There are men out there who are 'sceptical'. They are sceptical because they are weak, and judge the world by their own weakness. Where they see other men as criminals, liars, and traitors it is because they themselves are dominated by these negative attributes. Where they scoff at the work of other men, it is because they have nothing to show for themselves. They 'mistrust', they 'hate' and they 'fear' because they are not up to the challenge of freedom.
Free men have no protection... they stand 'naked' before the world. They rise and fall on their own strengths and weaknesses. No one 'gives' them anything. Whatever they have is the result of their own actions... whatever they lack is the result of their own inaction. People everywhere are either free men or slaves, depending on their intellect, their courage, and who they are. In this respect, Freedom is a choice that rests on 'genetic nobility'.
Do you have the 'genetic makeup' to resist tyranny? to fight (and die if need be)? to endure without wavering? to triumph over all adversity?
Do you have the 'right stuff' to be a free man in a world of slaves?
The slaves are all around you... the brain-washed minions of the System. They need someone else to call the tune... so they can dance to it. They cannot think for themselves. They need a 'God', a 'government', a 'party', a 'system' to do their thinking for them. Corporate Capitalism wants to fill that niche. So that it can exploit them - until the day it kills them... And, it will eventually have to kill them. One way or another. Because slaves count for nothing. They only live to serve their 'masters' - and, then they are discarded.
Is that who you want to be? A slave who counts for nothing in the scheme of things?
Ask yourself, what happens when we run out of oil? Water? Food? Living space?
Do you think there will be any further need of you? Or your family?
Now is the time to show who you are. To establish, by your actions, if you have the 'right' to live.
It is a matter of life and death!
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