A man with a gun is a dangerous thing indeed. Especially if he's frightened. Raise the hated banner - everybody knows who they are supposed to hate, it's been drummed into us since Kindergarten - dress up in a strange uniform replete with "Satanic" symbols. You are going to start getting paranoid. Mainly, because a lot of negative vibrations are headed your way. Gang bangers ride up and down the streets of El Monte, looking for people who are more outcast than they are to beat up on. They've got guns too. And there is the usual Bar Mitzvah boys out to "never forgive, never forget..."
The kid with the gun he is guarding the "party" headquarters. He's hoping there won't be any trouble tonight. He knows fuck all about the Holocaust. (Aside from what Hollywood and Simon Wiesenfuck have told him.) He hasn't heard about secret deals between the SS and the Zionists to cull the herd. He hasn't noticed the fake pictures of German casualties disguised as "victims" of the Holocaust (How ironic since the real Holocaust was Dresden and every other German city that was bombed flat by hate bombings). The kid with the gun is high on his own picture of himself, like Barney Fife.
A car drives by - they drive by all night long - catcalls and people flipping the bird out of car windows... The kid with the gun is nervous. He's not a real soldier because he doesn't have any discipline. He's a dressed up wannabe. He flips up the strap on his holster... Obviously, he's never seen or heard of the Guards at Buckingham Palace (who never flinch or get rattled no matter what). He's rattled. The weenies that live upstairs have warned him about the evil and crazy "Joe" Tommasi (the guy who built the party headquarters in the first place).
"Man, Oh man, he's out there and he's gonna getcha."
The kid with the gun believes that Joe is worse than the gang bangers, or the Zionist Defense League, or the Mossad, or the Devil Himself. After all Joe has a picture of an M-16 assault rifle on his logo. That makes him pretty dangerous, especially since the kid has only got an outmoded WWII pistol. Not only that, but Joe is hopping mad since Mr. Cabbage hornswaggled him out of the party headquarters and kicked him out of the party... Surprise, surprise!
"Thin the ranks and strengthen the party!"
Somebody yells something out of the car window. The kid with the gun, being such a squared-away trooper, flips them the "bird". Out of the car jumps Joe (He's just about had it with these guys), and he rushes right toward the kid with the gun. Bravery or stupidity? - you decide. In an instant Joe is over. So is his dream of revolution. As in "BANG you're dead!"
Do you think the kid was a CIA assassin? Or just an instrument of fate?
What about Mr. Cabbage? Who does he really work for?
Or what about the "real" Nazis who live upstairs? Are they part of a vast homosexual conspiracy or just dumb-fucks?
Questions, questions....