

A reader writes: "I get the feeling that kids and adults here aren’t educated on the Holocaust and what Hitler exactly did. Or maybe they are and they don’t give a rat’s ass, who knows?"

Sure we do... there's the Cannibal Holocaust and the Zombie Holocaust; the Dresden Holocaust; the Armenian Holocaust; the Balkan Holocaust, the Palestinian Holocaust; the American Indian Holocaust and lots of Holocausts in Africa... too many Holocausts to count... So, we just figure that Holocausts are part of Human Nature.

Sure, we'd like to save the Palestinians from the Zionists, but we are trying to pay our bills, keep our jobs and live our lives - No time left for Holocausts.

I went to the Holocaust Museum once and saw a pile of shoes... but I didn't have any spare change to give. People who own that many shoes don't need donations. I only have one pair of shoes and a pair of slippers. I live in a one room apartment. The Holocaust museum was as big as a church. They got way more money than me.

If they really wanted people to be more sympathetic about the Holocaust they'd get some old buses and make them into rolling 'Holocaust museums'. They could show up at the mall or the local grocery store on Saturday and let people visit the exhibits of shrunken heads, lamp-shades, bars of soap, and wax dummies of skinny people in stripped pajamas - for a box-top from Cocoa Puffs or Fruit Loops. They could hand out free buttons and stickers that said, "I saw the Holocaust." That way, they'd have more 'witnesses'...

I heard about Hitler and what he did: He tried to take over the world before Stalin did... but Stalin pulled it off because the rest of the 'allies' were stupid. So we spent Trillions of dollars fighting the 'Cold War' and that's why we have a depression today.

We give a 'rat's ass' but ordinary people can only do so much. We usually let our politicians take care of everything for us. They went to college. Only lately lots of people have been saying that they have betrayed us for money... That they don't care about ordinary people... That they are destroying America... I guess when people get fed up enough they'll make a few changes in business and the Government...

Maybe, we'll call it the Corporate Capitalist Holocaust?

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