"If the people in power won't let us sit at the 'table' then we'll set the whole goddamned 'building' on fire." ~ Mike X
Let's talk about 'socialism'. Socialism is basically a search for a better life. If you're into money, socialism is the redistribution of wealth. If you are a 'person of color' (whatever the fuck that means) you want 'equality' based on your color... "Hey, I demand respect!" (Because I'm black, white, red, yellow or brown.) If you're queer you want people to see you and acknowledge how cool you are. "Hey, look at that dyke - isn't she cool." If you're a youth you want to be treated like you are old, and if you're old you want to be treated like you're young... " Socialism, especially Marxism, tries to form a majority out of the minorities...
How does that work?
Well, it doesn't really. Marxists just think it does. They like to foment discontent... stir shit up... they too want to be recognized and respected... "Wow, look at that Marxist - he's so cool he must be queer!" But, it never happens... nobody wants to hang out with someone who sits around reading all that old shit about the struggle between the proletariat and the capitalist exploiters... These guys are the champions of lost causes.
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a starving intellectual... he went to bed at night with 'visions of sugar-plums' dancing in his head... "Wow, this isn't fair." "Why am I hungry, cold, wet, etc., while some rich fuck has everything?" His mind raced on... the 'inequality' of the System... a thin coat with patches on the sleeves...
Why didn't he get a job?
Why do intellectuals have an aversion to manual labor?
So he did what he could do... he wrote about the System that was standing between him and his next bowl of soup... his big 'blockbuster' was Das Kapital: a book about how to get over in the Capitalist system... and then there were pamphlets criticizing what other people were saying... " You're thoughts are fucked up because..." He made himself an 'authority' on socialism.
He never opened a soup kitchen to feed the hungry. He never collected clothes to keep the workers warm in winter. He spent his time talking and reading and writing... you could call him a 'social parasite'... but that would be 'unkind'.
If you ever want to read some boring horseshit, study the writings of the Marxists... they use lots of words but they don't say anything you don't already know... and, don't forget to read Stalin's classic : On Nationalism. (International Socialism, indeed.)
So, No, Marxism isn't really socialism because it doesn't do anything to change social conditions - it just creates a new class of Mandarins, who make their living 'managing' the workers... In this sense, it is superfluous. Because the workers are perfectly capable of managing themselves.
21st Century Socialism
Modern Socialism sees the main enemies of the workers as Intellectualism, Religion and Corporate Capitalism. It abandons its quest to form minorities into majorities. And endeavors to serve the Will of the People. It keeps it's 'ear to the ground', so to speak, and works tirelessly to lead the working people to the 'Promised Land'... A Utopia of peace and plenty.
Modern Socialism doesn't bullshit people with theory. It doesn't try to stir people up against each other. It works to unite and organize the workers, students, and youth, to build a common future and a better world. It doesn't lie to people and tell them they will all be 'equal' in the new society. Instead, it explains that all human beings have certain needs... things that they need to survive and evolve... and it sets these needs as goals and goes after them.
This is Socialism....
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