
Socialism on a Personal Level

You say you want a revolution... Well, that's nice, but have you thought it through?

First, an idea springs up in the imagination. Then it takes form as a thought. The thought becomes an ideal. The ideal becomes a guiding principle of life. 

The 'guiding principle here is "Many hands make work light." Socialism is how we interact with others. The goal in mind is solving the material questions of the New Society... Who will benefit from the material wealth of that society? How will we treat each other? Where are we going to go with this new idea? Who will be in charge? What do we do with those who do not embrace our idealism? How are we going to make it all work?

People and Comrades (other socialists) will put forward the issues that they think are important... Health care, social welfare programs, provisions for old age, public housing, public transportation, etc. - those things that they think will make the world better... These will usually be in the form of slogans: "Feed the Hungry!" "End War!" "House the Homeless!" "Full Employment!", etc. And, they will be in the context of the main political goals: Social Justice, A healthy environment, liberty, equality, and universal brotherhood... 

For us, however, there is another goal that must be addressed. Namely, the continued survival and evolution of the human race. To provide for the needs of the people is a noble undertaking. No one should have to do without the basic necessities of life. Especially, in a nation as rich as ours. But, to ignore the needs of the Future is unwise. No, downright criminal.

Man is evolving... Therefore, our basic consideration is how we can aid in and facilitate that development. The New Man is the goal of socialism. He is the future of humanity. Ideally, the New Man should be healthy, sound of mind and body, as intelligent as possible, armed with the best education and training that the New Society can provide, and dedicated to the principles that we cherish.

The New Man should be free from want and fear. He should be supremely self-confident. And extremely able... His goal should be perfection and harmony with the Universe. Nothing less. For the Universe shall belong to him.

This idea, of the creation of the New Man as the ultimate goal of the New Society, separates us from every other political ideology in the spectrum. In this desire for the survival and continued upward development of the human race we are alone. Others merely pay 'lip service' to the Future, but we realize that Humanity must capture the future in order to survive and evolve!

The alternative is unthinkable...

Making Socialism Personal

As Lao Tzu so aptly put it, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

In the present context, that means living the 'dream' right now, in the present moment. Whatever your vision of the Future, start living your life like you were already there... Achieve your fullest potential - starting in the present moment! You don't have to wait for major changes to happen in society... Those changes can begin right now with you. If you want to get in shape, get a degree, have a family, be a leader of men... What are you waiting for?

There is no time like the present to start being the person you want to be.

Our vision for the Future is not mediocrity... It is, instead, one where all Americans give 100% to build a better society... If citizens of this great land are not prepared to give their all for America, then perhaps we need to rethink the requirements for citizenship... It is going to take a colossal effort to build a New Society. It is going to take unwavering dedication to create the New Man. There can be no 'holding back'. America expects every man, woman and youth to do their duty!

This is not mere rhetoric (bullshit)... What is the point of waiting until it is too late to save the environment, or the economy, or the lives and fortunes of billions of human beings? 

No one could be that stupid or callous - Not even a Republican!

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