
Enemies & Friends: The Saints

My thesis is: As a man thinketh so shall he be. In other words, if you spend your time thinking about sin and corruption the next thing you know you are going to become one... 
(A sinful and corrupted individual.)

In my previous blog, I explored the twisted sexuality of the 'Righteous'. In this blog I would like to explore the so-called 'morality' of the 'Saints'.

Christianity is divided into two basic configurations: Catholic and Protestant. The Catholics believe that the 'Body of Christ' is the Church. Protestants believe that no one has authority over them but God... Other than that, and a few minor details, they are both pretty much the same. Christians believe that they are 'Saints' doing God's work in the world.

Here's how the Catholics do God's work: Click here. 

Here's how the Protestants do God's work: Click here. 

By their fruits shall ye know them...

"But these are just a few isolated individuals," you might argue.

Nope. This is an accelerating trend. It is a virus induced by exposure to the 'Holy Bible' and the Abrahamic faith. And, a serious threat to the future of humanity. My God, what did you think was going to happen in a cult that preaches that everyone who does not believe is going to burn in Hell?

The 'God of Love'? Ha! Rather the God of intolerance and hatred for anyone who does not fit the mold... The God of the hypocrites.

"Jesus loves you," only don't let him get behind you - especially if you are a little boy!

Here's a statistic for you: eighty percent of Christian youth leave the Church, as soon as they are emancipated. Not to worry, just scour the third-world for more 'believers'... keep the collection plate fat... then you'll have more victims for your sexual perversion.

"Take and eat for this is my body. Take and drink for this is my blood." (That sounds kind of homosexual don't it?)

Never fear. In order to prove my theory there is one more branch of the Abrahamic Troika to consider.

That will be the subject of tomorrow's blog.

In the meantime, keep your children away from the Christians....

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