can do is rig themselves up to a nuclear device and blow up a city... maybe that would get somebody's attention - especially if there were seven loners and each blew up a city!

Is that what we want - attention? Or do we want to change things? Neither makes any difference to a dead man. What matters is when all the loners get organized... When their actions are coordinated... When they succeed in overthrowing the rotten System and creating a New Order... Now, that is something that will bring you fame and fortune and glory... but to do this you have to win the struggle and triumph over all adversity, and somehow survive while everything around you is turning to shit... because it is not enough to die for your beliefs - you have to live for them!

Nobody wants to sacrifice himself to preserve the status quo. Because, frankly, it sucks. More and more people are realizing how bad it sucks everyday. That's why the right wing, and all the 'tea baggers', can't win. And, if they can't win then what good are they? 

That's why the Germans said "Hail Victory" (Sieg Heil) - because everything else is bullshit! The key to winning the struggle is playing to win. There is no such thing as a second place winner. You either win or you lose.

And, that's the Truth....


Tom Burnett Speaks

That black guy - and I voted for him,

Broke EVERY campaign promise he made.

He gave the actual, physical control of the Coast Guard to BP.

He let Bernanke, Summers and Geithner finish giving away the country to the rich and famous.

He is whining because we don't want him to keep borrowing 2 BILLION dollars a DAY from the Chinese to finance the TSA and the other wars against Americans and everyone else while Americans are beginning to starve.

He is letting the US slide right back into another sub-prime housing bubble which will get the REST of our money.

He is hiring bastards like Alan Simpson - and grinning like a damn lawn jockey while everyone in congress blames AMERICANS for wanting the Social Security we paid into our whole lives - while congress stole that money and replaced it with worthless US treasury bills - which are now going to default - and we are screwed.



Sorry for yelling, but the Arab Spring will be nothing compared to the Great American Civil War II. What the HELL are people thinking?  "THEY" aren't going to put "US" in FEMA death camps.  "WE" are going to put "THEM" in.  Except 'death camps' are too good for them.  Chain gangs are a much better use of government lawyers.  Cleaning up leaky nuclear plants.  Shoveling shit at polluted superfund sites. Filling potholes in the roads.  Guarding the border.

Oh, Senator!  You don't want to work?  You are 64 years old?  SO AM I, YOU DUMB BASTARD!  BUT INSTEAD OF BEING RETIRED, I'm a goddamn farmer so I can eat.  Not so I can go on cruises or inspection tours or ride in a limo.

I have never been on a cruise.  I will never get to Europe - I probably won't ever be able to get back to the US mainland.  I did get a fully paid vacation once.  Viet-Nam.  I only go to Oahu when I have to go the the effing hospital and I'm treated like a terrorist instead of a decorated combat veteran by people I'd shoot if they tried that groping shit with my child anywhere but at the airport.  

But they can do it there and I have to smile watching them rip diapers off 95 year old women - with terminal cancer - in wheelchairs.  If I say anything, I get beaten and arrested. I can't even afford dues for OathKeepers anymore - or a magazine subscription.  I used to like reading science magazines.  Now I have to go to the clinic to read National Geographic.  How cool is that? 

Bin Ladin may have been killed, but he won. He bankrupted the world and made Americans into cowards and sheep.  Some of them.  Not me.

It's too late to fix.  The world is off the cliff and is in free-fall but no one will admit it.  When it hits bottom, a lot of lives will change.  If the Department of EDUCATION sent a SWAT team to my house to take me to debtor's prison...something would change.  If the TSA set up a roadblock on my private road to x-ray my produce...something would change.  When an elderly American veteran, who has no one to talk to, goes to a VA center and tells a psychiatric counselor that he hates the president - but instead of getting a conversation - which is all he wanted - he gets arrested and charged -SOMETHING HAD BETTER CHANGE!  You don't treat combat veterans that way. Volunteers. Patriots.  Wounded. Scarred. You don't piss on us. Eventually we will piss back.

If the government doesn't grasp WHO THEY WORK FOR - AND THAT THEIR ONLY FUNCTION IS TO MAKE LIFE BETTER FOR THE CITIZENS - NOT WORSE - something will change.  It will be a hard change, but the government isn't to big to fail.

~ Dr. Tom Burnett

Wake up America!


Arab World in Chaos

As we watch the so-called "Arab Spring" we cannot but wonder what unseen forces are at work in these uprisings against the local governments. Is it a genuine desire for "freedom" and "democracy" or is it the handiwork of the CIA and its western counterparts around the globe?

Could it be possible that "Arab Spring" has been engineered by Corporate Capitalism in order to grab the last remaining oil resources on the planet?

Whatever the reason, the Arab world is in turmoil and disarray. It brings to mind the famous saying, "Whoever the gods wish to destroy they first turn mad".

Today it is anti-government protests in Yemen... supposedly another country on the brink of a civil war... Yesterday is was Iraq and Afghanistan and then, Since 18 December 2010, there have been revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt; a civil war in Libya resulting in the fall of its regime; civil uprisings in Bahrain, Syria, and Yemen; major protests in Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, and Oman, and minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Western Sahara... What in the world is going on?

An interesting repercussion

On Saturday, hundreds of protesters tried to occupy parts of Wall Street in order to express their anger at the existing fiscal system which favors the rich at the expense of ordinary citizens. The idea was to camp out for weeks or even months to replicate the kind of protests that erupted earlier this year in the Middle East.

The action was called by its organizers “The United States Day of Rage” which bears references to the “Day of Rage” in Saudi Arabia in March this year.

Similar actions, although lesser in scale, were organized in a number of other American cities.

The New York police met the protesters ahead of the game. By the time the protesters approached Wall Street, they found the area shut off, with metal barricades manned by police officers blocking the way.

In fact, this particular action apparently did not inflict much harm on the U.S. establishment. But the discourse surrounding it makes it possible to suggest that it may have long-lasting consequences.

In fact, despite the fact that the action was relatively small in scale, there are too many similarities with the events in the Middle East that have been labeled “the Arab spring”.

First, the organizers did not conceal that they are taking inspiration from what happened in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere across the Middle East. As one of the activist group wrote on Twitter, “Americans, it is now our time. The Tunisians did it, then the Egyptians. It is OUR time. It is OUR America.” Another group asked: “Is America ripe for a Tahrir moment?”

Second, the methods used by the organizers are copying the methods used in Egypt and Tunisia where the revolutions against the oppressive regimes were called “Twitter revolutions”. The use of social networks like Twitter and Facebook has become a tool that no law enforcement agency or special service can effectively confront.

Third, like in the Arab countries, the participants did not belong to any particular social or political group. There were scores of different organizations participating in it – from the left to anarchist to right-wingers. What united them was the common protest against corporate America that has usurped and corrupted the electoral process.

Now, some analysts ask, why hasn’t this kind of action taken place long ago, while the rest of the world is protesting against similar phenomena? One of the answers may be that until now, the protest movement in the U.S. has been channeled into in a more or less established movement, the "Tea Party", which still hopes to alter the existing system through electoral process.

But presently more and more Americans express doubt that the election process is as free as the establishment claims. The organizers of “The Day of Rage” wrote, “Unfortunately, free and fair elections are a thing of the past in America. Because of recent Supreme Court decisions, money is flowing freely and unaccountably into the American electoral process. Elections will be swayed by interests opposed to those of the people. Corporations, even those owned by foreign shareholders, will and do use money to act as the voices of millions, while individual citizens, the legitimate voters, are silenced and demoralized by the farce of American Democracy.”

And if the people fail to prevail through the legitimate electoral process in 2012, won’t it give a new impetus for the “American Tahrir Square”? And won’t it, then, mean that the “Arab spring” was just a beginning of the fall of Corporate Capitalism?

Indeed, people living in glass houses should not throw stones. This is probably something the U.S. Administration did not take into account while wholeheartedly supporting all kinds of “democratic revolutions” in the Middle East.

One thing is certain: Nothing is ever going to be the same....


Anti-Corporate Rally Held in St. Louis

"Darkness descends over the political process just as it has descended over government operations. Black Friday is black indeed, since any control we the people might want to assert over our future appears to have been effectively blacked out. But what of our universities, the third major institution of our society, and traditionally thought of as bastions of independent thought, investigation, pursuit of truth, and therefore light? But a university is first a foremost a product of the society within which it is embedded. Embedded in a free society, a university can be a beacon of light. Embedded in a totalitarian society, a university’s mission is to transmit the darkness." - Who We Are and What We Want, (RASP pamphlet)

Some 400 activists from across the country attended the anti-corporate Midwest Rising: Convergence 2011 in St. Louis, last month (Aug. 12-15). During the four days of action and training, people learned how to be better organizers and also how the capitalist system oppresses working people in America and all people everywhere, and destroys the environment.

The long weekend, hosted by Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, was filled with solidarity and empowerment for change in our communities. The first day featured workshops on organizing against oppression, neo-liberalism and capitalism. 

Following the workshops, a rally at Bank of America protested the bank's fraudulent attack against working-class people by refusing to modify their loans and foreclosing on them. People decided that they would pull their money out, but the bank was not having it. Not only did they not let people in to withdraw their money, but they had the nerve to have the St. Louis Police Department station riot police around the corner.

More than 100 people attended the action at the busy Market and Eighth Street intersection. Many passing motorists honked in support.

The Convergence continued the next two days with films and discussion on education and the environment, including a showing of the film "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman." Sunday was training for direct action and how to handle a situation involving blocking of intersections and dealing with police response against protesters, including being arrested.

Aug. 15 was the big hour and moment to show St. Louis corporate bosses that the people mean business and we hit hard. Midwest Rising split into different groups with one hitting Verizon to show solidarity and picket with the CWA workers on strike. Other groups protested Arch Coal for mountain-top removal and in support of the battle to save historic Blair Mountain; Monsanto for producing genetically-modified foods; the Board of Education for allowing education funds to be used instead to provide a tax credit for Peabody Energy, the world's largest coal company; and Representative Russ Carnihan's office, to ask him why he took a trip to Israel paid for by AIPAC.

Around mid-morning, people from the Appalachian-Arch Coal contingent showed up to support the CWA workers. Then, demonstrators were to head downtown, but the First Student bus company, which has a contract with the school board, refused to provide transportation, so protesters took the Metrolink to the downtown action.

Protesters gathered in a park and after a song, more than 100 people marched down Market Street and held the busy intersection connecting Bank of America’s regional offices and Peabody’s world headquarters until the police forced demonstrators onto the sidewalk. Fifteen people were arrested and taken to the notorious St. Louis City Justice Center. The action made a strong impact on families and workers in the area.

More of these rallies will be held across the country - because the people are getting sick and tired of the Corporate Capitalist System. It would be a shame to let this grass-roots movement against Corporate Capitalism be subverted by those with ulterior motives. So, get out there and get militant. Also be vigilant and operate in the stealth mode... You can be sure the agents of the Enemy will be present.

Nonetheless, we cannot afford to pass up these opportunities to create a climate for change....

Military Socialism

To really understand the concept of Socialism you have to look no further than the military. Let's take the Army for instance: If there was any question about how socialist the army is, they removed all doubt when they adopted their last slogan: Army of One. That sounds positively communist. Why don't they just call it the collective? And in the US military everyone pledges to support one another no matter what. No one gets left behind. Everyone gets government provided housing, health care, and even government clothing. The military is the most socialist institution we have.

People who join the military are taken care of. They are fed, provided with cheap or free transportation and accommodations, and given discounts on groceries and other goods. All this, thanks to collectivization. Of course, you have to be willing to kill others and die for your country. But in modern war everybody within the territorial confines of the nation is expected to do the same. A nuclear device detonated on a major US city will not ask to see your identification card, or which side you are on. And yet non-combatants are not entitled to the 'benefits' of military service - only to pay for them.

Our troops receive all kinds of benefits we would deem 'socialist' if they were provided to the population at large: medical care, housing, childcare, education assistance, pensions etc. Now, you may be quick to point out that maintaining a military is vital to securing the freedom and prosperity of our nation, and that we should be obliged to take care of our troops — I am inclined to agree — but that doesn’t negate the fact that the military is by definition a socialistic institution.

America actually tolerates a great many such institutions: the post office, public schools, unemployment benefits, social security, medicare, emergency services and so on. However, no one but the most hard-line libertarian idiot would suggest we do away with these programs.

That said, I’d like to point out that we socialists differ from the mainstream only in where we draw the line. Most people see no ideological conundrum in publicly funded defense against threats to our freedom. We socialists count the downhill slide to plutocracy among those threats.

In other words, Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. The combination of both plutocracy and oligarchy is called plutarchy. The term plutocracy is generally used to describe these two distinct concepts: one of a historical nature and one of a modern political nature. Both indicate the political control of the state by an oligarchy of the wealthy. We call it 'Corporate Capitalism.'

Corporate Capitalism is the single greatest threat to the people of the World that exists today. Far more dangerous than North Korea, Iran, or all the terrorists put together. The aim of Corporate Capitalism is the destruction of nations and the enslavement of humanity... The end result: Hell with a happy face.

It has been said, "If you distribute the wealth evenly, it stops moving and the incompetents gain control over the competent." 

The interesting thing is that Corporate Capitalism is cutting salaries, stock dividends are almost as certain as winning the lottery, new technologies are being invented and produced by the Chinese, existing equipment is obsolete, and money is being spent cutting the costs of operation with no thought to the future.

It used to be that manufacturing and selling products was the way to make a profit. But nowadays, all attention is focused on cutting the costs of operation so that business can show immediate profits in the short term. Our industrial base is gone, our jobs have been 'out-sourced', and our country is going down the toilet. If we ever hope to be a mass movement in this country we have to champion the cause of the people - not the cause of a few rich people who are already on their way out. 

If WE don't get rid of the System somebody else will. 

Under the present System, the incompetents have already gained control over the competent. 

Therefore, I'll take Socialism over Corporate Capitalism any day....


Victory is Ours

The victory that so many have dreamed about is ready to fall into our hands like a ripe plum... It's just a matter of time. I can see it so clearly that the vision truly amazes me. Yes, there is still much work to do. But the steps on the path that leads to power are as plain as day... It is comforting to know with absolute certainty that our day is at hand. (Well, perhaps not that comforting to those who oppose us...)

Therefore, I would like to make an offer: (Call it a 'peace proposal'.)

In the 'New Society' there will be room for everybody... There will be no fear, or hunger, or want. Men will live in harmony with each other and with Nature. We will strive for excellence. We will respect the individual. And, we will serve the people. War and duplicity will be obsolete. We will not have to lie, cheat and steal to earn our 'daily bread'. Humanity will advance by honest labor, and all will share in both its division and in the wealth it creates.

If you should decide to oppose this vision of a New Commonwealth there are several options. Shall we explore them together?

We might disrupt your activities and make life very exciting for you. But, we would rather convince you of our sincerity by appealing to reason. That is, provided that you are sincere in your beliefs, and in your desire for a better world.

We might 're-educate' you. (In special centers designed for that purpose.) But, we would rather have you just as you are, because there is not that much difference between us. All men want the same things... People everywhere want Peace and Freedom! Why not put aside our differences and work together for the common good, and for common goals?

If you have 'romantic visions' of being a revolutionary we would be happy to oblige your fantasies. However, be mindful of the risks. After all, things did not turn out very well for 'Che'. Still, all dramas and secret fantasies must be acted out. It is only natural...

Where will you go when the whole world turns against you? Where will you hide? We offer sanctuary to those who are astute enough to grasp it. All you have to do is reach out...

Those who do not pose a threat will not be harmed. Those who see the error of their ways will not be persecuted. There is no shame in changing your mind. There is no dishonor in admitting your mistakes. We shall not be petty or vindictive.

However, to those who are not contrite, and to those who oppose us with acts of violence, we must simply say, "Everyone will receive a full measure of Justice."

We might make the 'evil-doers' disappear and erase all evidence of their ever having been on this planet. Historically, whole families have fallen prey to these kinds of disasters. Do you have any relatives now living on the planet Earth?

If you are an 'enemy of the people' it is necessary that your thinking be modified; because, in your present state, you are a danger to yourself and others. To carry out edicts and policies that are harmful to humanity will be considered a criminal act. Don't do it. Your job is simply not worth obliteration. We know that you are loyal and brave, but we hope that you are not also stupid... The victory of humanity is a certainty - don't go against the wave of the Future!

Let us be optimistic and positive! We can and will work together. The alternative is merely a waste of time, energy and resources. Everyone knows that this is true. So, why would you want to sacrifice yourself for a system that is on its way out? Give yourself, instead, to a noble cause - the Future!

If you can do this then you are already one of us. Give some thought to 'pledging your alliegiance'. 

Remember: Desperate times call for desperate measures....


Why Youth Don't Fight Back

Traditionally, young people have energized political movements. So it is a major coup for the ruling elite to have created societal institutions that have subdued young Americans and broken their spirit of resistance to domination.

Young Americans -- even more so than older Americans -- appear to have acquiesced to the idea that Corporate Capitalism can completely screw them and that they are helpless to do anything about it. 

A 2010 Gallup poll asked Americans "Do you think the Social Security system will be able to pay you a benefit when you retire?" 

Among the 18-34 year old age group, 76 percent of them said no. Yet despite their lack of confidence in the availability of Social Security for them, few have demanded it be shored up by more fairly taxing the wealthy and the big corporations; most appear resigned to having more money deducted from their paychecks for Social Security, even though they don’t believe it will be around to benefit them.

How exactly has Corporate Capitalism subdued young Americans?

1.- Student-Loan Debt. 

Large debt - and the fear it creates - is a pacifying force. There was no tuition at the City College when I attended one of its colleges in the 1970s, a time when tuition at many U.S. public universities was so affordable that it was easy to get a B.A. and even a graduate degree without accruing any student-loan debt.

While those days are gone in the United States, public universities continue to be free in the Arab world and are either free or with very low fees in many countries throughout the world.

The millions of young Iranians who risked getting shot to protest their disputed 2009 presidential election, the millions of young Egyptians who risked their lives earlier this year to eliminate Mubarak, and the millions of young Americans who demonstrated against the Vietnam War all had in common the absence of pacifying huge student-loan debt.

Today in the United States, two-thirds of graduating seniors at four-year colleges have student-loan debt, including over 62 percent of public university graduates. While average undergraduate debt is close to $25,000, I increasingly talk to college graduates with closer to $100,000 in student-loan debt. 

During the time in one's life when it should be easiest to resist authority because one does not yet have family responsibilities, many young people worry about the cost of bucking authority, losing their job, and being unable to pay an ever-increasing debt. In a vicious cycle, student debt has a subduing effect on activism, and political passivity makes it more likely that students will accept such debt as a natural part of life. 

2.- Medicating Noncompliance. 

In 1955, Erich Fromm, the then widely respected anti-authoritarian leftist psychoanalyst, wrote, "Today the function of psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis threatens to become the tool in the manipulation of man."

Fromm died in 1980, the same year that an increasingly authoritarian America elected Ronald Reagan president, and an increasingly authoritarian American Psychiatric Association added to their diagnostic bible (then the DSM-III) disruptive mental disorders for children and teenagers such as the increasingly popular "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" (ODD).

The official symptoms of ODD include "often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or rules," "often argues with adults," and "often deliberately does things to annoy other people."

Many of America's greatest activists would today certainly be diagnosed with ODD and other disruptive disorders.

Heavily tranquilizing anti psychotic drugs (e.g. Zyprexa and Risperdal) are now the highest grossing class of medication in the United States ($16 billion in 2010); a major reason for this, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2010, is that many children receiving anti psychotic drugs have non psychotic diagnoses such as ODD or some other disruptive disorder (this especially true of Medicaid-covered pediatric patients).

3.- Schools That Educate for Compliance and Not for Leadership.

Upon accepting the New York City Teacher of the Year Award on January 31, 1990, John Taylor Gatto upset many in attendance by stating: "The truth is that schools don't really teach anything except how to obey orders. This is a great mystery to me because thousands of humane, caring people work in schools as teachers and aides and administrators, but the abstract logic of the institution overwhelms their individual contributions." 

A generation ago, the problem of compulsory schooling as a vehicle for an authoritarian society was widely discussed, but as this problem has gotten worse, it is seldom discussed.

The nature of most classrooms, regardless of the subject matter, socializes students to be passive and directed by others, to follow orders, to take seriously the rewards and punishments of authorities, to pretend to care about things they don't care about, and that they are impotent to affect their situation. 

A teacher can lecture about democracy, but schools are essentially undemocratic places, and so democracy is not what is instilled in students. Jonathan Kozol in The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home focused on how school breaks us from courageous actions. 

Kozol explains how our schools teach us a kind of “inert concern” in which "caring" - in and of itself and without risking the consequences of actual action—is considered "ethical." 

School teaches us that we are "moral and mature" if we politely assert our concerns, but the essence of school - its demand for compliance - teaches us not to act in a friction causing manner.

4.- "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top." 

The Corporate Capitalist System has figured out a way to make our already authoritarian schools even more authoritarian. Democrat-Republican bipartisanship has resulted in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, NAFTA, the PATRIOT Act, the War on Drugs, the Wall Street bailout, and educational policies such as "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top." 

Fear forces students and teachers to constantly focus on the demands of test creators; it crushes curiosity, critical thinking, questioning authority, and challenging and resisting illegitimate authority. 

In a more democratic and less authoritarian society, one would evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher not by Corporate Capitalism-sanctioned standardized tests but by asking students, parents, and a community if a teacher is inspiring students to be more curious, to read more, to learn independently, to enjoy thinking critically, to question authorities, and to challenge illegitimate authorities. 

5.- Shaming Young People Who Take Education -- But Not Their Schooling - Seriously. 

In a 2006 survey in the United States, it was found that 40 percent of children between first and third grade read every day, but by fourth grade, that rate declined to 29 percent. 

Despite the anti-educational impact of standard schools, children and their parents are increasingly propagandized to believe that disliking school means disliking learning. That was not always the case in the United States. 

Mark Twain famously said, "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." Toward the end of Twain’s life in 1900, only 6 percent of Americans graduated high school. Today, approximately 85 percent of Americans graduate high school, but this is good enough for Barack Obama who told us in 2009, "And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It’s not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country."

The more schooling Americans get, however, the more politically ignorant they are of America's ongoing class war, and the more incapable they are of challenging the ruling class. 

In the 1880s and 1890s, American farmers with little or no schooling created a Populist movement that organized America's largest-scale working people's cooperative, formed a People's Party that received 8 percent of the vote in 1892 presidential election, designed a sub-treasury plan (that had it been implemented would have allowed easier credit for farmers and broke the power of large banks) and sent 40,000 lecturers across America to articulate it, and evidenced all kinds of sophisticated political ideas, strategies and tactics absent today from America's well-schooled population. 

Today, Americans who lack college degrees are increasingly shamed as "losers"; however, Gore Vidal and George Carlin, two of America's most astute and articulate critics of the Corporate Capitalist System, never went to college, and Carlin dropped out of school in the ninth grade. 

6.- The Normalization of Surveillance. 

The fear of being surveilled makes a population easier to control. While the National Security Agency (NSA) has received publicity for monitoring American citizen's email and phone conversations, and while employer surveillance has become increasingly common in the United States, young Americans have become increasingly acquiescent to Corporate Capitalist surveillance because, beginning at a young age, surveillance is routine in their lives. 

Parents routinely check Web sites for their kid's latest test grades and completed assignments, and just like employers, are monitoring their children’s computers and Facebook pages. 

Some parents use the GPS in their children's cell phones to track their whereabouts, and other parents have video cameras in their homes. Increasingly, I talk with young people who lack the confidence that they can even pull off a party when their parents are out of town, and so how much confidence are they going to have about pulling off a political movement below the radar of authorities? 

7.- Television. 

In 2009, the Nielsen Company reported that TV viewing in the United States is at an all-time high if one includes the following “three screens”: a television set, a laptop/personal computer, and a cell phone. 

American children average eight hours a day on TV, video games, movies, the Internet, cell phones, iPods, and other technologies (not including school-related use). 

Many far-thinking people are concerned about the concentrated control of content by the corporate media, but the mere act of watching TV - regardless of the programming - is the primary pacifying agent (private-enterprise prisons have recognized that providing inmates with cable television can be a more economical method to keep them quiet and subdued than it would be to hire more guards).

Television is a dream come true for an authoritarian society: those with the most money own most of what people see; fear-based television programming makes people more afraid and distrustful of one another, which is good for the ruling elite who depend on a 'divide and conquer' strategy; TV isolates people so they are not joining together to create resistance to authorities; and regardless of the programming, TV viewer' brainwaves slow down, transforming them closer to a hypnotic state that makes it difficult to think critically. 

While playing a video games is not as zombifying as passively viewing TV, such games have become for many boys and young men their only experience of potency, and this "virtual potency" is certainly no threat to the ruling elite.

8.- Fundamentalist Religion and Fundamentalist Consumerism. 

American culture offers young Americans the "choices" of fundamentalist religion and fundamentalist consumerism. All varieties of fundamentalism narrow one’s focus and inhibit critical thinking. 

While some far-thinking people are fond of calling fundamentalist religion the "opiate of the masses," they too often neglect the pacifying nature of America’s other major fundamentalism. 

Fundamentalist consumerism pacifies young Americans in a variety of ways. Fundamentalist consumerism destroys self-reliance, creating people who feel completely dependent on others and who are thus more likely to turn over decision-making power to authorities, the precise mind-set that the ruling elite loves to see. 

A fundamentalist consumer culture legitimizes advertising, propaganda, and all kinds of manipulations, including lies; and when a society gives legitimacy to lies and manipulativeness, it destroys the capacity of people to trust one another and form political movements. 

Fundamentalist consumerism also promotes self-absorption, which makes it difficult for the solidarity necessary for democratic movements. 

These are not the only aspects of our culture that are subduing young Americans and crushing their resistance to domination. The food-industrial complex has helped create an epidemic of childhood obesity, depression, and passivity. 

The prison-industrial complex keeps young anti-authoritarians "in line" (now by the fear that they may come before judges such as the two Pennsylvania ones who took $2.6 million from private-industry prisons to ensure that juveniles were incarcerated).

Isn't it time we did something to stop this? And to free our youth from Corporate Capitalist control!