What is National Socialism?
"National" means "Of or relating to a nation; common to or characteristic of a whole nation." In this case National Socialism would be translated to "American Socialism" as opposed to "International" Socialism. Which doesn't really exist anyway.
Socialism is an economic and political system where the use of property and capital (money) is used for the common good. According to socialists, the wealth of a society should be shared, and everyone in it shall have everything they need. The common good comes before the individual good. Although socialist ideas go back in history to Plato, the word socialism was first used in Britain in the 1820's. Louis Blanc described socialism as being “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
Almost every prospering country in the world is a Socialist country.
"But but but," you say, "Socialism is bad - It infringes on my civil liberties!" You could say that but I would just say, "Shut the fuck up!"
In those countries they have legal use of pot, everyone has the same rights and privileges, they have paid vacations, free health care, maternity leave is six months, better roads and rail systems, and people employers (most of them at least) will let employees clock in for 2 hours a day to get paid while at the gym.
Now, why is this bad? I think that Americans have been tricked by Corporate Capitalism. We have been tricked into believing that the politicians are fighting for the interests of the people when they are actually fighting for big business, and believe me, people and business are two very very different things.
"Socialism" is an economic system with which the means of production are owned and controlled collectively - by the people. The goal of socialism is to obtain equal distribution of wealth. This implies the abolition of a class hierarchy, and the abolition of the social parasite.
When I say that most Americans are in fact "socialists", I do not mean that they are conspiring to overthrow class hierarchy, and actively seek to abolish the concept of selfishness. When I say that most Americans, including contemporary Republicans, are socialists, I mean to say that they wholeheartedly support the equal redistribution of wealth. Abolishing class hierarchy and the social parasite is simply a logical progression from this.
Socialism does not mean violence. It does not mean dictatorship. It quite simply is adequately explained by "equal distribution of wealth." Marxism, Communism, Nazism, and Fascism are all socialist movements - but to be a socialist does not imply you are a Marxist, communist, Nazi, or fascist.
The easiest way to prove that most Americans are in fact socialists is to cite one example that is unequivocally socialist: welfare. Most Americans today would be hard-pressed to say that they would want to completely ban welfare, and thus, this is why they are socialist. Welfare, in its most reduced definition, is when the Government imposes taxation on the "haves" to give to the "have nots". This is called "redistribution of wealth". You, as an American citizen, have no choice but to give money to the impoverished.
Perhaps you think this is a good thing - and that would make you a socialist.
Most people, who profess to be Christian, believe that helping those in need should be mandatory. That is why our taxes go to welfare. The reason we rely on the Government to help those in need is because "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Most people would rather use any extra money they have to pursue those things that are unhealthy, and even downright evil... rather than to make sure that some homeless person gets a square meal.
Maybe you are thinking that surely people would gladly, and voluntarily, give 10% of their income to those in need. I say, Bollix! The majority of our good "Christian" citizens don't give a damn about anybody but themselves. That is why the Government has to force people to contribute to society through taxation. It should be mandatory to help your fellow American. Because if people weren't forced to help others, than people who need help would not get it.
Oddly enough, the people who believe that people will help others of "their own free will" are the ones who are the most selfish, while people who believe that we must be forced to help others are the ones who are compassionate. Because the reality is that without social welfare programs the "have nots" would soon stage a revolution against the "haves". And, this is avoided by throwing them a few crumbs off the table.
Capitalism has earned a bad reputation over the years. It is a selfish and exploitative system. The whole idea of Capitalism is that through selfishness, society as a whole, and people in general, will benefit more than under any other economic system. The core teaching of capitalism is: Profits before people! In other words, those who really benefit are the rich, who become richer. Theoretically, the crumbs off the rich man's table will "trickle down" to the floor where the poor will hungrily lap them up.
There is nothing more degrading than crawling around the floor lapping up the leavings of the wealthy. There is no worse opinion of humanity than the one that capitalism implies.
And, that's the Truth!
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