The victory that so many have dreamed about is ready to fall into our hands like a ripe plum... It's just a matter of time. I can see it so clearly that the vision truly amazes me. Yes, there is still much work to do. But the steps on the path that leads to power are as plain as day... It is comforting to know with absolute certainty that our day is at hand. (Well, perhaps not that comforting to those who oppose us...)
Therefore, I would like to make an offer: (Call it a 'peace proposal'.)
In the 'New Society' there will be room for everybody... There will be no fear, or hunger, or want. Men will live in harmony with each other and with Nature. We will strive for excellence. We will respect the individual. And, we will serve the people. War and duplicity will be obsolete. We will not have to lie, cheat and steal to earn our 'daily bread'. Humanity will advance by honest labor, and all will share in both its division and in the wealth it creates.
If you should decide to oppose this vision of a New Commonwealth there are several options. Shall we explore them together?
We might disrupt your activities and make life very exciting for you. But, we would rather convince you of our sincerity by appealing to reason. That is, provided that you are sincere in your beliefs, and in your desire for a better world.
We might 're-educate' you. (In special centers designed for that purpose.) But, we would rather have you just as you are, because there is not that much difference between us. All men want the same things... People everywhere want Peace and Freedom! Why not put aside our differences and work together for the common good, and for common goals?
If you have 'romantic visions' of being a revolutionary we would be happy to oblige your fantasies. However, be mindful of the risks. After all, things did not turn out very well for 'Che'. Still, all dramas and secret fantasies must be acted out. It is only natural...
Where will you go when the whole world turns against you? Where will you hide? We offer sanctuary to those who are astute enough to grasp it. All you have to do is reach out...
Those who do not pose a threat will not be harmed. Those who see the error of their ways will not be persecuted. There is no shame in changing your mind. There is no dishonor in admitting your mistakes. We shall not be petty or vindictive.
However, to those who are not contrite, and to those who oppose us with acts of violence, we must simply say, "Everyone will receive a full measure of Justice."
We might make the 'evil-doers' disappear and erase all evidence of their ever having been on this planet. Historically, whole families have fallen prey to these kinds of disasters. Do you have any relatives now living on the planet Earth?
If you are an 'enemy of the people' it is necessary that your thinking be modified; because, in your present state, you are a danger to yourself and others. To carry out edicts and policies that are harmful to humanity will be considered a criminal act. Don't do it. Your job is simply not worth obliteration. We know that you are loyal and brave, but we hope that you are not also stupid... The victory of humanity is a certainty - don't go against the wave of the Future!
Let us be optimistic and positive! We can and will work together. The alternative is merely a waste of time, energy and resources. Everyone knows that this is true. So, why would you want to sacrifice yourself for a system that is on its way out? Give yourself, instead, to a noble cause - the Future!
If you can do this then you are already one of us. Give some thought to 'pledging your alliegiance'.
Remember: Desperate times call for desperate measures....
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