If the economic situation does not improve, and Republicans achieve the significant cuts to vital social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and food stamps that they have been pushing for, the United States will indeed be on the brink of violence. A populace without jobs or social services is an angry, desperate one.
So, you say you want a revolution... good, so do we. Once the desire for change is present change will most certainly come... the problem is there is no plan for a united front against the System... don't worry, it will come. The reds are out there organizing as I write... they will be the 'first wave', the 'spearhead' of the revolution. It's what the reds do best... 'agit-prop'... let them do their thing.
The 'establishment'? They will attack. Videos uploaded to Youtube show NYPD officers apparently pepper spraying protesters, punching and dragging protesters... next, they will escalate the violence... violence always comes from the right... repression is the meaning and essence of 'republicanism'... standing around with your thumb up your ass is the essence and meaning of 'democratism'... violence and repression lead to counter-violence. It's a self-stoking cycle... one thing always leads to the other... This is good, because it exposes the true nature of the Corporate Capitalist System.
We must encourage the reds: "Don't chicken out you pencil-neck Che Guevaras! Your hour has finally come - Go for it!"
More than likely, people of color will be the 'second wave'... Watermelon and fried chicken, followed by burritos and enchiladas... a smorgasbord of revolutionary delights... And if that happens, we should look to London for what happens when public resentment has no political voice. The UK riots that kicked off in Tottenham were preceded by an unsuccessful mass movement against the Cameron government’s austerity measures, but were themselves an anti-political, violent rampage of disaffection. It is hard not to wonder if the same will occur in the United States sooner or later, if the interests of the greater public continue to be sidelined for those of corporations... This is also good.
We must also encourage people of color: "You are slaves, both historically and pragmatically, you have been brought to the United States to work for the 'man' for substandard wages... when, pray tell, are you going to act like men and throw off the yoke of slavery? Don't 'punk out' - this is your moment to prove that you are really men - if you let it pass you will be 'punks' forever!"
The third wave will be the anarchists, the fence-sitters, the local gun club militias, tax resistors and libertarians... Along with the survivors of the first two waves... by now they will have experience and an intense hatred of the System... there will be no prisoners... it will be dangerous to wear a suit and tie or drive around in a limo.
We must definitely encourage the 'third wave': "This is it motherfuckers, shit or get off the pot! Your very existence is dependent on your ability to fight against the System!"
We are the 'fourth wave'... The Secret of Battle is to show no mercy!
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