
Fuck the Right Wing

The National Socialist movement, in the United States, has wasted a great deal of time and energy playing to the right wing... pretending to be patriotic and law abiding... I guess the reason for that is some people think the right wing has secretly stashed away the lost Nazi gold and if they 'play ball' they will get some of it... Fellas, it ain't going to happen. All we've ever got from the right wing is bullshit. What have we got to be 'patriotic' about? That these assholes in the Government have sold the people out to the big corporations and banks? Yeah, "America is wonderful" - now what?

We have waited since the end of World War II for the tumblers to line up and the big steel door to swing open. Well people, this is it! But you aren't any more ready than you were in 1967, or 1973. (If you can even remember way back when...) Remember Commander Rockwell getting the shit kicked out of him at the Pentagon - playing to the right wing - his tiny band all bloody and beaten? Remember the picture of him laying face down in front of the Laundromat? (Shot by one of his own guys...) Remember when the NSWPP was a party? (Before Mr. Cabbage decided to be St. Paul...) 

All the bullshit always comes from the right wing. Yeah, somebody said: "When Fascism comes to the USA it will be draped in the flag and carrying a Bible." What horseshit! You think you can do business with the Christians? They hate your guts. All they are waiting for is the end of the world. They don't want a better world - they want to be with Jesus! (And Jesus has been dead for two thousand years...) When Fascism comes to America it will be carried to victory by the people! Fascism is a socialist mass movement (and it has always been one)...

The right wing is a Mongolian fire drill... they have been retreating ever since the year one... giving ground to the Enemy... talking the same stale bullshit. Nothing ever gets done, nothing ever changes. There is no counter-attack. They say, "God, guns and guts made America great." Ha, there is no evidence that any of these even exist in America, let alone are a factor worth considering. So you have a gun? If you are afraid to shoot it off it isn't worth a damn. Once you do shoot it off the Government is going to blow you away... End of story. Because action is futile unless it is coordinated. And, you can't coordinate action if you don't trust each other - If you refuse to cooperate with others who have the same interests as you do...

One guy shoots it out with the Federales... everybody else watches it on the news... the guy becomes a 'martyr'. So what, he's dead or in prison now. 

"Oh, what a hero that guy was," they say. 

Who gives a fuck? He was a loner. A man of 'principle' in a world where principle and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. Loners don't count for much because they can't win. The most constructive thing they can do is rig themselves up to a nuclear device and blow up a city... maybe that would get somebody's attention - especially if there were seven loners and each blew up a city!

Is that what we want - attention? Or do we want to change things? Neither makes any difference to a dead man. What matters is when all the loners get organized... When their actions are coordinated... When they succeed in overthrowing the rotten System and creating a New Order... Now, that is something that will bring you fame and fortune and glory... but to do this you have to win the struggle and triumph over all adversity, and somehow survive while everything around you is turning to shit... because it is not enough to die for your beliefs - you have to live for them!

Nobody wants to sacrifice himself to preserve the status quo. Because, frankly, it sucks. More and more people are realizing how bad it sucks everyday. That's why the right wing, and all the 'tea baggers', can't win. And, if they can't win then what good are they? 

That's why the Germans said "Hail Victory" (Sieg Heil) - because everything else is bullshit! The key to winning the struggle is playing to win. There is no such thing as a second place winner. You either win or you lose.

And, that's the Truth....

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