We are Americans. Our minds are not held in thrall by the dogma of bygone times. We do not hope to restore the 'nobility' or 'get even' for being 'stabbed in the back' by the bicycle riders (or anyone else). We do not seek to establish a dictatorship, or the 'cult of the leader'. We see leaders as ordinary men who have stepped up to the 'plate', to do the best they can with what they have. They possess no special attributes other than the mandate of the people. (Which is always subject to revocation.)
As Americans, we have a dream of the way society could be. We will not 'sell out' our dreams to the highest bidder. No one can 'buy' us, or 'sell' us. We are not moved by 'hot air'. The only thing we are impressed by is success. Nothing succeeds like success. The mark of the successful man is supreme self-confidence. We are absolutely certain of the inevitable victory of our cause. (Because it is just and right.)
As Americans, we are 'fortunate sons'. We have been blessed by Providence. Our nation is rich in natural resources and our people are free and strong. We intend to stay that way. In the past, we have destroyed all those who opposed our 'core values'. We began life as a nation of revolutionaries against the aristocracy of England. We pushed westward in bitter struggle against the elements and the indigenous peoples. We took up arms in order that our nation might stay united and strong. We pushed the European powers out of this hemisphere. We carved out a niche in the world for ourselves. We fought two 'World Wars' so that others might enjoy their rightful portion of 'freedom' and 'democracy'. We fought a long arduous war against the 'red menace' of international communist despotism, and defeated it. We became the number one power on the Earth. And then, through the force of our own inertia, we lost our way.
As Americans, we are resolved to find a way out of the predicament we now find ourselves in. Our core values are still viable in the modern world. This 'experiment' in democracy shall not fail. It shall continue to evolve. Let tyrants beware! Those who oppose the will of the people shall forfeit their lives and their fortunes. Those who betray the United States of America shall suffer the consequences. No one is above the Law. There is no 'state of emergency' which can supersede the Constitution. The Corporate Capitalist devil worshipers have picked the wrong people to try to enslave - we shall crush all enemies of freedom and democracy!
As Americans, we will not allow our sacred Constitution and Bill of Rights to be trampled underfoot....
Toward a More Democratic Society
1.- Uphold the Constitution!
2.- Uphold the Bill of Rights!
3.- A Free Society! End censorship, surveillance, and police powers! Abolish Homeland Security!
4.- All power to the People!
5.- Assassination is murder!
6.- No concentration camps! Release all political prisoners!
7.- An end to war!
8.- Truth in advertising and politics!
9.- Morality cannot be legislated - We demand a separation of Church and State!
10.- Human rights! (All American citizens have the right to a clean and healthy environment, health care, public transportation, education, employment, wholesome food and clean water, a roof over their heads, and clothing to protect them from the elements...)
11.- Abolish the mercenary military - Restore National Service!
12.- Abolish the so-called 'Patriot Act'!
13.- All American citizens are equal under the Law!
14.- Work liberates the human spirit! Therefore work is a duty and not a privilege! All American citizens, from the top to the bottom shall engage in meaningful and productive labor!
Our principles will take shape as we evolve; but freedom, socialism, and democracy are our core values, and they are not negotiable....
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