
Enemies & Friends: Making Enemies

Rebellion Against the Idols of the Tribe and the Market-place! That's what we stand for... 

Any rational person would try to make as many friends as he possibly could. That's the way of politics - Give and take... However, any rational position would not be tenable at this stage of the game. The formation of a 'new' and 'real' political movement - at this point in time - is an act of insanity; and, the insane are seldom rational... dangerous perhaps, but not rational.

What we propose is perfectly legal. Distasteful maybe but not illegal. Where we go from here depends on the challenges we are faced with and the decisions that we must make to rise to them. If attacked we shall respond in an absolutely insane fashion... At the same time, we will attack no one who does not pose a threat to us. Live and let live is our watch-word. 

What we have learned is that friends are fickle and enemies are relentless. There is no use trying to make 'deals' with people who have no intention of honoring them. We shall raise our banner and live and die as our destiny dictates. 

Another thing: the past has absolutely nothing to do with us. We are a product of the 'Now' intent on capturing the future. History has no meaning, there are no lessons to be learned, there are none worthy of emulation... We shall create our own ideals. We shall burn all the 'Holy' books and replace them with our own literature. We shall refuse to be connected to anything... the name that can be named is not the real name...

We are the Black Hole... the darkness of the Abyss... anti-matter... that is our form. We are prepared to stop at nothing. The arguments about the 'means' and 'ends' are moot. Nothing succeeds like success. The rolling wheel crushes all obstacles in its path.

The world has been longing for us and we will not disappoint... we shall endeavor to fulfill its wildest dreams... all those who oppose us will be completely destroyed. This is our idea of 'fairness'. All is fair in love and war!

We are at war... our enemies are all those who stand in the way of human progress. You know who you are.

We are coming for you... you cannot escape... resistance is futile....

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