Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (and he has a website: click here).
They say, "E pluribus unum" (Latin for "Out of many, one"). The phrase is similar to a Latin translation of a variation of Heraclitus's 10th fragment, "Out of all things one, one out of all things." A variant of the phrase was used in Moretum, a poem attributed to Virgil but with the actual author unknown. In the poem text, color est e pluribus unus describes the blending of colors into one.
Never codified by law, E pluribus unum was considered a de facto motto of the United States until 1956 when the United States Congress passed an act (H.J. Resolution 396), adopting In God We Trust as the official motto.
"Governments cannot do it alone. We need support from business communities, civil societies, philanthropists, and faith leaders, and we need coalitions, we need alliances, multistakeholder platforms. This is our business model, and we know that it works."
Governments cannot subdue their people alone. They need help from Corporate Capitalism, secret societies, liberals, and organized religions. To enslave the people of the world they need coalitions, alliances, multi-stake-holder platforms... they know that it works... the 'business model'.
"These are difficult economic times. Tight budgets. Cutbacks. Belt tightening."
Down-sizing... out-sourcing... austerity for the worker - while the rich continue to bask in the sunshine of unearned wealth at the expense of the people!
"You are living all of this, too. Everywhere, people are living in fear? fear of losing their jobs, fear of being unable to feed their families, fear that governments and public institutions will fail them yet again."
Our government and public institutions have failed us...
"During this era of new austerity, I often say that we must learn to 'do more with less.'”
Kind of reminds me of the scene in Enemy at the Gates where the Russian soldiers go into battle with three rounds of ammunition and no rifle. "Don't worry comrades there will be plenty of rifles laying around."
"The austerity challenge is not merely about quantity; it is about quality. It is not merely about 'doing more with less' but about 'doing better with less'."
Think of all the money you can save by skipping lunch everyday...
"By that, I mean increasing the impact of our work - making a bigger and measurable difference in the daily lives of real people."
The "real" people are the wealthy no doubt... the rest of us - the other 99% are only phantoms!
"In our modern world, so complex and fast-changing, no nation or institution can prosper alone... Only by working in concert, in strong partnership, can we advance our common goals."
The common goals of the System are the exploitation and enslavement of the working people.
The Call of the Sirens
The Agent Provocateurs are saying, that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is "Marxist" and part of a vast "Jewish Conspiracy"... This is to be expected since their Masters (the ones who pull the puppet's strings) have the most to lose by this populist movement catching on... "Yes, we know what's good for the country and the 'race'," they say...
And, yet, after all these years they have done absolutely nothing - except spread hatred, discontent and disunity among the people, and siphon off resources and energy that could've been used for some constructive purpose.
Do you really want to follow self-proclaimed leaders whose only 'original ideas' are someone else's interpretation of books they haven't read?
Someone once said, "When the blind lead the blind they both wind up falling in a ditch."
Welcome to the way out of the ditch - American Socialism!
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