
Dissension in the Movement

The internal and eternal bickering within the Movement is the result of a failure to understand the ideology of National Socialism. "Mein Ehre Heisst Treue." (My honor is loyalty.) Rats have no honor and no loyalty to anyone other than themselves. They are not trying to win the struggle. Their aims are a lot lower than that. They want to glorify themselves at the expense of the Movement.

Let us assess the situation logically and without preconceived notions. Our goals should be: 1.)- The survival and continued evolution of the Folkish Community; 2.)- The creation of a fighting organization that can build a United Front against the Enemy, and thwart his plans to destroy us; 3.)- The identification of our enemies as well as our friends; 4.)- The unification and coordination of a common Folkish ideology; 5.)- The propagation of the Folkish ideology among potential recruits; 6.)- The intake and indoctrination of said recruits; 7.)- Developing a strategy to win the struggle; 8.)- Developing tactics to win the battles that must be fought... etc., etc.

Are there agent-provocateurs and misleaders among our ranks? If there are they must be identified and neutralized. What would these Enemy agents do to disrupt our activities? They would spread gossip about the Movement's leadership, and lies about our goals. They would try to make us look like idiots to potential recruits to our Movement. They would attempt to neutralize the gains that we make and advocate courses of action that are counter-productive to progress. And, of course, the agents of the tyrant are the first to create dissension by casting aspersions on the abilities, motives, morality and actions of others.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way! Or, as Theodor Eicke so poetically put it, "Get in line, shut your mouth and do your job." The task ahead of us is monumental. Therefore, we must be totally focused on our goals to the exclusion of all the petty bullshit. You want to gossip, go play bingo with all the Yentas at the Jewish Community Center. Aryans don't gossip.

How do we know if a Leader is for real? Why that's a "no brainer" - a Leader leads.

Why should we always be so damned paranoid? Screw the System and all of its minions! The System can't find its ass with both hands. Sure, it is good at psy-ops - like getting you to believe that you have reason to be paranoid - but when it comes right down to it, every last Government employee is sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, and defend it from enemies both foreign and domestic. Don't kid yourself, your pitiful efforts to change society are not a threat to the United States. Only in your dreams.

And, here is another truth worth considering: I don't give a rat's ass if you are a Jew, or a sex pervert, or a worshipper of Satan, or have a black grandmother, or are from Mars - if you are willing to commit yourself to the goals of the Folkish Community then you are OK as far as I am concerned. I'm not going to turn away anybody who wants to help us win the struggle for survival and continued evolution. That would be just plain stupid.

If you are afraid then go ahead and barricade yourself in your bunker. Only remember, we have the right to survival and continued evolution. It is guaranteed under the United Nations Charter. And, even if it wasn't it is a fundamental Law of Nature. We should not apologize to anyone for being ourselves. We are who and what we are and that's they way it is. Anybody who can't live with that is welcome to make their move.

Lots of promising individuals have squandered themselves needlessly. This has to stop. The first step is to bring our ideology up to date, the next is to build a fighting organization, then we can take our message to our people. Study history. The National Socialist German Worker's Party was the product of many different organizations... with many strong leaders... Adolf Hitler was astute enough to put it all together... The "Leader Mystique" came after the organization of the Movement into a political party. It was the same in the revolutions in China and Viet Nam. "Which came first the chicken or the egg?" is a rhetorical question - we know which came first it was the egg! Chickens don't appear out of thin air. And neither do political parties.

In order to build something real with what we have, we need to realize that we are not individuals but members of the Folkish Community. Our wants and needs must be subordinated to the goals of the Folkish Community. We must cast our egos aside, and regard one another as "Comrades" in the struggle for the survival and continued evolution of the Folkish Community.

If you think about it, it is really simple: We either all hang together or we all hang separately! (Thank you Ben Franklin for that one.)

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