
What does a revolution need to succeed?

What our readers think:

"Unity! Not only are we divided, but our entertainment industry has succeeded in distracting us from real problems. Also, considering we're not a dictatorship, there are other plausible methods of attaining power." - Anonymous

"Right-wingers calling for "revolution" don't comprehend what they are saying, LOL! By definition, revolutionaries push politics to the LEFT......politicos pushing to the Right are called "reactionaries"..." - LG

"I am of the opinion that America itself is THE BEST example of what a revolution needs to succeed. A revolution is what created this country. The people who participated in that revolution were smart enough to create the basic Constitution which allows for revolution. Every amendment to that Constitution has been the result of a revolution. If you want to change something, you have the right to do so." - Debbie

"A revolution needs a very smart well-educated as well as charismatic person.
At his side a thug criminal...
Revolutions are not about little people rising up against the rich and powerful. It is a transfer of the positions of power between the leader class. The only revolution is the turbulence during the changing of faces.

Lenin - Stalin: Lenin a lawyer and member of the literati Stalin a bank robber.
Hitler - Rhoem: (SA) Although Hitler was not well educated he was charismatic - Rhoem a sadistic murder.
Castro - Che: again a middle class lawyer and a sick demented murder.

It probably was the same in every revolution..." - XX

"The Republicans and Democrats have a plan: Divide and conquer. They keep the voters distracted while they get rich." - ND

"As Jefferson said, "Mankind is more disposed to suffer when evils are sufferable". Be that as it may we live in a democratic Republic. Our government is not imposed on us it is elected by the people. If you feel a revolution is needed, then it is against your fellow citizens, not the government.

But here is my revolutionary thought. Government is no longer elected by the people, it is bought and paid for by moneyed interests. The people will revolt against these interests if they don't back down and work for the good of the nation and not the good of their pocket books." - Jehen

"A revolution needs widespread discontent. As long as people have food, clothing, shelter, and TV sets to keep them entertained, they will not revolt." - L.

"Americans are not pro-revolution because they believe that the System works. They may not like those in office but they still think that the democratic process works." - Zach

"As much as the media would like us to believe that things are really bad in America, it just isn't so. Life is harder than it used to be, but it is not hard enough to make people risk everything." - Josh

"A revolution won't happen in America. The Government is too powerful. Riots may and will. What we really need is for people to get involved in politics and work to get rid of corruption." - Paul

"Revolutions need front-line fighters who are not afraid of death. Most of these fighters will die. Fake revolutionaries do not have the courage to be front-line fighters." - Anonymous

"A revolution needs truth and a strong leader." - Frank H.

"Revolutions need momentum - nothing succeeds like success." - Tyler

What do you think?

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