
David Myatt - I've got your 'numinosity' right here!

Thulien Zo'ra has a word that describes the aggressive qualities of our Folk: "Ro'ta'fa'vo". 

Ro'ta'fa'vo is the essence of the Life-Force... One either struggles to survive and evolve or one becomes extinct. There is no other option.

There are those who think that Life is divided into the Spiritual and the Material. There is no such division. The H'si animates the physical body. Without the Material World the H'si has no meaning and cannot exist. Therefore, when people talk about the "numinous way", indicating a division between the Spiritual and the Material, it is basically nonsense. As Benito Mussolini so aptly put it, "Without the community nothing human or spiritual can exist." Because a Table of Values hangs over every people and it makes them who and what they are. Without a community, traditions, culture, etc., you cannot exist as an individual... (An individual what?)

At the end of your life you cease to exist. There is no concrete evidence (or proof) of any continuance into eternity. That is "snake oil" - the "cure for what ails you". Only a fool, or a dreamer, would count on something that cannot be proved one way or another. Such as Heaven, or winning the Lottery, or the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes... Try telling your creditors that you will pay them just as soon as you win the Lottery. 

"But Jesus, or Mohamed, or Moses, or some guy down at the car wash said that there is 'eternal life'..."

Is that supposed to be funny? 

Friedrich Nietzsche summed it up very nicely: "All of that Abrahamic twaddle is the product of a slave mentality." Inversely, if you believe that shit you will wind up a slave. (Abrahamic = Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Atheism - it's all mindless twaddle.)

"I've got your "numinosity" right here," he said, grasping his genitals.

A case in point is David Myatt:

"Over the past decade there has been, for me, a complete change of perspective, for I have gone from upholding and violently propagating the racialism of National-Socialism – and encouraging the overthrow of the existing status quo through revolutionary insurrection – to the acceptance of empathy and compassion, and to that gentle, quiet, desire to cease to cause suffering, which form the basis for what I have called The Numinous Way, with this Numinous Way being apolitical, undogmatic, and considering both race and “the folk” as unethical abstractions which move us away from empathy and compassion and which thus obscure our true human nature."

BOLLIX! David Myatt is obviously insane! He cannot throw the work and sacrifices of MILLIONS of Aryans down the toilet and then turn around and call himself "empathetic" and "compassionate" - that is pure bullshit. "Human Nature"? Nothing alien is human to me. It's pure rubbish!

If you are ready to lay down and die just skip all the sanctimonious bullshit and lay down and die! But if you are ready to live then join the Community and fight for its survival and continued evolution!

That's what I think....


News Flashes From Around the World

LIBYA -  NATO's cowardice is apparent and disturbing; attacking a defenseless nation with high flying airplanes, missiles launched from sea, and helicopter gunships spraying missiles and bullets. Acting as a protectorate to prevent slaughter, NATO has augmented the killing, behaving as a killing machine with no other objective than to destroy. Arguments between the European nations and the United States reveal that NATO has run out of ammunition and needs more armaments . According to the Daily Mail, The U.S. as of June 11, has spent $665 million in the conflict.

Insidious spread of far-right thoughts 
The shooting rampage in Norway last Friday reflects the surging far-right sentiment in Europe. The shooting was not carried out on a whim. Anders Behring Breivik, who carried out the worst massacre in Norway since World War II, had reportedly been planning the killing for nine years.

Washington's three-ring circus
It shouldn't be surprising to those of us who physically restrain our gag reflex and endeavour to observe or participate in the American political spectacle that a trending topic on Twitter this past weekend was the combination of a four-letter word, the word "you" and "Washington".

Fighting back against the CIA drone war 
They call it "bug splat", the splotch of blood, bones, and viscera that marks the site of a successful drone strike. To those manning the consoles in Nevada, it signifies "suspected militants" who have just been "neutralised"; to those on the ground, in most cases, it represents a family that has been shattered, a home destroyed.

America's own Taliban
Prior to 9/11, the Taliban government in Afghanistan did not register very much on American radar screens, with one notable exception: when it blew up two colossal images of the Buddha in Bamiyan province in early 2001. But destruction of treasured artifacts isn't just limited to the Taliban.

Palestinians Prepare for Massive Uprising
Leading members of the Palestinian Popular Committees in the West Bank plan massive civil unrest and disobedience against the Israeli occupation authorities come September when the Palestinians take their case for statehood to the UN.

Does the United States control the weather?
Here is your key to understanding HAARP (weather modification), with enough references to keep you busy for awhile.

Biological Evolution
In a fascinating discovery that counters a common theory that human evolution has slowed to a crawl or even stopped in modern humans, a recent study examining data from an international genomics project describes the past 40,000 years as a time of supercharged evolutionary change, driven by exponential population growth and cultural shifts.

Soviet Union came close to defeat in World War II
A film banned by the Kremlin and kept secret for more than 40 years has provided an insight into the wartime exploits of Marshal Georgy Zhukov, the military commander who led the fight against Hitler, and how close the Soviet Union came to defeat.

Dissension in the Movement

The internal and eternal bickering within the Movement is the result of a failure to understand the ideology of National Socialism. "Mein Ehre Heisst Treue." (My honor is loyalty.) Rats have no honor and no loyalty to anyone other than themselves. They are not trying to win the struggle. Their aims are a lot lower than that. They want to glorify themselves at the expense of the Movement.

Let us assess the situation logically and without preconceived notions. Our goals should be: 1.)- The survival and continued evolution of the Folkish Community; 2.)- The creation of a fighting organization that can build a United Front against the Enemy, and thwart his plans to destroy us; 3.)- The identification of our enemies as well as our friends; 4.)- The unification and coordination of a common Folkish ideology; 5.)- The propagation of the Folkish ideology among potential recruits; 6.)- The intake and indoctrination of said recruits; 7.)- Developing a strategy to win the struggle; 8.)- Developing tactics to win the battles that must be fought... etc., etc.

Are there agent-provocateurs and misleaders among our ranks? If there are they must be identified and neutralized. What would these Enemy agents do to disrupt our activities? They would spread gossip about the Movement's leadership, and lies about our goals. They would try to make us look like idiots to potential recruits to our Movement. They would attempt to neutralize the gains that we make and advocate courses of action that are counter-productive to progress. And, of course, the agents of the tyrant are the first to create dissension by casting aspersions on the abilities, motives, morality and actions of others.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way! Or, as Theodor Eicke so poetically put it, "Get in line, shut your mouth and do your job." The task ahead of us is monumental. Therefore, we must be totally focused on our goals to the exclusion of all the petty bullshit. You want to gossip, go play bingo with all the Yentas at the Jewish Community Center. Aryans don't gossip.

How do we know if a Leader is for real? Why that's a "no brainer" - a Leader leads.

Why should we always be so damned paranoid? Screw the System and all of its minions! The System can't find its ass with both hands. Sure, it is good at psy-ops - like getting you to believe that you have reason to be paranoid - but when it comes right down to it, every last Government employee is sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic. Don't kid yourself, your pitiful efforts to change society are not a threat to the United States. Only in your dreams.

And, here is another truth worth considering: I don't give a rat's ass if you are a Jew, or a sex pervert, or a worshipper of Satan, or have a black grandmother, or are from Mars - if you are willing to commit yourself to the goals of the Folkish Community then you are OK as far as I am concerned. I'm not going to turn away anybody who wants to help us win the struggle for survival and continued evolution. That would be just plain stupid.

If you are afraid then go ahead and barricade yourself in your bunker. Only remember, we have the right to survival and continued evolution. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Charter. And, even if it wasn't it is a fundamental Law of Nature. We should not apologize to anyone for being ourselves. We are who and what we are and that's they way it is. Anybody who can't live with that is welcome to make their move.

Lots of promising individuals have squandered themselves needlessly. This has to stop. The first step is to bring our ideology up to date, the next is to build a fighting organization, then we can take our message to our people. Study history. The National Socialist German Worker's Party was the product of many different organizations... with many strong leaders... Adolf Hitler was astute enough to put it all together... The "Leader Mystique" came after the organization of the Movement into a political party. It was the same in the revolutions in China and Viet Nam. "Which came first the chicken or the egg?" is a rhetorical question - we know which came first it was the egg! Chickens don't appear out of thin air. And neither do political parties.

In order to build something real with what we have, we need to realize that we are not individuals but members of the Folkish Community. Our wants and needs must be subordinated to the goals of the Folkish Community. We must cast our egos aside, and regard one another as "Comrades" in the struggle for the survival and continued evolution of the Folkish Community.

If you think about it, it is really simple: We either all hang together or we all hang separately! (Thank you Ben Franklin for that one.)


What is 'National Socialism'?

What is National Socialism?

"National" means "Of or relating to a nation; common to or characteristic of a whole nation." In this case National Socialism would be translated to "American Socialism" as opposed to "International" Socialism. Which doesn't really exist anyway.

Socialism is an economic and political system where the use of property and capital (money) is used for the common good. According to socialists, the wealth of a society should be shared, and everyone in it shall have everything they need. The common good comes before the individual good. Although socialist ideas go back in history to Plato, the word socialism was first used in Britain in the 1820's. Louis Blanc described socialism as being “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”

Almost every prospering country in the world is a Socialist country.

"But but but," you say, "Socialism is bad - It infringes on my civil liberties!" You could say that but I would just say, "Shut the fuck up!"

In those countries they have legal use of pot, everyone has the same rights and privileges, they have paid vacations, free health care, maternity leave is six months, better roads and rail systems, and people employers (most of them at least) will let employees clock in for 2 hours a day to get paid while at the gym.

Now, why is this bad? I think that Americans have been tricked by Corporate Capitalism. We have been tricked into believing that the politicians are fighting for the interests of the people when they are actually fighting for big business, and believe me, people and business are two very very different things.

"Socialism" is an economic system with which the means of production are owned and controlled collectively - by the people. The goal of socialism is to obtain equal distribution of wealth. This implies the abolition of a class hierarchy, and the abolition of the social parasite.

When I say that most Americans are in fact "socialists", I do not mean that they are conspiring to overthrow class hierarchy, and actively seek to abolish the concept of selfishness. When I say that most Americans, including contemporary Republicans, are socialists, I mean to say that they wholeheartedly support the equal redistribution of wealth. Abolishing class hierarchy and the social parasite is simply a logical progression from this.

Socialism does not mean violence. It does not mean dictatorship. It quite simply is adequately explained by "equal distribution of wealth." Marxism, Communism, Nazism, and Fascism are all socialist movements - but to be a socialist does not imply you are a Marxist, communist, Nazi, or fascist.

The easiest way to prove that most Americans are in fact socialists is to cite one example that is unequivocally socialist: welfare. Most Americans today would be hard-pressed to say that they would want to completely ban welfare, and thus, this is why they are socialist. Welfare, in its most reduced definition, is when the Government imposes taxation on the "haves" to give to the "have nots". This is called "redistribution of wealth". You, as an American citizen, have no choice but to give money to the impoverished.

Perhaps you think this is a good thing - and that would make you a socialist.

Most people, who profess to be Christian, believe that helping those in need should be mandatory. That is why our taxes go to welfare. The reason we rely on the Government to help those in need is because "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Most people would rather use any extra money they have to pursue those things that are unhealthy, and even downright evil... rather than to make sure that some homeless person gets a square meal.

Maybe you are thinking that surely people would gladly, and voluntarily, give 10% of their income to those in need. I say, Bollix! The majority of our good "Christian" citizens don't give a damn about anybody but themselves. That is why the Government has to force people to contribute to society through taxation. It should be mandatory to help your fellow American. Because if people weren't forced to help others, than people who need help would not get it.

Oddly enough, the people who believe that people will help others of "their own free will" are the ones who are the most selfish, while people who believe that we must be forced to help others are the ones who are compassionate. Because the reality is that without social welfare programs the "have nots" would soon stage a revolution against the "haves". And, this is avoided by throwing them a few crumbs off the table.

Capitalism has earned a bad reputation over the years. It is a selfish and exploitative system. The whole idea of Capitalism is that through selfishness, society as a whole, and people in general, will benefit more than under any other economic system. The core teaching of capitalism is: Profits before people! In other words, those who really benefit are the rich, who become richer. Theoretically, the crumbs off the rich man's table will "trickle down" to the floor where the poor will hungrily lap them up.

There is nothing more degrading than crawling around the floor lapping up the leavings of the wealthy. There is no worse opinion of humanity than the one that capitalism implies.

And, that's the Truth!


Anders Behring Breivik

Whatever else it was, the rampage in Norway was not the work of Islamic terrorists.

That speculation, ubiquitous in the hours that immediately followed the massive explosion in downtown Oslo, ended with the arrest of Anders Behring Breivik as he was gunning down scores of youngsters, execution-style, at an island retreat.

Since then, the world has learned a great deal about who Breivik is, down to the quotidian details of his schooling, his farm, his parents' divorce and his regular Sunday lunches with his mother. The more important question — and the one that so far has been mainly misdiagnosed — is: What is Breivik?

Perhaps because he shows no obvious signs of mental illness, the media has alighted on a political answer. Besides being an "ethnic Norwegian," Breivik is a "Christian," a "gun enthusiast,"and a "right-wing nationalist" whose views, according to Time magazine, "recall neo-Nazi politics." In an interview Breivik conducted with himself as part of his 1,500-page manifesto, "2083: A European Declaration of Independence," he speaks of his pride in his "Viking heritage," says he belongs to "an Indigenous Rights Movement" and insists that he will not "accept an Islamic presence in Europe."

In short, a "right-wing extremist".

That he no doubt is. Yet there are a lot of right-wing extremists out there, many of whom entertain views far more extreme than Breivik's, including on the subject of Islam. They typically do not take it upon themselves to go on murderous rampages. Nor will it do to say that because Breivik read this or that blog, or admired this or that author, that those blogs or authors are complicit in his crime. Breivik's parting shot on Twitter was to quote John Stuart Mill. Will the greatest champion of civil liberties now be in bad ideological odor, too?

The more telling side of Breivik's manifesto is his self-description as "Justiciar Knight Commander for the Knights Templar of Europe," a group he claims has some 80 members and held a secret meeting in London in 2002. The fetishistic medievalism — Breivik seems to have designed a military dress uniform, and wants to wear it to his trial — is significant: Like Osama bin Laden and his epigones, his worldview seems mainly defined by the politics of the 13th century. And that worldview is fundamentally geared toward hastening an apocalypse.

What do all of those who use terror, to get their point across, have in common (Christian, Marxist, Islamist, Nazi, environmentalist and so on)? They have been denied the right to be heard. They have no forum where they can discuss their views. And this has created a situation where, out of sheer desperation, these men have been forced to resort to violence. It is happening all over the world. Even in the United States where free speech is guaranteed by the Constitution.

If your views are controversial you are marginalized, and denied access to a public forum.

Many active cataclysmic apocalypticists, believe that the socio-political world is in huge tension, like tectonic plates about to crack, and if they can set off a small explosion in the right place it will unleash far greater forces. In this sense, the thing they resemble most is the people they hate.

They're right, and not just in regards to methods. Just as al Qaeda's primary fury has always been directed at Muslims who they view as apostates, traitors or stooges of the West, the main object of Breivik's hatred was what he called the "cultural Marxists" who dominated Norwegian politics. "If they refuse to listen there will be no turning back. We will eventually wipe out every single one of them."

Similarly, the purpose of Breivik's massacre wasn't simply to kill off the Labor party's leadership, current and future. It was to create a spectacle, and in doing so energize a cause. It's no accident that he wants media present at his trial: He has now entered what he calls the propaganda phase of his campaign, in which he imagines he will be given "a stage to the world" through which he can win over "tens of millions of European sympathizers and tens of thousands of brothers and sisters who support us fully and are willing to fight beside us." This was precisely what al Qaeda hoped to achieve (and to an extent did achieve) with 9/11.

On Friday morning Breivik wrote "Today you will become immortal." He seems to have meant it literally. Whatever else might be said of that particular longing, it can hardly be called religious (what then would be the point of an afterlife?), or Christian (murdering children en masse is not a tenet of any Christian faith), or conservative (a political tendency that is fundamentally anti-utopian).

It is the belief that all manner of redemptive possibilities lie on just the other side of a crucible of unspeakable chaos and suffering. At his arrest, Breivik called his acts "atrocious but necessary." Stalin and other Marxists so despised by Breivik might have said the same thing about party purges or the liquidation of the kulaks. 

These are the politics that have largely defined our age. CIA assassinations, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, etc... Nothing new here. As the world population grows the value of life proportionally declines. Until, like China, we can execute men and women by the thousands and televise the event for all to see.

After all, we see scores of people die everyday courtesy of the "Entertainment Industry". As a result, we have become immune to human suffering.

Norway, Europe and probably the U.S. will now have anxious debates about xenophobia, populism and the rise of neo-Fascism. These are worthy topics, but they are incidental to understanding what happened on Friday. What we witnessed was the irruption of an impulse — more psychological than political — that defines a broader swath of the ideological spectrum than most people would care to acknowledge. As for Breivik, there ought to be no question as to what he is: A voice crying in the wilderness. That has been denied the basic right to be heard. 

In a world of 8 Billion there are millions more like Breivik - who are fed up with the System and are past the point of caring about their own safety.

Be afraid, be very afraid....


Gay Couples Wed Across New York

Amidst flag waving, thousands of colored balloons, and brass bands hundreds of homosexuals have been joined in "Holy Matrimony" in New York after it became the sixth and most populous state in the US to recognise same-sex unions as legal.

Newly-weds brandished their marriage certificates and clicked champagne glasses together as ceremonies were held from Manhattan to Niagara Falls.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who had pushed for the gay marriage law to be adopted, was officiating at the marriage of two male colleagues in his official mayoral residence.

He told ABC television he thought gay marriage would take off across the US "simply because of the economics and the young people" who would gain more influence on politics in years to come.

"Nothing is ever 100% but this is a trend that's going, and it's going to grow very rapidly, partially because New York is such a bellwether and so visible."

Civil rights activists argue the US Congress should now repeal a federal law defining marriage as only existing between a man and a woman.

Meanwhile, Christians everywhere are shocked...

The National Organization for Marriage held rallies in New York City, Albany, Rochester and Buffalo on Sunday, accusing Mr Cuomo and lawmakers of redefining marriage without consulting voters.

Protesters chanted "Let the People Vote!" at the rallies.

A march against gay marriage in New York city, 24 July Some protesters in New York city brandished Bibles

A gathering in New York City that started with several hundred people opposite Mr Cuomo's Manhattan office quickly swelled to thousands.

They waved signs saying "Excommunicate Cuomo" and "God cannot be mocked".

"I'm worried that the younger generations will think this is normal, and it's not," said Gloria Sanchez, 35, of Brooklyn. "It's wrong. It's a sin."

Outside the capitol in Albany, about 400 people gathered in a park under a banner reading "Marriage(equals)Man and Woman", topped with a "Don't Tread on Me" flag.

Silly people. God has been mocked and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. They've been teaching that being Gay is "normal" in our schools for years. Or, did all this come as a complete surprise? This is your Government at work. This is what the United States of America stands for. This is your Future! Your grandchildren are going to be queer and your race is going to be bred out of existence. How do you like them apples?

You made your bed and now you have to lie in it!

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

The Democrats and Republicans are two heads on the same Corporate Capitalist monster.

There is no appreciable difference between the two parties. The Two Party System is a hoax designed to mislead the American voter.

We constantly hear about "Liberals" and "Conservatives"... it's just the same old noise. Much ado about nothing. The bottom line is: Politicians are full of shit, and anyone who believes them is a moron.

We have no need of liars and idiots. Therefore we can do very nicely without liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats - the Two Party System is bullshit, plain and simple. If you believe in fairy tales there is no room for you in our Movement.

"How can we have a mass movement without letting everyone in?"

Mass movement? You've gotta be kidding. The masses are asses and corporate boot-lickers, nothing more. Doesn't anyone remember that Al Gore won the popular vote and lost the election? Corporate Capitalism is NEVER going to let us win an election. Fine, there are other roads to power...

Our way is to unplug ourselves from the Corporate Capitalist bullshit machine and start living our own dream. The System is going to collapse all by itself. Wait and see. All we have to do is bide our time and eliminate our weaknesses. When the time comes we will be ready.

Our biggest challenge is to keep from laughing out loud when these idiots start talking their crazy bullshit. Bending our ear with the latest conspiracy theory. Telling us that there is a difference between Republicans and Democrats... If there is I can't see it. They both have the same agenda: Kiss the corporate ass; make lots of money; destroy the environment; wreck our country; support Israel; and enslave the American worker.

How can anyone, in good conscience, vote for either Tweedledum or Tweedledee?


News Flashes From Around the World

Smash the System!

Thulien Zo'ra observes modern civilization in horror, as the nature of the Corporate Capitalist System unfolds - and so should you. We all have the misfortune of living in an "insane asylum" where the inmates have become the guards. There is no one in a position of "leadership" that can be trusted, be it religious, political or economic. We are betrayed by our own weakness.

The first step toward victory is to WAKE UP! That means discovering who is the Enemy and who is the Friend. If the world persists in its hypnotic induced slumber it will be destroyed and humanity will become extinct. Toward that end (waking up) I present this weeks tidbits of information:

NATO Faces Certain Defeat in Libya
Libyan civilians have learned a thing or two from three decades of Lebanon’s experience with Israel’s five wars against that Levant country. Indeed NATO is using the same bombing, media, political and diplomatic strategy in Libya that Israel employed most recently in Lebanon during its 33-day July, 2006 war.

'Capitalism' Not So Sacred to Americans as Mood Sours
Capitalism, the bedrock of the U.S. economic system, isn't a favorite term these days among American citizens, opinion surveys show.

The End of Corporate Capitalism
The Dow Industrials closed today at 8580, down some 680 points. At this rate, the Dow will finally arrive at zero on Monday, October 27.

Life vs. Productivity: "What Would You Live and Die to Protect?"
"It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." -Malcolm X

This May Be the Greatest Revolution of the 21st Century
What if our existence is a holographic projection of another, flat version of you living on a two-dimensional "surface" at the edge of this universe? In other words, are we real, or are we quantum interactions on the edges of the universe - and is that just as real anyway?

DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists
A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

Don't Underestimate the Delegitimization of Israel
The 63-year-old State of Israel has been through – and overcome – military and terror attacks. Israel has prevailed, and now its enemies have turned to attacking its legitimacy. This is a complex and dangerous battle. Initiatives for boycotts of Israel or of Israelis, lawsuits against Israel and Israelis for "war crimes," and so on and so forth are being aired constantly. The Internet is flooded with sites that attack Israel's legitimacy and millions of people are exposed to them.

The World's Largest Human Experiment
Informed consent is one of the most basic aspects of patient-physician relations, as well as subject-researcher relations in the case of research studies. This involves making the patient aware of and verifying that they understand the risks, benefits, facts, and the future implications of the procedure or test they are going to be subjected to.

Hopefully, your ideology has been re-calibrated. If not, please come back soon and I'll try again.

As always, thank you for visiting and have a great day!

The Story of Bottled Water


Zionists Planning to Attack Iran

Israeli Ministers Mull Plans for Military Strike against Iran

Israel plans to strike Iran in September

Worst-Case Scenarios: Possible Strike Plans for Iran Involve Risky Options

A chilling report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Medvedev and Chinese President Hu have issued an “urgent warning” to the United States that says if the Americans allow an Israeli nuclear attack upon Iran, “World War will be our response”.

Fueling Russian and Chinese fears are intelligence reports stating that Israel has moved over three-quarters of its Naval Forces through the Suez Canal and has assembled over 100 of its US-built fighter jets inc for a planned attack using American made “bunker busting” bombs and nuclear armed cruise missiles.

Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that Israel first plans to use its US-built fighter jets to target Iran’s nuclear facilities, and upon a combined Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah “response”, that is said will “rain missiles down upon Israel”, Israeli submarines and surface vessels with unleash nuclear armed cruise missiles against Iran’s military, religious and political infrastructure.

The state of Israel has from 100-150 nuclear weapons in its arsenal. But using them would be suicide for the Jewish state. Even the use of conventional weapons would provoke a world-wide backlash against Israel and a terrible war with its Arab neighbors.

What is the United States supposed to do? We are already bogged down in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. As a result, our economy is going down the tubes.

Will President Obama stand by with his finger up his ass? Will he drag us into Israel's war? Or, will we join with the rest of the world to put an end to aggression in the Middle East once and for all?

Nobody knows what's next in the Middle East - but it won't be good!

Adolf Hitler

Leon Trotsky

Who was Leon Trotsky?

A man with such dangerous thoughts and perceptions that Stalin had him tracked down and murdered in Mexico on 21 August 1940.

The questions for us are: What can we gain from his insights and ideas? Are these ideas dangerous? And, if so, to whom?

To seek perfection and Harmony with Nature means that Truth is of paramount importance. Without an understanding of what is true, and what is false, progress is impossible.

A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time. To accomplish a revolution one and all must be willing to pay the price, both in human suffering and material resources. Neither are cheap.

The participants in the Revolution must be totally committed. Revolution is not a tea-party - it is a very dangerous undertaking. Even a "peaceful revolution" is dangerous because we are dealing with the unknown... and, there is always the chance that the revolution may be betrayed by selfish and egotistical individuals who primarily seek wealth and power.

Belief makes revolutions possible. That is why credibility is of the utmost importance to the revolutionary. The way credibility is established is by being totally honest and brutally truthful. The revolutionary must be willing to stand up and shout, "No more lies!" And mean it.

The struggle for power in this world is a battle for the supremacy of ideas. (Supreme: of highest quality, importance, etc: supreme endeavour.) Stupid, impotent, or unimportant ideas are not supreme. No matter how much rhetoric is used to back them up. Usually those who produce weighty tomes to justify an idea prove that the idea is worthless. Truthful simplicity is all that is required to produce the desired result.

In spite of the saying, "A lie repeated often enough becomes the Truth." A lie is always a lie, and requires more lies to keep it going, but the Truth can stand on its own merits. (Because a lie is fantasy and the Truth is reality.)

Those who possess power do not have to justify anything. And those who lack power have no basis for justification. (Not even for their own stupidity.)

Therefore, it would be unmanly to ignore the works of Leon Trotsky out of fear that he may contaminate our thinking. Moreover, his criticisms and insights may contain ideas of great value to our Movement. So, without further ado, let me present three of Leon Trotsky's pamphlets for your inspection:

Our Revolution (1918)

What is National Socialism? (1933)

FASCISM: What it is and how to fight it (1944)

You be the judge of their usefulness....


Coming of Age

Thulien Zo'ra (our community) is the body and each Enhet (individual member) is a cell, performing a unique function within the body. Through the Community the Enhet achieves immortality. Without membership in the body, the Abyss waits to swallow up the isolated cell. The cell cannot survive without the body, let alone achieve immortality.

The day the youth becomes a man is the day he realizes that he has no friends. He is completely alone in the world, and can achieve nothing of lasting importance outside of the Community.

The Source has endowed each person with different qualities. The challenge is discovering our strengths and weaknesses and making the greatest contribution, that is possible for us to make, to our Community.

Talk of "equality" is nonsense. Equality does not exist anywhere in the Universe. Some people can run faster than others, some are endowed with other talents and skills... There is only one thing in which we are all equal: death awaits us all! But, even in death we are not equal; some will die a hero's death while others will die in Idju (dishonor), whimpering and begging for their lives.

In a way, death defines the community. Consider: nations do not really exist, they are the product of shared fantasies and dreams. What makes them real is the willingness of their respective citizens to make the "ultimate sacrifice." Through human sacrifice the nation becomes a reality. Hence the need for war. Without war (the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice) nothing human or spiritual can exist. The Ultimate Reality is that we are animals whose only purpose is to survive, reproduce, and expand... without war Man is nothing.

War itself, in modern times, has become the antithesis of almost everything the warrior holds dear - especially Era (honor) - at some future place and time, the warrior could conceivably become nothing more than a little boy playing a video game, pushing buttons and sending hundreds, or even thousands, to their deaths... Kriken, I will tell you a secret: War is not about violence and killing - these things are by-products of war.

A true warrior is not violent or destructive. A true warrior is calm, compassionate, dedicated to the Ideal, and honorable. Perhaps, today's children have forgotten Era (honor), because it cannot be bought, sold and traded in the market-place. But, I assure you, tomorrow's children will value Era (honor) above all else.

In Coming of Age, the lesson to be learned is that self must be sacrificed to the Ideal.

To be an Enhet of Thulien Zo'ra you must live the Dream!

CIA Mind Control Experiments


World Hunger

29,000 children die everyday of starvation.

The expansion of industrial agri-foods crippled food production in the Third World and emptied the countryside of valuable human resources. But as long as cheap, subsidized grain from the industrial north kept flowing, the agri-foods complex grew, consolidating control of the world’s food systems in the hands of fewer and fewer grain, seed, chemical and petroleum companies. Today three companies, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, and Bunge control the world’s grain trade. Chemical giant Monsanto controls three-fifths of seed production. Unsurprisingly, even as the world food crisis was breaking, Archer Daniels Midland’s profits jumped 20%, Monsanto 45%, and Cargill 60%. Recent speculation with food commodities has created another dangerous “boom.” After buying up grains and grain futures, traders are hoarding, withholding stocks and further inflating prices.

To understand why people go hungry you must stop thinking about food as something farmers grow for others to eat, and begin thinking about it as something companies produce for other people to buy.

    * Food is a commodity...
    * Much of the best agricultural land in the world is used to grow commodities such as cotton, sisal, tea, tobacco, sugar cane, and cocoa, items which are non-food products or are marginally nutritious, but for which there is a large market.
    * Millions of acres of potentially productive farmland is used to pasture cattle, an extremely inefficient use of land, water and energy, but one for which there is a market in wealthy countries.
    * More than half the grain grown in the United States (requiring half the water used in the U.S.) is fed to livestock, grain that would feed far more people than would the livestock to which it is fed...

The problem, of course, is that people who don’t have enough money to buy food (and more than one billion people earn less than $1.00 a day), simply don’t count in the food equation.

    * In other words, if you don’t have the money to buy food, no one is going to grow it for you.
    * Put yet another way, you would not expect The Gap to manufacture clothes, Adidas to manufacture sneakers, or IBM to provide computers for those people earning $1.00 a day or less; likewise, you would not expect ADM (“Supermarket to the World”) to produce food for them.

The Corporate Capitalist System is the root cause of world hunger. The System drives poor farmers off their land and establishes agri-business thus gaining control of the food supply. From there the big corporations can manipulate the price of food and maximize their profits.

What this means is that ending hunger requires the elimination of the Corporate Capitalist System, or, at the very least, ensuring that people are put ahead of profits.

Do the math: 29,000 children x 365 days = 10,585,000 (10.5 MILLION CHILDREN) who are starved to death every year by the Corporate Capitalist System in its insane scramble to make more and more profits.

In other words: Those who operate, and profit by, the Corporate Capitalist System are nothing more than criminals and murderers of children.

And, that's the Truth.


News Flashes From Around the World

This will be a new Saturday feature. Hopefully it will be both informative and amusing. Starting Sunday, 2011.07.17 I want to focus on things that are vital to our progress. Then on the following Wednesday we will shine the spotlight on people. Because, small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, and great minds talk about ideas... It is only fair that we have the occasional blog for small minds, in order to balance things out. Just click on the titles below to read the complete article.

Russian Nazis Face Severe Setback
A Russian court on Monday handed down sentences ranging from 10 years to life in prison to 12 members of the National Socialist Society North convicted of 27 "hate killings", which included a videotaped decapitation of one of their own members and other crimes.

Germany to be conquered by Islam
Germany's population is declining, and the losses are replenished by immigrants, largely Muslim. The country has already addressed the topic of introducing regimental mullahs in the German Army. There are some ethnic Turks among the leading politicians of Germany.

United States on the verge of racial revolution
The appearance of the average resident of the United States in the near future may change dramatically. For the first time in history the majority of American children are non-white. If this tendency continues, the image of a typical American as a blond Anglo-Saxon could be considered an anachronism.

Former CIA Agent Claims Americans Did Not Kill bin Laden
Osama bin Laden died a natural death nearly 5 years before it was announced that he was eliminated by the American commandos. This sensational statement was made by a Turkish politician, and a former U.S. intelligence agent. In an interview with Russia's Channel One, he said that the Americans simply found and opened the tomb of the leader of al-Qaeda.

Thank you for visiting. Have a nice day.


Propaganda, Black PR & Mind Control 2

Objections to Mind Control

Comment: "Somebody else thought this up, these aren't your original ideas."
Response: Have you not heard, there is nothing new under the sun. Our contribution is the arrangement of the ideas, and the use that they are put to. Thulien Zo'ra assimilates what is good (useful) and rejects what is bad (useless). There is no need for attribution. That only opens the door to useless dialog, and is a ridiculous attempt to sidetrack the original intent of the present dialog. Once we assimilate ideas, or things, or people, they becomes ours. They belong to our community.

Comment: "This is a scam to control people."
Response: The "scam" is the present Corporate Capitalist System which controls and manipulates our entire society, and is motivated by the desire to profit at the world's expense. This "brainwashing" to consume and let Corporate Capitalism rape the planet, and eventually destroy humanity, is the thing which must be uprooted from the minds of our Enhetar. 

Comment: "Thulien Zo'ra coins many new words, to hide the sources of its information."
Response: We "coin" our own words so that none (but ourselves) can claim to be the master of our ideology. K'th'sS is our word for mind control - How many "experts" are there, do you suppose, that are well versed in K'th'sS? I doubt if any NaZora can even pronounce K'th'sS.

Comment: "...early clinicians treating the psychological casualties of war, thought that a small percentage of soldiers did not suffer from battle fatigue. However, after a few years experience, they amended their opinion, to state that all will eventually succumb to stress induced fatigue except that 2 percent who in fact were psychopaths..."
Response: Yes, all but 2 percent of human subjects will eventually succumb to K'th'sS and that 2 percent are mentally defective; So, in other words, 100 percent of normal human subjects will succumb to K'th'sS - those who do not are mentally defective (Kha'zon - A being, or species, not worthy of assimilation).

Comment: "You attack certain ex members, including myself, and any ex-members who dare protest publicly against your practices."
Response: Nonsense. Those who cannot be assimilated are doomed to obliteration: 
–verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
1.- to remove or destroy all traces of; do away with; destroy completely.
2.- to blot out or render undecipherable (writing, marks, etc.); efface.
Origin: 1590–1600;  < Latin oblitterātus  <past participle of oblitterāre,  efface, cause to be forgotten>.)
We do not argue with Kha'zon. They simply cease to exist.

Comment: "Totalitarian regimes cloak themselves in religiosity, to justify exploitative, criminal conduct. All of these 'causes' include intense efforts to "program" the desired conduct, be it obedience to the authority of the state, or blind faith devotion to gaining rewards in the hereafter. Even local inner city drug gangs depend upon the power of conversion. Destructive totalitarian, and criminal enterprises, while using the same techniques, seek to convert their audience into seeking, for them, their own political or financial goals."
Response: Our goals are threefold: 1.- The survival and continued evolution of humanity; 2.- the conquest of the stars; 3.- Perfection and Harmony with the Universe. It is the H'si of Thulien Zo'ra alone that will accomplish these goals. Our work is to perfect the Spirit. Or did you forget that religions also cloak themselves in religiosity?

Comment: "Thulien Zo'ra prepares its members by introducing the acceptability of eugenics, then teaches that 2% of the worlds population should be disposed of quietly and without sorrow."
Response: "The figure is probably more like 50-75 percent. That's what the Bilderbergs are alleged to be saying. And, these figures are based on stagnation. Unless humanity begins the conquest of the Galaxy, while it still has the resources, a lot more than that will die, and it won't be quietly either.

Comment: "All totalitarian states depend upon suppressing the open discourse of Democratic societies."  Response: The open discourse of Democratic societies is called "noise". People are distracted by the "noise" while the puppet-masters pull the strings. Let me give you an example: Most intelligent people want the same things - like water, food, housing and health care for every human being. But do we get what we want? No, because a tiny minority is in control, and giving people these things would eat into their profits. The basic essentials will never be distributed until this tiny minority is removed from power. "Democracy?" Blow it out your ass. Democratic discourse is a farce.

Thank you for your comments.


Basic Human Rights

It's time to "drop the bomb". To define what it is we are after. Because without any real objectives all these ideas and theories are merely entertainment for the segment of the population that is looking for bizarre amusements to feed their jaded appetites.

What are the minimum needs of the individual human being?

1.- Clean air, fresh and pure water, wholesome and nutritious food;
2.- Shelter (A roof over his head and the facilities for personal hygiene);
3.- Preventive Medicine (Free Clinics, diet and exercise, mental hygiene, a healthy environment);
4.- Employment, Recreation and Education;
5.- Identity: Culture, Religion, Tradition (A Table of Values promoting survival and evolution - toward perfection and harmony with Nature).

These are Rights not privileges, and they are not negotiable. All citizens are entitled to these things without cost.

The Bill of Rights and the Four Freedoms will still be in operation.

I will work with anyone who wants to achieve these same goals. Furthermore, I believe these goals are within our reach RIGHT NOW.

Duck and cover....


Sind wir wirklich so dumm

Evolution Not Revolution

Armed Insurrection, Leaderless Resistance, or a Legal Movement?

"Paper or plastic?"
"No thank you, I have my own shopping bag."

My question: Who thinks up what choices we have for the Future?

Armed Insurrection: Study the Black Panther Party (Probably the only real revolutionary group in America in the last sixty years). As soon as they started waving guns around and shouting "Off the pigs!" the Government crushed them. The smaller fry were obliterated also, by assassination and stealth.

In case nobody has noticed we now have the "Patriot Act" and "Homeland Security" and beefed-up gun laws... Do you feel lucky punk? Well do ya? Because as soon as you start to play "Che" Guevara you are going to wind up riddled with bullets - just like he did.

Therefore, any really serious individual, who has half-a-brain, is going to put "Armed Insurrection" way down on his list of things to do.

Leaderless Resistance: is like a "Mongolian Fire-drill". It's what the "movement" has been doing since 1945. Everybody is free to do whatever suits them with no particular plan/strategy in mind. The result of random acts of violence (on mainly innocent people) has brought down the wrath of the gods on everybody who desires a better future for the whole wide world. "Hate Crimes" discredit the very idea of the nobility of our ideology.

Has no one realized that through "Leaderless Resistance" the Enemy employs the time worn strategy of divide and conquer. Everybody is busy doing their own thing, pursuing their own particular brand of "victory", in their own way - and not many positive results are being generated or obtained. It is simply poor management.

Resistance is futile! It doesn't work unless the resistance receives "outside" help, as in Occupied Europe in WWII, or as in the case of the Zionist Defenders (who receive moral and monetary support from a community that is stricken with fear).

The idea, to my way of thinking, is to Live the Dream! And, in modern society it is still legal to dream. It is legal to reenact periods of time. Moreover, since time is circular the Future is also a period of time. Will humanity be resisting tyranny in the Future or conquering the Galaxy?

Legal Movement: "Legal" implies that the powers-that-be have given their stamp of approval. A real movement exists by the force of its own momentum. It doesn't need the System's approval. It doesn't need the endorsement of organized religion or corporate capitalism. If you build it they will come.

The objective is to Live the Dream! Why not skip through all the bullshit and start living like the revolution was already won. That's evolution. When the time comes everything clicks into place and the combination lock on the door to the future is opened. We don't need anybody's permission to be what we are. Our existence is proof of that.

So, the next time any body asks you if you want "paper or plastic" just tell them you brought your own bag.

Live the Dream!


Yo! Talk to the Hand!

I Wish I Was More Like Hitler

I am not an artist - my idea of art is spray painting a swastika on somebody's van;
I have trouble sitting through operas - even though I realize Wagner knew how to put on a show;
I probably should know more about the occult - but I had a girl friend once who used to wait until the full moon and climb over the cemetery wall naked,
and it freaked me out;
I find it difficult to get passionate about politics - because politics is a joke and politicians are clowns;
I'm not afraid of Jews - because I've never met any with imagination;
I don't hate blacks - they are on the highway to self-destruction, pawns in the system's game;
I am not worried about Mexicans - the average Mexican is more NS than the majority of Gringos;
I don't have the Iron Cross - I just did my duty and got the fuck out;
I don't go to museums - unless they are for motorcycles, cars, or military shit;
I don't like to argue with people - I'd rather just punch them out;
I drink, smoke and do the hucklebuck - But I admire Hitler for being as pure as the driven snow;
I just know that he and I are not in the same class - he had class and I don't.

Straight up!
Hitler was the man, he believed in his vision and willed it into being;
He told everybody exactly what he was going to do and then he did it;
In good times and bad he was the Leader;
His aura was so strong that he could hypnotize people with it;
If he told you to do something you did it;
He was the architect of National Socialism and the Third Reich;
In the end, they never took Hitler alive.

Nowadays, there are lots of people who want to be Hitler;
but they wouldn't make a pimple on Hitler's ass;
Obviously, there will never be another Hitler;
We shouldn't even encourage people to try;
what we need is a new kind of leadership...
maybe like the Roman Senate?

But still...
I wish I was more like Hitler  - so I could make it happen;
Don't you?

The World Still Sings About Hitler

What is Thulien Zo'ra?

Thulien Zo'ra = (auf Nordien) Thule Community; Volkish Gemeinschaft; Hyperborean Community.

HYPERBOREA was a fabulous realm of eternal spring located in the far north beyond the land of winter. Its people were a blessed, long-lived race free of war, hard toil, and the ravages of old age and disease.

Traditional  cosmology  sees  the  present  world  and  the  present  generation  as “descended”  from the heroes and  fathers of earlier ages who were  ontologically more exalted than we are. They were taller than we are, lived for hundreds of years, were free from disease, etc. And these heroes, ancient kings, fathers, patriarchs or demigods were in  turn  descended  from  the  gods,  the  celestial  paradises,  then  from  the  intelligible Principles, and ultimately from the Creator Himself. God-as-Creator, in other words, was almost  universally  viewed in traditional  cosmologies  as the  First  Ancestor  – literally “God the Father.” And this hierarchicalization of history is also clearly discernable in the cyclical lore of many nations and religions – the Hindus, the Greco-Romans, the Mayans, the Hopi, the Lakota, the Australian Aborigines, and many African tribes. The “earlier” a world-age is, according to these cosmologies, the more clearly it appears as eternal level of Being; the “later” an age is, the more closely it  resembles our idea of an historical period. So the “trajectory” of a given cycle-of-manifestation is not a straight line, or even a circle, but rather a helix. Turning three times, it descends through four levels; and when it  returns to its  compass-point  of  origin  for the third time  – in  other  words,  when it reaches its nadir  -- it undergoes a “pole shift”  from accelerating history to motionless simultaneity;  the  perspective  changes  from  that  of  the  last  grains  of  sand  speeding through the neck of the hourglass to the nearly motionless mass of sand below it, after which the glass is inverted: nadir becomes zenith.

The zenith symbolizes the eternal (not temporal) point of origin, the Throne of the Most  High  God.  And  when  zenith-as-eternal-origin  is  projected  upon  the  horizontal plane, its point is (becomes) the North. The axis mundi, the vertical path connecting Origin and manifestation, is vertical at any point on the earth’s surface, as revealed by the fact that one of its central symbolic manifestations is the human spinal column and the erect stature  of  the  human  form.  But  for  most  of  the  human  race,  the  pole  of  the  earth considered  as  a  psycho-physical  object  points  to  the  North;  therefore,  when  cyclical symbolism is expressed on the level of the four directions and the four seasons, its point of origin is North, and its moment of beginning the Winter Solstice. Among the mythic expressions of this fact is the legend of Hyperborea, the “Land Behind the North Wind,” the original homeland of the human race, a land of eternal Spring. (The idea of a land of Eternal Spring in the far north was undoubtedly suggested by early explorers’ tales’ of the arctic summer, during whose “white nights” the sun never sets; this “never-setting sun” was most probably the origin of  the Hyperborean Apollo, one of whose epithets is Sol Invictus, (“The Sun Unconquered.”) The North Wind symbolizes the flow of cosmic manifestation,  a  flow that  grows  ever  “colder”  – more  contracted, more materialized, more  literalized  –  as  it  departs  from  its  celestial  Source.  The  coldest  point  in  this southward-flowing current of cosmic manifestation is the point of physical or spiritual death, which corresponds to the material North Pole; the growing warmth of the lands south of this Pole is organic, not spiritual, though it does  reflect the higher warmth of Hyperborea  itself,  according  to  the  law  that  the  material  plane  furnishes  the  most complete and stable symbols of the Celestial one. And above the material Pole is the Pole  Star,  the  gateway  to Hyperborea  itself,  which  is  ontologically higher  than  the material North as well as quasi-physically so, and which may indeed be compared to a Golden Age, the Paradise of Saturn, a land of Eternal Youth. To travel deliberately in the direction  of  the  Arctic  and  its  numbing  cold  suggests  the  path  of  apophatic contemplation, the realization of God in his purely Transcendent aspect, which requires a death to the  world,  an  ascetical  metanoia by  which the  contemplator turns  his inner attention away from God’s richly multiple and perilously confusing outer manifestation in the cosmic South, and toward “the still point of the turning world” (in the words of T.S. Eliot from The Four Quartets).  The rigor of this Transcendence is symbolized (in Religioperennis.org 7 Ezekiel 8:3) by the “inner gate [of the Temple] that looketh toward the north, where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy”: the Transcendent God is a “jealous God” who “will have no strange gods before Him.” And this sacrificial turn is compensated  for  by  a  realization  of the  Terrestrial  Paradise  –  not  on  some  “paradise island” in the South Seas, but in the subtle Imaginal Realm, the alam al-mithal. (The fact that Dante’s Mount of Purgatory  first appears as an island in the southern ocean, then undergoes an enantiodromia whereby the constellations of the polar North appear above it, symbolizes the withdrawal of the “projection” of paradise from this world, which can never fully embody it, and the transplanting of that paradisical image to its true home on the Subtle Plane, in the realm that Muslims call “The Earth of Hurqalya” or “The Eighth Clime”.)

Well, hopefully you can grasp what I am trying to say... actually, it would take a book, instead of a blog, to explain all this. The bottom-line is, Today we have lots of people out there amusing themselves by playing all sorts of games. Take "historical reenactment" for instance. There are countless individuals using enormous amounts of time and resources to enact almost every period of history. And, there is nothing wrong with this as a diversion. But that's all it is. You gentlemen can reenact the past if you want to but THULIEN ZO'RA IS ENACTING THE FUTURE!

You have to ask yourself: Do you want to dream about what someone else did or live your own dreams?


Time is a Circle

Time is a circle, repeating itself endlessly.  Its participants are unaware of this fact.

We come from so far into the future, that it seems like we come from the past.
We come from so far in the past, that it seems like we come from the future.
Ignorance is journeying the circumference of the circle in search of a destination.
Wisdom is understanding the true relationship of the circumference and its center.
Time is a circle; and that circle is a wheel.
-- Richard Power

A circular system creates, and is created by, a circular system, or, a circle creates, and is created by, a circle. This is Conservation of the Circle.
(This is an important insight that has often intentionally eluded scientists and philosophers alike, because a circle cannot see, or know, that it is a circle, until another circle tells it that it is, and it, the first circle, is willing to believe what the second circle tells it. A circle needs one other circle to exist and survive. There are no single circles.)

A pair of opposites (energy and mass, etc.), or any two points, creates a diameter of a circle. Energy, mass, form, substance, time and space, as they flow into and out of each other,produce, and are produced because of, diameters of circles. The circle expresses itself, as a set of unending, equal, and unequal, opposite diameters,or sound and light, a conservation (survival)and symmetry (yin-yang expression). The expression, or symmetry, is constant.A diameter (line) is a set of infinite circles.

A pair of opposites (energy and mass, etc.), or any two points, creates a circle. Energy, mass, form, substance, time and space, as they flow into and out of each other, produce, and are produced because of, circles. The circle expresses itself, as a set of unending, equal, and unequal, opposite points, or sound and light, a conservation (survival) and symmetry (yin-yang expression). The survival, or conservation, is constant. A circle is a set of infinite diameters (lines).

There are no single circles. Energy and mass are single circles in a circular relationship with each other. Supposedly different circles, like energy and mass, or form and substance, are the same circle at different dimensions (a diameter and circumference). There is no energy without mass, and no form without substance, and no energy/mass without form/substance, because there are no diameters (lines) without circumferences (circles). We experience this phenomenon as light (and eventually, sound). Light and sound is relative movement. We must always find a pair if we want to understand reality - one side of the pair is abstract, the other concrete; one side is hidden, the other is showing. There are no single entities.

The huge circle in time is closing now!

The basic premise proceeds from the assumption that the probability of a world coming into existence exactly like our own is finite. If either time or space are infinite then mathematics tells us that our existence will recur an infinite number of times.

The symbol of the Ouroboros, the snake or dragon devouring its own tail, is the alchemical symbol par excellence of eternal recurrence, possibly borrowed from the Norse concept of Jörmungandr or the Midgard Serpent.

The concept of "eternal recurrence" is central to the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. As Heidegger points out in his lectures on Nietzsche, Nietzsche's first mention of eternal recurrence, in aphorism 341 of The Gay Science, presents this concept as a hypothetical question rather than postulating it as a fact. According to Heidegger, it is the burden imposed by the question of eternal recurrence—whether or not such a thing could possibly be true—that is so significant in modern thought: "The way Nietzsche here patterns the first communication of the thought of the 'greatest burden' [of eternal recurrence] makes it clear that this 'thought of thoughts' is at the same time 'the most burdensome thought.' "

Time is infinite, but the things in time, the concrete bodies, are finite. They may indeed disperse into the smallest particles; but these particles, the atoms, have their determinate numbers, and the numbers of the configurations which, all of themselves, are formed out of them is also determinate. Now, however long a time may pass, according to the eternal laws governing the combinations of this eternal play of repetition, all configurations which have previously existed on this earth must yet meet, attract, repulse, kiss, and corrupt each other again... ~ Heinrich Heine

Nietzsche calls the idea "horrifying and paralyzing", and says that its burden is the "heaviest weight" ("das schwerste Gewicht") imaginable. The wish for the eternal return of all events would mark the ultimate affirmation of life:

"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ... Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'"

To comprehend eternal recurrence in his thought, and to not merely come to peace with it but to embrace it, requires amor fati, "love of fate":
My formula for human greatness is amor fati: that one wants to have nothing different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not merely to bear the necessary, still less to conceal it - all idealism is mendaciousness before the necessary - but to love it.
The denial of the one true path, played out on a world not their own, will end soon enough.
Soon there will be four, glorious in awakening. Struggling with the knowledge of their true selves. The pain of revelation bringing new clarity.
And in the midst of confusion, it will happen, enemies brought together by impossible longing, enemies now joined as one. The way forward, at once unthinkable, yet inevitable.
And the fifth still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering.
I can see them all. The seven now six self-described perfect beings, perfect beings who believe themselves without sin. But in time, it is sin that will consume them.
They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of the one splintering into the many and then they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of Death. Not an end, but a beginning.
All this has happened before and will happen again.
So say we all!

Dressed in Black Uniforms

David Myatt

There is a silver thread that runs through everything... I suppose you could call it the silver thread of Truth. The problem is, like the Roman guy said, "What is Truth?" My truth may not be your truth or the Truth at all. It is my perception of Reality. Here is where the real question arises, should we deny others the right to question what we believe to be the Truth? And, if we do, than what right do we have to question their version of the truth (Or perception of reality)?

Of course, it doesn't matter to me what anybody thinks, or what laws they enact, I am going to be me "all the way live." But, the usual answer I get is: Might makes right! Human Rights: The individual has no rights other than those he has the power to assert. (From Notes on Weltanschauung.)

OK, fine, but it usually is the guy who talks about "might makes right" who is powerless. He is operating on the "kindness of others". And, all the while he is saying, "Fuck kindness and compassion - that's strictly for suckers."

Well that's one answer, and I suppose it is as good as any. However, please forgive me if I accuse you of "talking out of both sides of your mouth". It doesn't bother me. I still like some of your work, especially the Galactic Conquest and Empire ideas and many others. I am not too crazy about allowing duels among the warriors of the Folk. It is a waste of vital human resources. That is one of the reasons Adolf Hitler banned it in the Third Reich. "Send the duelists to the Russian Front instead and let God decide the issue."

Also, I believe that this individuality nonsense is a bunch of crap, dreamed up by Madison Avenue to sell cosmetics and other useless junk. What we really need is a "Collective Consciousness" instead. (The common good before the individual good.) Or, as the Buddhists so aptly put it, "Each individual is a drop of water in the sea of God."

Here's the deal: If we allow everybody to be individuals and have their own version of the Truth then we will never have a movement or a community. People need to start waking the fuck up. And realize that without a real community they are NOTHING.

That's all I have to say.

BTW, I think you are all of them. I see that "silver thread". You need to re-read the Tao Te Ching.


The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu - The Death Ships of Fu Manchu

Here Come The Chinese!

The Germans proved, in two wars, that the only Navy you really need is one that consists of submarines. Aircraft carriers are nice to have because they project air power. But, if you loose one with "all hands" it is a major loss in terms of money and men.

How much does a modern aircraft carrier cost? Around 15 billion dollars.

How many men are on board? Around 4,500.

OK, now read this article.

How many major hits are the American people prepared to take before they throw in the towel? Methinks, not that many. It is one thing to go around the world bullying weaker nations and quite another to get the old Kung-fu punch right in the face. A bloody nose and the bully goes crying to his mama.

In case you haven't been paying attention, China is using their new found wealth to beef up their military. They got the new stealth bomber, new fighters, missiles that sink ships, missiles that shoot down satellites, submarines, and it is rumored that they are in the process of building twelve aircraft carriers. They also have nuclear weapons.

Re: US concerned over China's new weapons
Re: China's new super missile
Re: China's new weapons may threaten US

I could go on all day. The bottom-line is we're broke. We can't afford to be in Iraq, Afganistan, or Libya - never mind World War IV (III was the Cold War). We've outsourced all of our good jobs, and Americans are eating shit right now. We lost the "War on Drugs", are losing the "War on Terror", and here comes China. Oh joy! More bullshit.

Here's another thought: America has changed a lot since World War II. We are not even the same people anymore. We have lost so much and gained nothing except food stamps, big screen TVs and cell phones... it's a brave new world out there, and one that doesn't give a fuck about how "bad" you used to be. Most guys today are panty-waists and the women are dykes; everybody talks big but they rely on the military (which they think are a bunch of losers) and the police (which they think are a bunch of assholes).

This is the country that you think is best suited to survive a nuclear war?

I think not.


The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu- Prisoner of Fu Manchu

The Execution of Joseph Tommasi

A man with a gun is a dangerous thing indeed. Especially if he's frightened. Raise the hated banner - everybody knows who they are supposed to hate, it's been drummed into us since Kindergarten - dress up in a strange uniform replete with "Satanic" symbols. You are going to start getting paranoid. Mainly, because a lot of negative vibrations are headed your way. Gang bangers ride up and down the streets of El Monte, looking for people who are more outcast than they are to beat up on. They've got guns too. And there is the usual Bar Mitzvah boys out to "never forgive, never forget..."

The kid with the gun he is guarding the "party" headquarters. He's hoping there won't be any trouble tonight. He knows fuck all about the Holocaust. (Aside from what Hollywood and Simon Wiesenfuck have told him.) He hasn't heard about secret deals between the SS and the Zionists to cull the herd. He hasn't noticed the fake pictures of German casualties disguised as "victims" of the Holocaust (How ironic since the real Holocaust was Dresden and every other German city that was bombed flat by hate bombings). The kid with the gun is high on his own picture of himself, like Barney Fife.

A car drives by - they drive by all night long - catcalls and people flipping the bird out of car windows... The kid with the gun is nervous. He's not a real soldier because he doesn't have any discipline. He's a dressed up wannabe. He flips up the strap on his holster... Obviously, he's never seen or heard of the Guards at Buckingham Palace (who never flinch or get rattled no matter what). He's rattled. The weenies that live upstairs have warned him about the evil and crazy "Joe" Tommasi (the guy who built the party headquarters in the first place).

"Man, Oh man, he's out there and he's gonna getcha."

The kid with the gun believes that Joe is worse than the gang bangers, or the Zionist Defense League, or the Mossad, or the Devil Himself. After all Joe has a picture of an M-16 assault rifle on his logo. That makes him pretty dangerous, especially since the kid has only got an outmoded WWII pistol. Not only that, but Joe is hopping mad since Mr. Cabbage hornswaggled him out of the party headquarters and kicked him out of the party... Surprise, surprise!

"Thin the ranks and strengthen the party!"

Somebody yells something out of the car window. The kid with the gun, being such a squared-away trooper, flips them the "bird". Out of the car jumps Joe (He's just about had it with these guys), and he rushes right toward the kid with the gun. Bravery or stupidity? - you decide. In an instant Joe is over. So is his dream of revolution. As in "BANG you're dead!"

Do you think the kid was a CIA assassin? Or just an instrument of fate?

What about Mr. Cabbage? Who does he really work for?

Or what about the "real" Nazis who live upstairs? Are they part of a vast homosexual conspiracy or just dumb-fucks?

Questions, questions....