There is a silver thread that runs through everything... I suppose you could call it the silver thread of Truth. The problem is, like the Roman guy said, "What is Truth?" My truth may not be your truth or the Truth at all. It is my perception of Reality. Here is where the real question arises, should we deny others the right to question what we believe to be the Truth? And, if we do, than what right do we have to question their version of the truth (Or perception of reality)?
Of course, it doesn't matter to me what anybody thinks, or what laws they enact, I am going to be me "all the way live." But, the usual answer I get is: Might makes right! Human Rights: The individual has no rights other than those he has the power to assert. (From Notes on Weltanschauung.)
OK, fine, but it usually is the guy who talks about "might makes right" who is powerless. He is operating on the "kindness of others". And, all the while he is saying, "Fuck kindness and compassion - that's strictly for suckers."
Well that's one answer, and I suppose it is as good as any. However, please forgive me if I accuse you of "talking out of both sides of your mouth". It doesn't bother me. I still like some of your work, especially the Galactic Conquest and Empire ideas and many others. I am not too crazy about allowing duels among the warriors of the Folk. It is a waste of vital human resources. That is one of the reasons Adolf Hitler banned it in the Third Reich. "Send the duelists to the Russian Front instead and let God decide the issue."
Also, I believe that this individuality nonsense is a bunch of crap, dreamed up by Madison Avenue to sell cosmetics and other useless junk. What we really need is a "Collective Consciousness" instead. (The common good before the individual good.) Or, as the Buddhists so aptly put it, "Each individual is a drop of water in the sea of God."
Here's the deal: If we allow everybody to be individuals and have their own version of the Truth then we will never have a movement or a community. People need to start waking the fuck up. And realize that without a real community they are NOTHING.
That's all I have to say.
BTW, I think you are all of them. I see that "silver thread". You need to re-read the Tao Te Ching.
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