Thulien Zo'ra (our community) is the body and each Enhet (individual member) is a cell, performing a unique function within the body. Through the Community the Enhet achieves immortality. Without membership in the body, the Abyss waits to swallow up the isolated cell. The cell cannot survive without the body, let alone achieve immortality.
The day the youth becomes a man is the day he realizes that he has no friends. He is completely alone in the world, and can achieve nothing of lasting importance outside of the Community.
The Source has endowed each person with different qualities. The challenge is discovering our strengths and weaknesses and making the greatest contribution, that is possible for us to make, to our Community.
Talk of "equality" is nonsense. Equality does not exist anywhere in the Universe. Some people can run faster than others, some are endowed with other talents and skills... There is only one thing in which we are all equal: death awaits us all! But, even in death we are not equal; some will die a hero's death while others will die in Idju (dishonor), whimpering and begging for their lives.
In a way, death defines the community. Consider: nations do not really exist, they are the product of shared fantasies and dreams. What makes them real is the willingness of their respective citizens to make the "ultimate sacrifice." Through human sacrifice the nation becomes a reality. Hence the need for war. Without war (the willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice) nothing human or spiritual can exist. The Ultimate Reality is that we are animals whose only purpose is to survive, reproduce, and expand... without war Man is nothing.
War itself, in modern times, has become the antithesis of almost everything the warrior holds dear - especially Era (honor) - at some future place and time, the warrior could conceivably become nothing more than a little boy playing a video game, pushing buttons and sending hundreds, or even thousands, to their deaths... Kriken, I will tell you a secret: War is not about violence and killing - these things are by-products of war.
A true warrior is not violent or destructive. A true warrior is calm, compassionate, dedicated to the Ideal, and honorable. Perhaps, today's children have forgotten Era (honor), because it cannot be bought, sold and traded in the market-place. But, I assure you, tomorrow's children will value Era (honor) above all else.
In Coming of Age, the lesson to be learned is that self must be sacrificed to the Ideal.
To be an Enhet of Thulien Zo'ra you must live the Dream!
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