
Pentagon OKs Gay Marriage

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon finally 'came out of the closet' on Friday, authorizing military Chaplains to perform Homosexual weddings in states where it is legal.

Defense Department guidelines said chaplains may participate in ceremonies on or off military bases in states that recognize homosexual unions.

Homosexual couples may get married in Washington, D.C. and six states: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. Maryland and several other states recognize same-sex marriages but do not grant licenses to same-sex couples. Forty-one states have either laws or constitutional amendments prohibiting same-sex marriage.

Joe Solomonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a pro-gay rights group, rubbed his hands together in glee and proclaimed that this was a great victory for 'human rights'.

The Pentagon officially ended its ban on gays in the military last week and Friday's guidelines are seen by many as a move toward an all homosexual military.

In May, the Navy started the ball rolling on same-sex marriages but changed its mind amid criticism that it was acting on its own instead of in tandem with other military services.

"It is outrageous that only 10 days after repeal of the law against homosexuality in the Armed Forces, the Defense Department is already pushing the military further down the slippery slope," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, in a written statement. "The repeal law passed by the lame-duck Congress last year said nothing about authorizing same-sex 'weddings' on military bases or by military chaplains."

Critics said the new policy violates the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage in federal law as being only between a man and a woman.

DOMA "remains the law in America, defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman for all purposes under federal law," said Perkins, who called on the White House "to end its multi-front attack upon marriage."

Opponents of DOMA applauded the decisions. And are eager to design new uniforms for the military. Maybe leather chaps with exposed buttocks? And how about replacing "The Army Goes Rolling Along" with "YMCA" by the Village People? The possibilities are endless... and we should greet this new turn of events with enthusiasm... Especially since the Pentagon has just made itself the laughingstock of the world. Thank God the Chinese are going to take over as the #1 superpower! At least there ain't no Kung Fu sissies...

Finally, the United States is coming apart at the seams... What a country! What a strange place the 21st Century is!

Happy Days....

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