
News Flashes From Around the World

Smash the System!

Thulien Zo'ra observes modern civilization in horror, as the nature of the Corporate Capitalist System unfolds - and so should you. We all have the misfortune of living in an "insane asylum" where the inmates have become the guards. There is no one in a position of "leadership" that can be trusted, be it religious, political or economic. We are betrayed by our own weakness.

The first step toward victory is to WAKE UP! That means discovering who is the Enemy and who is the Friend. If the world persists in its hypnotic induced slumber it will be destroyed and humanity will become extinct. Toward that end (waking up) I present this weeks tidbits of information:

NATO Faces Certain Defeat in Libya
Libyan civilians have learned a thing or two from three decades of Lebanon’s experience with Israel’s five wars against that Levant country. Indeed NATO is using the same bombing, media, political and diplomatic strategy in Libya that Israel employed most recently in Lebanon during its 33-day July, 2006 war.

'Capitalism' Not So Sacred to Americans as Mood Sours
Capitalism, the bedrock of the U.S. economic system, isn't a favorite term these days among American citizens, opinion surveys show.

The End of Corporate Capitalism
The Dow Industrials closed today at 8580, down some 680 points. At this rate, the Dow will finally arrive at zero on Monday, October 27.

Life vs. Productivity: "What Would You Live and Die to Protect?"
"It is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself, when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks." -Malcolm X

This May Be the Greatest Revolution of the 21st Century
What if our existence is a holographic projection of another, flat version of you living on a two-dimensional "surface" at the edge of this universe? In other words, are we real, or are we quantum interactions on the edges of the universe - and is that just as real anyway?

DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists
A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

Don't Underestimate the Delegitimization of Israel
The 63-year-old State of Israel has been through – and overcome – military and terror attacks. Israel has prevailed, and now its enemies have turned to attacking its legitimacy. This is a complex and dangerous battle. Initiatives for boycotts of Israel or of Israelis, lawsuits against Israel and Israelis for "war crimes," and so on and so forth are being aired constantly. The Internet is flooded with sites that attack Israel's legitimacy and millions of people are exposed to them.

The World's Largest Human Experiment
Informed consent is one of the most basic aspects of patient-physician relations, as well as subject-researcher relations in the case of research studies. This involves making the patient aware of and verifying that they understand the risks, benefits, facts, and the future implications of the procedure or test they are going to be subjected to.

Hopefully, your ideology has been re-calibrated. If not, please come back soon and I'll try again.

As always, thank you for visiting and have a great day!

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