
Professional Revolutionists

The Marxist model of revolution calls for a cadre of professional revolutionists to serve as a vanguard for the working class, which Marx considered this massive, passive group of wankers (Goyim) who are simply plankton flowing in his theory of inevitable social evolution.

His theory is that these enlightened folks will then guide the rest of us to his socialist utopia, by virtue of their thorough understanding of how capitalism works, and how socialism works.

Marx vigorously promoted this idea, giving Bakunin and the proto-anarchists the boot from the International to "clear the air, ideologically". This Marxist model became the operating paradigm for socialist revolution. Clearly, Marx sought unity of doctrine in the International -- namely, HIS doctrine. So, Bakunin and the "internationalists" (the proto-anarchists) got the bum's rush from the International.

Having achieved the needed "unity of theory" needed for action, Marx and his cronies went about their merry way, promoting their theory of what came to be known as authoritarian socialism. Let's look at the track record of the biggest, most successful Marxist revolutions, the ones everyone knows about, shall we?
  • Russia: Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin (Bolsheviks)
  • China: Mao (Maoists)
  • Korea: Sung
  • Cuba: Castro (Castroists)
  • Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh (Viet Minh and Viet Cong)
  • Cambodia: Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge)
Now, you see a pattern here? If you say that each of these revolutions produced a Great Leader, had a Party vanguard, and engaged in wholesale slaughter to secure their position of power, and absolutely negated the socialism they claimed they were creating, you'd be right!

In other words, the Marxist model is about the worst one you could possibly have, if a freer society is your goal!

Marxist revolutionary practice invariably kills socialism and creates a new ruling class in the form of the Party vanguard itself, who use the power of the State to hold the rest of society in thrall. It amounts to state capitalism reborn in a newer form.

Now, what this says to me is that we should throw out the Marxist method of promoting revolution, because it doesn't work! Yes, it changes the politics of the society, but certainly doesn't bring about socialism, or a classless, freer society, which is the whole impetus for revolution in the first place.

What the Marxist model is good at doing is building a revolutionary vanguard, a Party, and then seizing power, and then purging and killing lots of people and destroying socialism in practice. That's the end result of every Marxist revolution.

"In the Soviet Union...no important political or organizational problem is ever decided by our soviets and other mass organizations, without directives from our party. In this sense, we may say that the dictatorship [of the proletariat] is substantially the dictatorship of the Party..." ~ Josef Stalin

There it is, there....

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