After World War II, the victorious allies condemned the National Socialist German Worker's Party and the SS as 'criminal' organizations. They executed German Nazis and sent others to prison... Even today, in Germany and many other countries, National Socialism and the Swastika are banned by strict laws...
I suppose it is only natural that after a horrible and drawn out war that the victors want to extract the last measure of 'justice' from the vanquished. There is nothing wrong with this. Every one who engages in a life-and-death struggle knows what happens to those who fail to achieve victory. The charges against the German Nazis were: waging aggressive war, and violations of the Geneva Convention (war crimes). Churchill, Roosevelt (then Truman), and Stalin didn't care about crimes against the Jewish people. (That was merely an after-thought.) Since 1945 we have seen instances of 'waging aggressive war', and, of course the allies committed their share of 'war crimes'... so, with the exception of Julius Streicher (who was executed for publishing an anti-Semitic newspaper), the verdict of the Nuremberg Trials was all about 'getting even.' Naturally, it was all dressed up as a serious 'legal proceeding'. Even though the German Nazis didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of being acquitted... Again, it is only natural, especially in a world dominated by Abrahamic beliefs, that enemies must be completely destroyed. This keeps the mystique going... of an ever-present, all seeing, all powerful God that strikes down 'sinners' with lightning bolts, and then makes them burn in hell for all eternity.
People have been so conditioned (brain-washed) that they refuse to consider any but a knee jerk reaction to Nazism and the Swastika... their minds have been effectively switched off... they accept all of the 'facts' about history that have been conveniently provided for their consumption... And, this too is only natural. A healthy human instinct is to turn away from the defeated, shrug one's shoulders and say, "Fuck them - they lost!" Especially, after members of one's family have been killed or wounded by these same enemies.
In this respect we are no better than the German Nazis... because if you examine their 'crimes' one fault stands out above all others: indifference. They were indifferent to the suffering of others. And, this was the 'crime' of Germany: they were indifferent to the forces of history - they stood idly by and watched as events unfolded... and by being indifferent they became accomplices to the 'crimes' of others.
Isn't the same indifference still at work in the world?
Millions still die of starvation, millions die of disease, billions live in poverty, war still rages, conventions are not honored, millions of soldiers are still 'goose-stepping' throughout the world, warplanes are bombing and strafing civilians, etc., etc. and nobody gives a fuck... they just watch it happen, powerless to act against the forces of history... indifferent to the suffering of other human beings.
Researching this article on the evils of the Abrahamic Troika, has made me feel sick to my stomach... what a filthy bunch of sub-human scum are these Jews and Christians and Muslims, who practice their sexual perversions on helpless women and children... and who are so arrogant and self-righteous about their adherence to these twisted beliefs... I know I am probably just 'pissing against the wind', but I hope that someone reads what I write and becomes enlightened by it. No matter what any of us does, things will remain the same until we eliminate the underlying cause of 'evil' in the world. Namely, the Abrahamic religion and Corporate Capitalism... these are the chief enemies of the Future, and of humanity - they must be destroyed!
This is part three of a series exploring the Abrahamic religion (So named because Abraham is the father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam).
- Islamic Supremacist femicide, rape, domestic violence, child rape, and child abuse
- Child Molestation in the Arab World
- Child abuse rife in madrassas and mosques
- Islam Sharia EXPOSED-21 Child Molestation Cases highest in Islamic Nations, says Pope
- Child Abuse in Islam
The verdict is in, Islam (is that really a word?) runs true to form... just like the rest of the Abrahamic Troika. To me, this proves my theory that the Abrahamic religion is completely evil... beyond a doubt. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not worthy of being allowed access to the Future. They can argue until they are blue in the face - in their arrogant and self-righteous manner - but I shall be unmoved.
Historically, the Abrahamic religion has been a blight on the face of the earth. War, murder, rape, torture, violence against women and children, you name it. Anything vile and evil is its specialty... Each faction points to the other and exclaims, "Look at that scum," and yet they are all the same... men driven to insanity by primitive and ignorant religious beliefs... hatred, hypocrisy, and intolerance... it is all there for the eye to see.
If you cannot see it the reason is that you refuse to look.
From here we make policy... What is to be done? Obviously (since I am busy making enemies of so many), I don't give a flying fuck about whether they vote for me or not... That is the cool thing about being a National Socialist. I am not afraid to speak the Truth. For years (fifty-six years to be exact) I have been a Nazi, and as a result I have received my fair share of abuse. It is too late to turn back now...
I have learned many lessons the hard way... An important one is that Adolf Hitler fucked up: he wanted to wait until the end of the war to deal with Christianity. Which left a BIG enemy to stab him in the back... and stab and stab and stab it did. The correct move would've been to postpone the war until the threat was eliminated. Even if it took a hundred years. Or even a thousand!
They say that Christianity made Western Civilization what it is... BOLLIX! Western Civilization arose IN SPITE of Christianity! Where it sucks there is the result of Abrahamic influence... Again, hatred, intolerance and hypocrisy. And, please don't blame me for your problems. I have not killed one Jew, or lynched any black men, I'll leave that up to you good religious people...
In parting, here is a response from the 'peanut gallery': "I hate atheist. you atheist don’t believe in nothing then that means you are nothing you are not humans if you don’t believe in god then you are nothing to me or anyone and your comments means nothing. you are nothing just a loser looking for attention."
Yes asshole, but what kind of attention? The right kind of attention is the kind that plants the seeds of ideas and launches memes... Torpedoes los! See if God will save you from your destiny. That should be a great source of comfort for you - to know that you will be in Heaven, for eternity, with your reptile god, and all your pervert asshole buddies....
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