Am I a 'crackpot' (An eccentric person, especially one with bizarre ideas.)?
You betcha... I've had these 'strange' ideas since I was a little boy, the 'obsession' just got worse as I grew older. I believe that there are lots of other 'nut cases' out there and that we all should get together and 'shake things up.' Because, it is only by 'rocking the boat' that you get people to take notice, and create change in this world.
But aren't there 'other' socialist parties out there?
Yes, and we can learn from their mistakes (which are a whole lot more than their 'achievements')... If you were completely paranoid you might come to the conclusion that these other socialist parties have been infiltrated and are under the control of the 'enemies' of the American people. They do everything wrong - ass backwards - and have made themselves a laughing stock with the American worker.
Who, or what, are the enemies of the American people?
The most simple and direct answer is: Intellectualism, Religion (of the Abrahamic variety), and Corporate Capitalism. These 'things' have no business in American politics. Unemployed and hungry workers don't need theories, Religion and State should be separate, and Corporate Capitalism doesn't vote or hold office - it only buys voters and politicians!
What about the Republicans and the Democrats?
They've been bought and paid for by Corporate Capitalism... they no longer serve the interests of the American people. The only Republicans and Democrats who have any good ideas at all are crackpots like yours truly... Ron Paul... Dennis Kucinich... etc...
But the two party system runs America...
That's the reason the whole country is going down the toilet... It takes billions of dollars to win the Presidency - The 'bully pulpit' - and then in a couple of years the whole country thinks you're an asshole and votes for somebody else... it will keep going until there is no United States of America. What we need is a 'third party'.
What kinds of mistakes have the other socialist parties made?
There is this picture of a bunch of little fish eating a big fish... it is a stupid picture, unless the little fish are piranha (which, in this case, they are not). You need a bigger fish or a human to eat that fish... But the picture represents the idea that all the minorities can join together and become a majority. This is simply not true. So, by appealing to the minorities you alienate the majority. In politics that is fatal. That's why the other socialist parties have failed.
What in the world were the other socialist parties thinking?
I guess they were thinking that the majority is the 'establishment' and that they would work on the 'malcontents' to foment revolution... the appeal to non-whites, the 'dregs' of society, feminists, homosexuals, intellectuals and romantic dreamers only creates division in society... the far right does exactly the same thing... only in a different way and aimed at a different 'audience'. It doesn't work for them either.
What would the Revolutionary American Socialist Party do differently?
We would stress 'Revolutionary' (a complete overthrow of the present System); We would stress 'American' (as in 'America First'); We would stress 'Socialist' (from each according to their ability, to each according to their need); and, we would stress UNITY (as in 'we're all in this together'). From just living up to our name everything else would naturally come into being...
What about the scary parts of 'revolutionary'?
Yes, well it's not going to be easy to overthrow the present System... it is dug in pretty deep... the rate of progress depends on the will of the people - what they really want... it also depends on who is attracted to our version of socialism and who flocks to our banner... out there in the world there are the 'good', the 'bad', and the 'ugly' - any organization is equal to the sum total of its parts - that is why it is so damn important that good people participate in politics - otherwise, the bad and the ugly take over.
Define 'American'?
A citizen of the United States of America.
What would be the status of non-citizens?
They would be guests of the American people and be expected to conduct themselves accordingly... it would be unwise for them to commit crimes or be critical of the United States... a guest is treated like a friend, if he betrays that friendship he is asked to leave... you wouldn't have an enemy as a guest in your house... nor should we have enemies as guests in our country.
What do you mean by 'socialism'?
Being an American means being a member of the community... as a member of the community you are expected to work for the common good... we are all in this together... we take care of our own... it is the right and duty of every American to work... work is the keystone of freedom, without work there is no dignity. Therefore, full employment is the goal of American Socialism. Socialism is a community of workers who are dedicated to the elimination of social evils - namely, the exploitation of others and the aggrandizement of the individual at the expense of the community. These things will no longer be tolerated.
What about women in the home, and children?
Being a 'homemaker' is work, as is being a student... Therefore, women in the home and children also deserve a living wage... food, clothing and shelter, and the other benefits of citizenship.
What about those who refuse to work?
Those who don't work don't eat... those were the words of Captain John Smith. There is something for every American to do... Those who think they can 'get by' without working, exploiting others, or who seek to profit at the community's expense are obviously insane and should receive 'treatment' as soon as possible, to prevent them from harming themselves or others.
What is the 'next move'?
Organize at the grass roots level. Talk to your family, friends, co-workers and associates... Ask them what they think we should do to solve our problems... Trust the people - they want the same things as we do. Don't rush... even though the 'revolution' has begun, there is still plenty of time to think things through and take the wisest course of action... this is not a game - this is the defining moment for America and humanity....
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